Kiss And Touch

1951 Words

CELESTE “My voice?” I saw the puzzle in Elias’ eyes. “I can’t be mistaken… it was your voice that I heard inside my….” I paused as I shook my head. No, I know what he’s thinking. “Never mind. Just go back to your room,” I said and walked towards my bed, but soon as I stepped twice, he grabbed me by the hand and pulled me closer to him. I met his gaze when I looked up and frowned. “I’m sleepy—” I didn’t finish my words when he suddenly claimed my lips. A shiver ran down my spine when he pressed his lips into mine. My heart thumped fast as his lips moved. He nibbles my lower lip as his hands gently press my back, caressing it. A moan slipped out of my mouth when he deepened it, making me join his pace. My body is feeling warm and afraid it will burst and result in a fire. This time,

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