
Falling For My Captor


Emma is in her senior year of college when she goes out for a night of fun with her friends ready to blow off steam. Emma is captivated by a man she meets at the bar. He has an aura of danger that draws her in, and something about his darkness draws her to him. As her classes end and she decides what she will do now, she can't get the man out of her mind. It's not long before Emma finds that he hasn't been able to get her out of his mind either, as she finds herself abducted by the same man she had been hoping yet fearful to see again.

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My best friend and roommate, Katie, has convinced me to go out tonight. She wants to celebrate that we are both seniors at the University of Washington and almost done with school. I usually wouldn't go out with her instead of studying, but at this point, I could fail my finals and still pass my classes, so I agreed. We decided to go to a club called Kitten's Playground. We hadn't been to this club before but had heard from some of our peers that it was the place to be. Katie was ridiculously excited. I agreed to go out. I put on my tight little black dress and high-heeled knee-high boots. They are sexy and make my legs look long, which doesn't happen most of the time as I'm short at only five feet two inches. I have my long red hair up in a high ponytail. I chose to keep my make-up fairly simple, with some eyeliner and mascara. I threw on a little foundation and blush to brighten my face, and I'm ready to go. Katie looked gorgeous as always, her blonde hair curled in beach waves and wearing skinny jeans, a sapphire halter top, and matching heels. She is great with make-up and has gone with a smokey eye. I didn't plan to drink much or stay out too late, but still, we decided to take an Uber, and there was no reason to drink and drive. We arrived at the club, and the music was loud and more crowded than I thought it would be. It makes me a bit uncomfortable. Katie led the way to the bar and wasted no time saddling up with cute guys to buy our drinks. After Katie thanked the guys for the drinks, she dragged me onto the dance floor. I lose myself in music until I need to use the restroom. Katie danced with one of the guys who had bought our drinks. I made my way to the restroom. I felt eyes on me and turned to see a man looking at me. The man looking at me has ice-blue eyes, and he is tall and muscular, not in a bodybuilder way but in a way that shows his trim, defined muscles beneath his shirt. He is tan, with sandy blonde hair. I look back at him and can't help but wonder what his mouth would feel like touching my skin. I want to know what his mouth tastes like. I feel myself blushing. He is making his way towards me. As he gets closer, I can see he is probably in his late twenties. He is even more striking up close. "I'm Mikael, tell me beautiful, what's your name?" He asked, leaning down his breath, sending a tingling sensation across my skin. "I'm Emma." I said, and my voice came out a bit breathless. "Emma, I like that," he says, showing his white teeth, and he grabbed my chin between his index finger and thumb, tilting my head up. I should step out of his grasp. His possessiveness of me sends a tendril of fear down my spine, but I don't step away because a part of me likes it. A warmth spreads through me to my core, and he leans down kissing me, his tongue lapping against mine and I can't stop myself. I returned his kiss. He bites my lip and not hard enough to draw blood, but I think I'll have a bruise. He steps back, releasing me from whatever hold he had me in. "Have a goodnight Emma," he grins at me and I turn and quickly head to the restroom. It doesn't take long before I go back out and find Katie. I told her I needed to go home. She must sense something was wrong because she came with me. I couldn't tell her about Mikael. I just don't think she would understand, and I wouldn't be able to explain the way he made me feel. I woke up the morning after we went out, and I was right. My lip was bruised and, surprisingly, that reassured me. I don't think I want to run into Mikael again, but feeling the bruise on my lip comforts me and knowing I can still feel his touch on me in this way is oddly exciting. It's been two weeks since the night I met Mikael and I can't stop thinking about him. We had our graduation ceremony yesterday and I couldn't help but look out into the audience to try to find him. Since that night, I sometimes feel like I'm being watched, and it's a horrifying feeling, but a part of me just wants to see him one last time, maybe to reassure myself that he's not the monster that has taken a place in dreams since I met him. I need to know he's just a man. Tonight Katie and I are going back to Kitten's Playground to celebrate our graduation. Katie with a degree in education and myself a degree in psychology, which makes my obsession with Mikael that much more disturbing to me. Tonight I dressed in black skinny jeans with the same knee-high boots and a red crop top. Katie curls my hair and does my make-up. I feel confident and look like a femme fatale walking into the club. This time I'm the one who is chatting up a group of good-looking men. Katie is loving this persona I've put on tonight. I am flirting, trying to get the thought of Mikael out of my mind and I can't think of a better way to do that other than to lose myself to a man of my choice for the night. Katie and I find ourselves on the dance floor. I can tell I've had too many drinks as my thoughts are clouded. I feel a man behind me, and I feel something hard and warm behind me. I turned suddenly and found myself pressed up against a man. I looked up and saw it was Mikael. He'd pushed the other man I was dancing with to the side. I feel fear rush through me at the sight of him. He grabs my hair, pulling hard, causing me to look up at him and angle my mouth where he wants it. "I've missed you, my pet." He says, lust in his voice, and my body responds, the heat pooling in my core. His other hand touches my face, and he lets it move down, caressing my breast and warping it behind me, somehow pulling me even closer. He leans down, taking my mouth with his. His breath was warm and tasted of peppermint on my lips, and his tongue teased my lips until they parted, granting him access, and he kissed me, taking his time before pulling back and playfully biting at my lip where he bruised me not that long ago. I felt a moan escape my mouth and pull back. I saw the lust filling his eyes. I put my hand on his chest. I let it linger there a moment too long before I pushed back away from him. "I have to go," I mumbled and hurried to the restrooms. I walk past them, though I know there is a side exit here. I saw it the last time we came. I pushed out of the door, taking two steps before stopping, placing my hands on my knees and trying to compose myself, when I felt a sharp jab in my thigh. I saw a dark figure as I fell to the ground, my vision going black.

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