Screaming For Help

2002 Words
“Do not fear, Celeste,” Liza says as she retrieves the whip from Noah’s bag, “this will be quick.” Celeste stood near the bed, her gaze darting to Liza. “Do not do this, Liza,” Celeste pleaded, causing Liza to laugh devilishly. Liza smirked and swung the whip into the air, landing on the carpeted floor with its tip. “Undress. Not unless you desired to be whipped in your dress—” “Stop,” Celeste pleaded with Liza. However, as Liza approached her, the woman laughed and arched her brow. Celeste took a step to the side. “Oh, please don’t tell me you’re going to flee. As if you can,” Liza asserted, swaying the whip towards her, but Celeste moved away unconsciously before being struck. Celeste’s eyes grew wider. She is unaware, but it appears her body was acting on her behalf—her mind was in disarray. All she knew was that she had been a little scared earlier. However, the fact that she has a chance of escaping suggests that there is something within her willing to do anything. “Amazing abilities for a slave such as yourself, Celeste. Liza said as she swayed her whip again, but Celeste moved away. “Great! I had no idea you were going to fight for this. I should have allowed Noah to accompany me—” “Oh, you shut up,” Celeste stated, much to Liza’s great annoyance. Celeste exhaled heavily and shook her head. “I apologize. That was not the case—” “One wrong move, and I’m going to kill you!” Liza let out a loud noise. Celeste’s chest shook violently. She appeared to be perplexed. She swears she did not do that on purpose; it was a result of circumstances beyond her control. “Now, Celeste, submit. You dislike it when we become enraged.” Liza clenched her grip on the whip’s handle. “Remove your clothes and face the wall—” “I am not going to do that.” THE CHATTER of the crowd eluded Elias’ ears as he drank peacefully on the left side of the banquet hall. A woman sat beside him, her hands roaming freely across his chest and giggling as Elias caressed her exposed shoulder. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s go to my room,” the woman said flirtatiously, eliciting a soft chuckle from Elias. Elias placed his glass on the table and fixed his gaze on the woman. “I apologize. I am not here to have a seductive night with a lovely lady,” Elias stated, winking at the woman. “But—” When someone stood in front of them and gazed at Elias, the woman did not finish her sentence. “Could we please have a moment, Elias Turner?” Elias smirked and met the woman in the eyes. “I suppose this concludes the meeting,” he said as he stood up. “What are you up to this time, Fred?” “Let’s talk privately,” Fred replied as they walked down the corridor toward the hotel rooms. “You are not safe here,” Fred stated as he met Elias’s gaze. Elias made a smirking gesture. “How come you say that? You previously acted as if you possessed authority when you said my name—” “You were aware that we were dealing with hum—” “What is it this time?” Fred was well aware that Elias was not a patient man. “Perhaps this is a trap.” Elias arched his brow and shifted his gaze. He chuckled softly. “Of all the places, this is the safest.” “Eli, pay attention to what I’m saying—” “Now, you are speaking to me in that manner,” Elias interjected. Fred clenched his jaw and let out a long sigh. “You have to listen to me. I am your…” he paused when Elias raised his left hand and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I couldn’t care less about your position. You’re completely ruining my evening.” Fred pursed his lips, and his fist clenched. When he saw Elias’s bottle-green eyes, he shook his head. He knelt and bowed his head. “Apology, sir.” Elias offered a smile. “Good. Now, behave normally as humans do,” he instructed before walking away. “Eli! You must pay attention to what I say. You have to get out of here,” Fred insisted, keeping up with Elias’s pace. Elias came to a halt and clenched his jaw, glaring at Fred. “I am referred to as your—” “I am aware. And I’m here to protect you. I know, and you knew I was always right. This could prove to be a trap. They desired your presence, Eli. You were aware of how much they desired—” “Help!” When Elias heard that voice, he frowned and looked around. “Did you f*****g hear that?” Fred was baffled. “Hear what?” “Watch over. I simply need to locate someone—” “Someone—Eli! Damn, it!” Fred cursed out loud when Elias disappeared from his sight. “OH, CELESTE, scream whatever you want. However, no one will hear—” “Really?” Celeste smirked and shifted to the opposite corner. “Do not try too hard to—f**k! Ugh!” Liza whimpered as Celeste hurled an ashtray from the side table. Celeste dashed towards the door and seized the moment to open it. “Celeste!” Celeste dashed into the hallway but tripped over her heels. “Damn it,” she screamed and cursed as she noticed Liza approaching her side. She pushed herself to her feet. Ignoring the pain in her ankle, she began to move away from Liza. ‘Where have all the people gone?’ Celeste pondered. “Damn, I nearly forgot,” she murmured. They are present at the party. “Celeste!” “Help!” Celeste screamed as she moved away from Liza. “Celeste!” Celeste glanced behind her and noticed Liza was already nearby. Damn, now she realized she was a wimp. ‘Damn it, Celeste. Shift your arse,’ she thought. “Help!” she screamed again. She was aware that it might be overheard. There ought to be. - - CELESTE I ran as fast as I could, even though my ankle hurt. I didn’t scream anymore; I was afraid Noah or Jade might hear it instead of someone else. Liza kept calling my name, but I didn’t dare to look back, and I turned to the right side when suddenly, I was pushed back by a strong force, making me stumble on the floor. “Ugh!” I whimpered. I looked up, and my eyes filled with surprise. “E-Elias,” I whispered his name. It was Elias, the man with bottle-green eyes. “What are you—” “Help me,” I begged and looked at my back. I could hear Liza’s footsteps. Good thing I made a turn, but unfortunately, I bumped into his broad hard chest. Elias stretched his hand towards me. I reached for it, and he helped me to get up. “Can you walk—” “Please…” I stared into his eyes, “get me out of here. She’s coming,” I said, and I knew he could feel how my body trembled in fear. “Hurry!” I uttered. I was about to step one foot when Elias carried me into a bridal style and ran towards the stairs. Oh, God! “Put me down. This will slow us down,” I said. However, he didn’t reply. “Elias—” “Celeste!” My body stiffened. Liza saw us. “Is she the one who’s catching you?” Elias asked me. And I looked at him, baffled. How can he express such a calm demeanor in this situation? “Y-Yes. Better hurry—” “Hold tight,” Elias interrupted when we reached the first floor. “Eli—what the—” “I’m taking the exit, Fred. Get the car,” said Elias to the man who had just arrived, but I didn’t have a chance to see his face. The area where we are is against the light. I tried to calm myself for a bit at least and rested my head on Elias’s chest. I could feel my hands shaking while they enveloped his nape. Fear is in me. I can’t stop it. But there’s something that grew inside my heart. Because I know I made it. One moment, as I tried to lift my head, my vision started to get hazy—I couldn’t clearly see anything. My chest pants heavily, and my side is moved as I feel Elias’s deep breathing. My eyes were slowly closing, and the next thing I knew, I was drawn into the dark. “CELESTE, my princess.” “Dad…” I saw how Dad smiled at me as he stretched his arms, waiting for me to hug him. “Dad!” I ran towards him and hugged him tightly. “I miss you so much, Dad.” I felt his warm hug, and it made me calm and happy, and it seemed like it always sent me hope that I could overcome my struggles. He let go of me and lifted my chin so that I could meet his eyes. “My princess. You’ve grown to be a beautiful lady, just like your mother.” I frowned. “Mother? I… I never see her.” I am confused. “I only knew her name—” “She really looks like you, princess.” “But where is she?” I saw how my father’s eyes widened, and the next thing I noticed was as I was standing on a cliff, and my father, who was standing in front of me, was gone. “Dad?” I looked around but could only see the vast, blue, and calm ocean, the tall trees below, and the stones. “Dad?!” I started to panic. “Dad! Where are you?!” “Dad!” “Celeste, wake up!” My forehead creased when I heard a familiar voice out of nowhere. “Celeste!” Soon as I heard my name once again, my vision got blurry. I close my eyes, and afterward, I felt my body fall. “Celeste…” I felt someone tap my face gently. I groaned softly and moved my body, but I couldn’t. “Celeste.” That voice… I opened my eyes and closed them again when the light struck them. “What do you feel?” I opened my eyes, and when my vision was adjusted, I saw Elias sitting beside me while his left hand was on my right. “Bad dream?” he asked and moved away. He stood up and put his hands inside the pocket of his trousers. I pressed my lips. “I… I saw my father,” I said and met his gaze. He nodded. “Where am I?” I asked and tried to get up, but I only whimpered when I felt my body ache. Elias moved forward. “Stay still and get some rest. I only checked you since you were shouting earlier.” “Did I?” “Yes.” “f**k—Oh, I’m sorry!” I asserted when I saw how his eyes grew wide, baffled. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to curse—” “Get some rest. Let’s talk later,” he said, turning his back away from me. “Wait!” Elias stopped and turned to face me. “T-Thank you,” I said, and he just nodded, then left. Wait, am I expecting more? ‘What’s wrong with you, Celeste?’
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