A woman

1051 Words
Julian's pov My feet stepped into my bedroom and Kyren followed me inside. He was curious and somewhat suspicious of my relationship with Mr.Green. I opened my wardrobe and took out a white nightdress, ignoring his presence standing next to me. “Not gonna explain anything?” His palm closed the wardrobe. My eyes shifted to his angry face. “When will you stop acting like a protective brother? Even Noah, my blood brother, doesn't interfere as much as you do!" All of a sudden, he came closer, clutched either of my shoulders, and pinned me against the wardrobe gently. “Stop comparing me with Noah all the time, hmm?” His deep voice muttered. “Why shouldn't I?” My brows furrowed. His face moved closer to mine. “We're different.” My heart was in my mouth…Kyren was standing too close and even his breathing was caressing my lips. “How are you different from Noah?” “Noah is your brother, and I'm just protective.” He answered. My eyes widened slightly. Did he just refuse to call himself my brother in an indirect way? No, that can't be! Stop overthinking, Julian. He rested his right palm on the wardrobe and looked deep into my eyes. “Now tell me…why did your boss drop you home again?” “We went to dinner.” “Romantic date with boss?” His tone changed to cold. “He saved me that night, so I treated him to dinner, nothing else.” My words told the truth without hesitation. His perfume filled my entire space, whereas his thighs were touching mine. “What did you do after dinner?” “Straight home.” He consumed silence for a few seconds and then said the most unexpected thing. “Julian Reinhart.” “You're not allowed to date anyone, keep this in mind.” I was taken aback completely. A breath slipped free of my lips. “Well, you're in no position to decide that for me, brother.” “Also, I should start dating now…” The corner of his mouth curved. “Start dating?” “Do that if you have guts.” He uttered the words as a challenge. “Huh?” The space between my brows folded in distress. “Try dating someone if you have the guts…because I will make sure no guy dares to approach my little one.” “Are you even listening to yourself?” He chuckled and slowly took a few steps back from me. “Mommy” Tris’ voice attracted my attention. His small feet ran over to me and I lifted him in my arms. “We’re going to the amusement park tomorrow, right?” He said with so much excitement. “Of course, we're going.” Kyren answered his question. “Yay!” Tris clapped. He came closer to us, kissed Tris' forehead, and gently pulled his cheek. “I want to ride everything, Mr.Tenant.” “Me, too!” “But Mommy is scared of rides.” Tris whispered to Kyren. “Hmm…then we will kidnap Mommy and take her to every ride with us.” Kyren whispered back and Tris giggled. “You should go to your room now!” My words mumbled to Kyren. “Bye, Mr.Tenant.” “Bye, Champ.” His eyes looked into mine one last time and he walked out of the room. *** Later that night… Kyren's pov Noah and I were on the balcony, smoking. “Did you buy the Vorlox building?” He inquired. “The building is good for my new office.” My lips replied. He nodded his head. Joly stepped foot in the garden with Tris and they started playing with a ball. Their laughs replenished the air. “She's still a kid, isn't she?” Noah chuckled. I used to see her as a kid…but ever since I came back, things have changed. She was so immersed in playing with Tris that her eyes didn't even notice me and Noah on the balcony, staring at them. “My sister went through a lot.” “Joly deserves happiness, and now that you're here, I'm sure you will protect her from all the bad guys.” Noah stretched his arms as he said the words. He wants me to protect his sister from all the bad guys…but who will protect her from me? I get irritated whenever I see her with her boss and the thought of her dating someone else ramps up my blood. Even now my gaze couldn't help but admire her in her white nightdress. Noah was looking at her cute sister, whereas my gaze was different. This means... I have started to see her as a woman. F*ck! She's your best friend’s sister, Kyren. *** Meanwhile… Rhett's pov My feet stepped out of the shower only to see Mom sitting on the couch. “I didn't give you the spare key to use it whenever you feel like it!” My lips said with a little annoyance. She got up from the couch and walked over to me in the kitchen. “Your dad is very upset.” Here we go again… “Why now?” “It is about Amber.” She murmured. “She's your fiancèe and you have been ignoring her for days.” Her voice was trembling. “Don't upset your dad, please.” “Our engagement was a business arrangement, Mom.” “Don't expect anything from me and Amber knows that, too!” I was very much done dealing with the same thing over and over again for the past six months. She sighed. “Amber will soon become your wife…at least give her some importance. She never demands anything from you but that doesn't mean she's not hurting.” “Take her out tomorrow and also discuss the wedding venue.” “This is your dad's order.” If only they know that my heart belongs to someone else, not Amber. “Fine! I'll take her out tomorrow.” A smile glinted on her lips. “Thank you.” Only for your sake, Mom. If I don't go out with Amber, then Dad might lash out his anger at you. This is getting worse!
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