Touch Me

1185 Words

CELESTE I don’t know what to say. Sometimes he’s sweet and afterwards he’s cold. I couldn’t understand him since he was not making it serious when we talk about something. Seems like I don’t know him even more. Even after he saved me from my own misery. My eyes roamed around and I noticed it was not my room. It was Elias' room. I stood up from his bed and walked out of the room. I didn’t know why he was doing this and still fresh in my memory. “Where is he?” I asked myself. ‘Looking for me, princess?’ that voice again. It’s his voice again. I closed my eyes as I stops walking from the corridor. It was Elias' voice and I’m certain that it was his. I can’t be wrong. I started to feel goosebumps when a cold breeze of the wind hugged my tiny body. I slowly opened my eyes and was startled

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