Stop Seducing Me

1798 Words

CELESTE “What are we doing here?” I looked around the inside of the unit. After what happened in the living room, I didn’t leave the room, and the maid even delivered my food. I am not dumb not to figure out what’s happening. Fred doesn’t want me. “I don’t want Fred to get into my business. So, I will let you stay here. This is my penthouse, and do you see that building?” Elias pointed to the fifty-story building passing through the window. I nodded. “The top floor is my office. That’s where you work.” I bit my lower lip. “But,” I turned to him and met his eyes. I saw him arch his left brow, “what if Jade or Noah or that Liza will come here—” “You’re thinking that you will stay alone in here?” Did I make it too obvious? I nodded. Elias let out a faint chuckle, which surprised

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