His Climax

1429 Words

CELESTE As soon his lips touches my chest, I groaned even more. Looking forward, he’s marking me again. From the last time he marked my skin until now, it’s still in my chest. Damn it! He’s insatiable about marking me. “You’re. . .” I couldn’t pick up words to say. “I’m what, princess?” he asked, thoroughly. I shook my head, closed my eyes, and let him do whatever he wants to me. I’m just moaning his name, again and again as my nail dug at his back. I heard him groan so I looked at him. “Just dug your nails, baby,” he assured. “It’s nothing.” His kisses traveled to my mound, his other hand is cupping and playing with my buds and I felt so much arousal with it. I’m trying to suppress my moan but my sinful mouth backfired me. “Hmm. . .” I moaned. “Elias. . .” I called his name, erotic

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