His Mate

1432 Words

ELIAS “Celeste?” Eury asked. “That’s nothing,” I replied, annoyed. “Just get out.” She raised a brow at me. “You care for her?” she asked again. I stared at her coldly. “It’s not your business, Eury. You’re just my pastime.” I blurted, rudely. She scoffed. “Damn you!” she was mad and I don’t care. “What? That’s not a lie, Eury. You know where you stand in my life.” I told her coldly. I massage my temple because of annoyance and Eury’s whining about Celeste. She’s not even my girlfriend or wife for minding my business about Celeste. “I know where I stand but I couldn’t accept the fact that you’re slowly caring for that human,” she was annoyed. I can sense it through her voice. “You don’t have a say on it, woman.” I halted. “Even if I care for her, you don’t have a say on it.” I de

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