Settling In

1240 Words
Eva decided to spare the girl, who was all flushed from her tease. "Okay, Gen, let's head home now, shall we? You must be tired!? Genova quickly nodded her head. Indeed she was exhausted. And thank God her aunt wasn't planning on teasing her even more. She would have blown up for real if this had gone on. "Let me help with your luggage," Eva said with her arm stretched out to grab the large red suitcase. "Oh, I can manage-" Genova trailed off as the elegant woman beat her to it. "I know you can manage, dear, but let me at least be a good host and a supportive adult," she stated while transferring the baggage to her most significant hand. Genova tucked locks of fiery hair behind her ear, and her lips stretched into a smile. "Thank you, aunt," she muttered. "My pleasure. Now let's get you home." ----- Unlike many who chose to live in a city's center, Eva's house was far from it. The ride took them 45 minutes. Genova was amazed at how much Wooddale had developed over the years. She felt this was her first trip to this part of the planet due to its significant changes compared to the last time she visited. Skyscrapers, clean yet busy roads with luxury automobiles... Though Woodale was a city known for its nightlife, with 24-hour entertainment options such as casinos, nightclubs, hotels, etc... one would expect it to look like any other typical big city. But that was far from the case. The entire city of Woddale is covered with tall trees, beautiful flowers and many other plants. The state even had a vast Botanical garden. It was very green with surprisingly fresh air for such a bustling city - giving off the countryside vibes. Genova's mouth was agape through the entire ride at the beautiful scenery since their departure from the airport. However, her jaws almost dropped the second she spotted the massive mansion surrounded by tall trees, bushes and countless other smaller houses. The area looked like its own little village. Though she had been here before, the place seemed to have evolved significantly and become even more beautiful as time passed. Her aunt had done a great job preserving everything around her during these years. The car pulled over at the driveway, and Genova hurried out to get a better view of all that was within her visual range. While Genova was lost in her admiration, the entrance door opened to reveal a middle-aged woman with a bright smile on her slightly wrinkled lips. Recollections of a little girl with fiery hair and the most intense blue eyes she'd ever laid eyes on flooded Monica's mind. And before her right now was a beautiful young lady that little girl had grown up to be. "Welcome back, my dear." A sweet and courteous voice sounded, ultimately snapping Genova out of her fascination. It was one of the voices she would never outgrow. A sweet smile graced her strawberry lips as she turned to regard the middle-aged lady she hadn't seen for years. "Nana Monica. So good to see you again." She beamed and threw herself at the lady. Monica broke into a peel of cackles. "Be careful not to throw this old lady off her feet." "Oops... I am so sorry, Nana Monica," Genova mouthed apologetically and immediately let go of her. "There's no need for apologies, child, I am still well fit. Nevertheless, my strength is inferior to you, youngsters. I now lack the ability to take you in my arms as I always did in the past." Monica's eyes flashed with sadness for a brief second. Eva's arms crossed her chest as she watched how her niece threw herself at Monica. 'It seems old habits never change,' Eva muttered internally. "Let's get the young lady inside," Eva spoke and took the lead toward the mansion. "Have you prepared the room?" asked Monica after they were inside. "Yes, Miss Eva. Everything is according to your wish!" Eva hummed. "Come on, Genn. Let me show you to your room." Genova settled in her new room, unpacked her suitcase and sorted her things with Monica's support. When she was done, she went for a long refreshing shower and then decided to have a quick nap. The exhaustion from her travel was becoming impossible to avoid. Her body was screaming for sleep. But just as her back touched the soft and cozy mattress on the double bed, "Genova. Monica has fixed you something to eat. You must be hungry." Eva's voice sounded outside her bedroom. As though in unison with her aunt, her stomach suddenly made a loud noise. 'Oh s**t. I hope these walls are thick.' A red hue spread across her cheeks, praying her aunt hadn't heard the sound. That would be embarrassing. 'I guess that sleep will have to wait until later,' she muttered internally. "I will be down in a minute!" Genova replied tiredly. "Okay! I have to run now; see you at dinner!" Eva's response came then shortly followed by retreating footsteps. Genova blew out a breath. She picked up her phone and typed a quick message to her dad, informing him she was well settled in her aunt's home before exiting the bedroom to have her meal. Though the atmosphere was pleasant, and she was happy to be in her aunt's house again, Genova couldn't help but miss home as she ate her food. She glanced around the exclusive dining area situated at the corner of the massive modern kitchen and sighed. Sure the place looks exquisite. The dining area alone was bigger than her bedroom back in Roseville. However, home is home regardless of how small or incomparable it is with her current residence. Every one of her best childhood moments took place in Roseville. With her parents! Hence, nothing can compare to how much love the two most precious people on the planet showered her. What she had growing up was all she could ever ask for! The best parents and upbringing! Genova ate absentmindedly as she began reminiscing about her life in Roseville. She remembered how Zaina had avoided her like the plague after the hang-out on her 16th birthday. Genova couldn't stop wondering if it had anything to do with whatever she feared might have happened after her blacking out that night. Zaina wasn't one to miss opportunities to taunt her. In fact, Genova was surprised when Zaina suggested they hang out to celebrate her birthday. Deep down, she had suspected that Zaina was up to no good. Nobody could change so quickly and become nice within one night; she knew that. However, she still went ahead with the offer, intending to give her mean colleague the benefit of the doubt. But as it turned out, that was a mistake because something definitely happened that night. Genova sighed deeply. She can only hope her life in the city will be easier. Done with her food, she stood up and brought the empty dish to the sink to have it cleaned. This was one of the many things her mom always did for her. 'Oh, how I missed those beautiful souls I am fortunate to call parents.' A lone tear slid from her eyes, and she smiled sadly while placing the clean plate together with the rest. With that, she went upstairs to get that much-required sleep.
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