
Saved By The Lycan King



Celeste Barlowe had lived in the dark for a decade since her father died in a car accident. Her father treated her like a princess while he was alive, but once he died, she was treated like a rug.

Not until she met Elias Turner, the man everyone fears for his uncommon green eyes and what he's capable of. She doesn’t realize, however, that the man has many secrets besides his frightening emerald eyes. He's a monster. But that doesn't take away from the fact that he was the one who saved her.

Celeste lives with Elias and has no idea she'd fall in love with him until she discovers his greatest secret, which has something to do with her.



“N-No… I didn’t do anything.”

“I will f**king kill you, woman! I’ve been so tired of your stupidity. I told you not to talk to strangers—”

“P-Please, don’t hurt me. My… My body is still aching—”

“Shut up!” his voice roared inside the room as he lifted my collar, pulling me near him. “Are you still gonna lie? I saw you talk to that man—”

“I… I didn’t say anything,” I managed to reply amidst my fear. And at this moment, I knew he would play and punish me again.

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CELESTE Would God forgive me if I planned to kill those demons who made my life miserable? “Celeste!” I clutched my blouse and wiped my tears away. My hands started to tremble; my heart started to thump fast. I don’t want to hear that voice because I know he will beat me again. “Celeste!” I hugged my legs as I buried myself in the corner of my small room. I covered my ears with my palms to shut the voice that echoed inside my head. “No….” I mumbled. My chest started to tighten as my heart seemed wrapped with barbed. I curled my toes, and the door burst open at this moment, leaving a loud bang as it hit the wall. “f**k it!” I close my eyes and don’t want to see him. Not this time. I’m tired—my body wanted to give up. ‘Don’t open your eyes,’ I whispered. I screamed at the top of my lungs when I felt his grip on my arms. ‘No matter what happens, don’t open your eyes,’ I thought. My lips twitched when I could feel the familiar pain that lingered in me. “How often do I have to tell you that you need to answer me when I call your name!” his stern voice pierced into mine, weakening my body. ‘Don’t open your eyes,’ I repeated to myself. However, his grip gets tighter, making me whimper in pain. “Open your f*****g eyes—” “P-Please…” my voice faded. “If you don’t open your eyes, I will f**k you hard as hell!” Upon hearing it, I opened my eyes and met his dark orbs, filled with lust and anger. My body began to shake fiercely. “P-Please… I need to rest—” “It’s just two in the afternoon, b***h!” He uttered and threw me on my small bed as if I were just a sack of rice. I gasped and searched for more space when my back met the headboard. When I noticed him smirking, my fear became more evident. As the hem of my dress began to lift, his gaze was drawn to my exposed legs. “You’re gorgeous, Celeste.” He walked closer to me as his gaze roamed around my body. He wet his lips as if he saw delicious meat. “N-Noah…” Noah’s smile grew wider, and in just a blink of an eye, he reached for my legs and started to caress my left, making me shiver in fear and disgust. I pushed away his hand, and I angered him even more. I felt his palm land on my cheek one moment, making me whimper in pain. “How dare you!” “P-Please… I need to rest—” “Part your legs!” he shouted, and I winced when I felt the droplets of his disgusting saliva on my face. Enduring the pain from his slap earlier, I did part my legs because he would do worse on me if I hesitated. Shaking in fear, I managed to part my legs. “I… I’m begging—” “Shut up!” he cut off the hum through my words. I saw his eyes glimmer when he saw the part he loved playing with. “Mom and Liza are not home. So, I can freely do whatever I want to your p***y,” he asserted, wearing his lusty tone. “And I can’t wait for the time to thrust my c**k inside your pinkish p***y,” he added. I can endure the pain when Noah slaps me, but my body gets weaker when he’s talking like a hungry demon who wants a taste of my flesh. “Brother—” “I am not your f*****g brother!” he shouted and pierced his icy gaze on me. “You are…” I twitched my lips when he crumpled the skin on my left leg, “my brother,” I added. Noah formed a sly smirk on his lips. “You’re giving me more reason to beat the hell out of you,” he said, gritting his teeth. His hands grabbed the garter of my underwear and pulled it down, exposing my mound. “f**k! Don’t you hear it?” He looked at me with his devilish smile. “Your goddamn p***y is inviting me,” he said and laughed thunderously. I was about to close my legs when he stopped me. “You’re really great at boosting my anger, huh? Don’t worry, my Celeste….” His voice made me shiver. I don’t know what to do anymore. I tried my best to escape from this hell, but they always caught me. I screamed when Noah pulled me down, laying me on my modest bed. And I know what will happen next. “N-Noah—” “Just shut up!” he asserted and grabbed my two hands, pinned them above my head as he sat on my side, and rubbed his thumb on my clit. I always expect this. Noah always treats me like a toy. If I dared to move, I would receive a hard slap or a punch in my stomach. I clenched my jaw. The familiar feeling and pain registered to me once again. And I can’t help to feel disgusted with myself. “f**k it! Moan!” he shouted even if I was in front of him. But instead of doing what he wanted, I spit directly into his face. “f**k!” he cursed even louder and stopped rubbing my clit. “You b***h—” “What are you doing, Noah?” The voice from a distance stopped Noah’s hand from landing on my face. My tears streamed down. I breathe rapidly. “Liza,” he muttered. I could sense the shock in Noah’s voice. “I thought—” “Didn’t I tell you to stop touching Celeste’s p***y a week ago? You promised me! Torture is torture! But I am your fiancé!” Liza’s angry voice roared inside the room. Another demon showed up. I closed my eyes when Noah closed my legs and pulled down the hem of my dress. “I… I can explain—” “You promised—” “I know. I know, babe—” “Shut the f**k up. Now, I want you to f**k me in front of Celeste,” Liza demanded. I don’t know how to react, I wanted to laugh, but the pain was way heavier than their idiotic and demonic demeanor. “Hey you, b***h! Open your eyes!” Liza uttered as she stepped near me. She smirked when I met her gaze. I gritted my teeth when she started to remove her clothes. “Don’t you dare close your eyes, or else you will get fifty whips from me,” she warned. “Babe… let’s do it some other time—” “Shut up! You broke your promise,” Liza said as she turned to her fiancé. But curse them as they can do wicked things. If my evil stepmother is here, I’m sure she will get delighted seeing these two f**k each other in front of me. “Who’s more beautiful? Celeste or me?” Liza, the psycho, asked her fiancé, and I saw how Noah smirked, and what he replied made me puke. “Of course, you,” he replied, reaching for Liza’s boobs. I was about to turn away when Liza reached for my jaw, making me wince because her grasp tightened. “Watch!”

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