4: Emma

1440 Words
The following day, I woke up in bed alone again. The night with Mikael had just been a repeat of our morning together. I felt violated that he had touched my body that way without my consent, but also confused because, if I'm being honest with myself, I enjoyed his touch. I wanted more of him. He is like a drug, and I can't help but crave him. I don't know what's wrong with me. It will probably take a lifetime of therapy to figure it out. I put aside my thoughts, stretching and getting out of bed. On the dresser, I saw clothing and walked over. There was a pair of skinny jeans and a cream sweater, which felt expensive. I also saw a bra and panties set. I took these to the restroom and showered. The shampoo and conditioner smelt of almonds and honey. After cleaning and dressing, I walked out of the bathroom and saw Nina in the room. She brought me breakfast again. Today, it's French toast, breakfast sausage, and a sliced apple with orange juice and coffee. "Good morning, Emma," she said with a smile. I didn't respond; instead, I glared at her and didn't bother trying to hide the disgust I felt for her. "After breakfast, I can show you around if you'd like." "You mean I can leave this room?" I ask, trying not to let my excitement show too much. I didn't think I'd be let out of this room anytime soon. "Yes, Mikael wants you to be comfortable here, Emma. I can show you around the house, and if you're up for it, we can even walk some of the property. It's quite beautiful." I'm eager for this opportunity to explore and see if there is a way to leave this place. If not, maybe I can find a way to access a phone or computer and try to get hold of the police. I ate my breakfast in a hurry, and when Nina returned to the room, I was ready to go, at least as ready as I could be. "Can I have shoes?" I asked, looking down at my bare feet. Nina steps into the room and walks to the closet. She pulls out a pair of boots and socks, handing them to me. I put them on, and she starts the tour. The house is large—it's two stories and very spacious. The room I've been locked in is located on the second floor, which also has two more guest rooms. The first floor has Nina's room. She also points out an office, letting me know that it's Mikael's office and that he always keeps it locked. The kitchen is lovely, with black granite counters and white cabinets. The living room is spacious. "Are you up to taking a walk around the property?" Nina asks, looking at me as though it's a challenge. "Yes," I responded simply. I think she expected me to decline because her eyebrows raised in shock. The property is beautiful. It's a snowy landscape in a densely forested area. There isn't much to see, though. I look as far as I can to see if smoke billows up from any homes that might be nearby, but I don't see anything. There is no sign of anyone out here. I also don't see any vehicles. "Nina, I don't see a car or truck. How did Mikael bring me here?" I am truly curious to know how Mikael got us here. "Mikael has a small plane here. If you look to the east, you can see the plane hangar. It's the only way in or out of here." She studies me for reaction. I try to remain calm even though, internally, I am freaking out. "How do you get power out here with the home being so isolated?" I want to try to learn as much as I can about how things work here to at least try to find out if there is a way to escape this prison. "We are on a generator. Mikael brings fuel for it. Without the generator, we wouldn't have any power at all." Nina says this, as though it should have been obvious. "What about food, does Mikael have to fly that in or do you get food nearby?" She laughs at this. "There is nothing nearby. Mikael has to fly in all of our supplies. He does do some hunting occasionally, and we can go fishing in the early summer. There is a large berry patch nearby." Okay, I think to myself we are quite literally in the middle of nowhere in the snow. I don't think I will be escaping anytime soon. I certainly can't fly a plane, and I am well aware that I couldn't survive in the snowy wilderness by myself. "What do you do here? I mean, how do you spend your time? Is there WIFI?" I am genuinely curious. She chuckles at me again. "No, definitely no internet out here. I read, I use the small gym Mikael set up in the hangar. You can exercise there as well, I also enjoy fishing and just living a slow life." "How can you stand it here? What about interacting with other people? Don't you miss your friends and family?" "I love it here. I don't want to interact with other people. Do you know what kind of awful people are out there? I have no friends or family to miss." Her answer surprises me. Awful people out there. Does she not realize I didn't choose to be here, that I don't want this? "Awful people out there, you do know Mikael kidnapped me right that you kept me locked in a bedroom. You may not have anyone you care about but I do!" I raised my voice. At this, her face hardens and bitter lines form on her face. "The people out there." She says as she gestures wildly around us looking unhinged. "They killed the people I cared about. They took my family. You should consider yourself lucky Mikael brought you here. You will want nothing here. You haven't experienced the horror of the world and should be grateful." I know the look on my face is that of disbelief. She is out of her mind. I shouldn't respond but I can't help myself. "You have to be f*cking joking. I would rather take my chances out there." I say raising my voice to match hers and gesturing around like she had. "Then be here with my kidnapper and his psycho fan girl!" Nina slaps me hard. I just stare at her rage boiling inside me. "If you think he is so great, why does he have to force women into his bed? It sounds like you're just jealous he doesn't want to f*ck you." I spit a small amount of blood from where I bit myself when she slapped me. It stains the snow in front of her boots. "Oh, Emma, Mikael doesn't need to force women into his bed. He has no trouble with women. They throw themselves at him." She smiles at me, and I want to hit her, but I restrain myself. "I don't see Mikael romantically. He is my employer, and I respect him. I was hired to be here and take care of the home and you." This news sends me reeling. Does this mean he's been planning on abducting me? That would explain why they have clothes that fit me perfectly here. I need to get away. I need time to think and compose myself. I turned on my feet and stormed away from Nina. I don't know how long or how far I walked. I just walked until I felt myself starting to calm down. I didn't see any signs that any other people were out here. Not even a piece of litter. I heard a noise behind, and, not knowing what animals were out here, my heartbeat quickened, and I turned around, bracing myself for a bear. It was just Nina. "Are you ready to go back to the house? I can make some hot cocoa so you can warm up," she said sweetly, as though we were friends who were making up after a little disagreement. I looked at her incredulously but nodded and started following her back. I don't know if I could find my way back to the house from here; snow has started falling and filling the footprints I'd left. I am freezing. I am not dressed to be in this weather for as long as I have been.
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