2: Emma

1051 Words
I woke up, and my body ached, my head pounding. How much I drank last night was my first thought. I stretch out in bed and notice the sheets don't feel right. They're much nicer than my own, and the bed is larger. I opened my eyes and covered my face with my hands. Did I seriously go home with some random dude from the club? G*d, what is wrong with me? I sat up slowly from the bed and looked around. No one else was in the large room with me. I'm on a king-size four-poster bed in dark mahogany. There is a matching dresser and nightstands. I look down and realize I'm not in my clothes from last night. I'm instead wearing a cotton pajama set. I don't remember changing into this or even how I got here to begin with, so I'm sure I didn't change on my own. That means someone else undressed me. I feel violated knowing this. I noticed a cup of water and two Tylenol pills on the nightstand next to me. I picked them up and noticed a note had been placed there for me as well. My pet, Take the Tylenol, you'll feel better. Nina will be bringing you breakfast. I'll be back soon. That's it, that's all the note said, and last night suddenly came rushing back. Its Mikael. He brought me here. I remember being outside, and I was jabbed with something. I stand quickly and look for a mark. My skin is so pale any time I have a vaccine I can always see the bruise and there is a small mark on my thigh. I was given something that is why I couldn't remember how I got here it wasn't my choice. I did a mental check. My body doesn't feel sore the way it would after s*x, but I still reach my hand between my legs. There's nothing there. I release a sigh of relief. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach and raced to the open bathroom door I could see at the far side of the room and let go of what little was in my stomach. I sat on the bathroom floor, holding my knees to my chest. I try to compose myself. I need to find out what he wants. I have an idea there are not many reasons men steal women, and that thought makes me sick again. I see mouthwash on the sink and stand up and quickly rinse my mouth, not wanting to taste the vomit or the stale alcohol. My mouth is incredibly dry. I didn't want to drink the water he left me, though, so I took a handful of water from the sink, took just a sip, and then rinsed my face. "Emma," said a voice from the bedroom that must be Nina, bring me breakfast. I hurried out. She had set a tray on the bed. On it were coffee, orange juice, a delicious-looking omelet, and fresh fruit. My stomach growled, and she smiled. "Nina, thank you for breakfast, but I should be heading home now," I said and started walking towards the open door in front of me. "Mikael will be back tonight. I'm sorry you need to wait here." She said, her voice stern. I look at her, determining if I think I could get past her. She looks to be in her thirties. She looks very fit with lean muscles; she has short dark hair and tattoos running up the entirety of her right arm. She is taller than me, looking to be around five feet eight inches or so, but I think I'll test my luck and try to get past her even though she looks stronger than me when I suddenly become dizzy and my head pounds. I sank to the floor. "Emma, take the Tylenol and eat breakfast. It's been at least a day since you last ate. I'll come back to check on you later." Nina said as she left the room, and both fear and fury ran through me. I pushed past my dizziness and headache and ran to the door, but as I reached for the handle, I heard Nina lock it from the outside. I pounded against the door and screamed for her to open it. All that I'm met with is the sound of her footsteps walking away. I turn and look at this not as the beautiful setting I woke up in but as my new prison, and I let myself slide to the floor. I sat there sobbing for around ten minutes, but my body was sore, and I needed to eat and clear my head if I'm going to have any chance of figuring out how I was going to get out of this mess. Walking over to the bed, I picked up the plate and moved it to the little table I'd noticed sitting in a bay window. I open the curtains and nothing but miles of snow and dense forest. My heart sinks, not recognizing the landscape. I took the Tylenol and sat down to breakfast. I'm thankful for the coffee. I hope the caffeine will help me to think straight. The omelet is fantastic, and I eat it quickly and enjoy the fresh berries. The orange juice is freshly squeezed. I feel better than I did. I need to plan how I will get out of this situation, and I will start going through every corner of the bedroom and bathroom. I was unable to find anything useful, and the window didn't open. I spend the morning contemplating all the horrible things that might be in my near future. I go to the door of the room again and find the hinges are on the outside, so I won't even be able to break or loosen them in hopes of getting out. I tried banging on the door and screaming and yelling for Nina to help. I cried and pleaded to her. I was met with silence. I finally gave up and took a book from the shelf. I need to try to distract myself from this new reality. It's hard to stay focused though I still feel groggy and fall asleep with the book still in my hands.
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