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Genova inched closer to her mom and gently wiped the tears away from the older woman's eyes with her thumb, her heart aching at the sight of her mother's sorrow. "Mom, dad. Please take good care of yourselves. I will phone you once our flight lands in Wooddale," she said, her voice trembling as she fought back her own tears. Mary sniffled, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Okay, honey... please be safe out there." "Be vigilant and always watch your back. Big cities aren't that safe for young girls like you; avoid getting deceived by some bastards that might try to sweet talk you into doing anything with them," her dad chimed in, his brow furrowed with concern. Mary and Genova both turned to look at him and burst into laughter, the tension momentarily broken by his overprotective words. The man's jaws were clenched, as though the mere thought of someone taking advantage of his daughter was about to make him go on a killing spree. "Our little girl isn't a child anymore, honey. She will find her right match one day and have her own family. I'm even more glad she's being sent away because no man will dare to pursue her knowing her dad will rain hellfire on them," Mary chided her husband, a hint of amusement in her voice. Ferd uttered no word, but his silence spoke volumes. One could tell he disagreed with whatever his wife had just said. He couldn't stomach the idea of any man getting rough and intimate with his little girl. 'I will kill the bastard before he even gets close,' his hands balled into fists as he swore internally, his jaw clenched with determination. [Attention please. This is to announce that flight 32456 to Wooddale is still boarding at gate 52. All remaining passengers, please proceed to gate 52 for your boarding. There will be no further call for this flight, thank you] Genova knew she was running out of time when she heard the announcement, her heart sinking at the realization that she had to leave her parents. "I have to go now-" she was saying when her mom gathered her again in a warm embrace, holding her tightly as if trying to commit the moment to memory. "Always remember that we love you so much, and we'll always be here for you whenever you need us," Mary said through tears, her voice thick with emotion as she finally pulled away from the young lady. "I know, and I love you guys more," Genova responded with a forced smile, her own eyes glistening with unshed tears. With that, she turned around and hurried toward the boarding gate without looking back, afraid that if she did, she might lose her resolve to leave. She didn't want to miss her flight, which would mean paying an extra fee to rebook the ticket. That would be a waste of money! Mary and Ferd stood there and watched until their daughter's figure disappeared - getting mixed into the busy crowd, their hearts heavy with the weight of separation. "I hope she will be safe out there. I am worried about her... we both know what happened-" "She'll be okay, my love. Don't worry too much about her; our little girl is smart and will know when she faces any danger," Ferd interjected, cutting her off from worrying too much, his voice reassuring despite the concern etched on his face. "Let's head back home!" He added, wrapping an arm around his wife's shoulders as they turned to leave the airport, their hearts torn between pride and apprehension for their daughter's future. ------ Genova was sweating bullets by the time she ultimately boarded the aircraft. She would have missed her flight any second later, her heart pounding with relief as she found her seat. She let out a deep exhale, wondering why traveling was so exhausting. If only she had teleportation magic like in those fantasy movies she had seen or could run as fast as the flash... Imagine how quick it would be to travel all over the world. [Good day Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the captain speaking. Welcome onboard aircraft (Airbox 386) to Wooddale. We are expected to arrive at our destination...] Genova quickly brought out her phone to inform her parents that she was already onboard the aircraft and was ready for departure while the announcement was ongoing, her fingers tapping furiously on the screen. When she was done sending them the text message, she turned the phone off before putting it back inside her handbag, leaning her head back against the headrest and closing her eyes for a much-needed nap. ~A few hours later~ Genova was woken up by one of the air hostesses, her voice gentle but insistent as she told Genova to fasten her seatbelt and prepare for landing. She yawned and slightly stretched her body, looking out the window to see the magnificent and bustling city of Wooddale, her heart swelling with excitement and anticipation. The last time Genova visited this part of the world was over six years ago, and a small smile graced her lips as she reminisced about memories of her aunt, the woman who had been like a second mother to her. One could tell they were happy recollections by the look on her face, her eyes sparkling with warmth and affection. Genova didn't waste time turning on her smartphone to let her parents know she made it to Wooddale in one piece the minute their plane touched down. After that, she did the same with her aunt, informing the woman of her arrival, her fingers trembling slightly with excitement. Done picking up her luggage, she headed for the exit in good spirits, her steps light and her heart full of anticipation. The excitement of seeing the second person that meant the world to her after her parents overshadowed the pain of separation she felt until now. Her steps came to a quick halt when she saw the lady standing about 177cm tall, dressed elegantly in a tan pantsuit and her healthy caramel locks danced along the early spring afternoon wind. As though sensing her niece's presence, Eva turned her head to the left, and their gazes met, a radiant smile spreading across her face. The excitement bubbling inside Genova skyrocketed the second she locked eyes with her aunt, and she quickened her pace, leaving her luggage behind as she threw herself into the older woman's embrace. "Aunt Eva. I've missed you so much," she murmured, her voice muffled against the fabric of her aunt's pantsuit, inhaling the familiar, comforting scent that she had missed dearly. "Oh, I've missed you too, honey. So good to see you again," Eva cooed, her arms tightening around her niece's slender frame. "Wow, look at you, such a fine woman you turned out, my dear." Genova blushed, her aunt's words igniting a warmth in her cheeks. Eva was always good with words, her compliments sincere and heartfelt. Eva chuckled, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Okay, miss sweet sixteen..." She leaned toward the girl and whispered conspiratorially, "You seem to have a very keen suitor behind you. The young man hasn't averted his gaze since you walked out of the exit gate. I wonder how your dad has managed to keep you safe until now. It must have been a tough job, given how you have developed all the right curves in all the right places." Genova felt her cheeks burn at Eva's remarks, her blush deepening as she glanced over her shoulder, suddenly self-conscious. She had assumed age would have done an excellent mellowing on her aunt, but that didn't seem to be the case. The never-aging woman was the same as ever! She was brazen and unabashedly honest, her words cutting through Genova's shyness like a hot knife through butter.
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