A scary night

1217 Words
The next morning… Julian's pov I kissed Tris' forehead while he was asleep in my bed and stepped out of the room as quietly as possible. “Going somewhere?” His deep voice startled my soul. He was sitting on the couch and his laptop was in front of him on the tea table. His hazel eyes were underneath a pair of white transparent glasses whereas his stain blue shirt was unbuttoned from the top, exposing his clean chest. “Good morning, brother.” My soft tone wished him, without a smile. I almost forgot he was staying with us. It would take me a lot of time to get used to his unwanted presence. “Good morning, little one.” He replied to my wish in his deep voice. “Where are you going?” His brow raised. “Office…I'm an illustrator now working for Art & Beyond.” Words came out of my mouth in a calm tone. “Really?” A smile glinted on his lips. He appeared to be proud. “That's great, little one!” “You were always crazy about art and I still remember my drawing.” His eyes perked up as he remembered that day. “My drawing wasn't great that time.” My timid voice answered. A drawing in which his handsome face was beyond recognizable, yet he pretended to like it. “I should go now!” He nodded his head and shifted his gaze back to his laptop. “ARE YOU LEAVING?” Noah shouted from upstairs. “Geez! What's his problem?” My lips murmured. “Did he sleep in your room last night?” “Uhm…yes!” A mischievous look shrouded his face as if he was trying to hide something. “What's going on?” I became curious. “BYE BYE, SISTER!” He shouted again. My eyes rolled sarcastically. “He caught his fourth girlfriend cheating on him with a bartender. He was pretty devastated and drank himself to death.” Kyren explained. “Fourth girlfriend?” He shrugged his shoulders. Noah was cheating himself on God knows how many girls and he was heartbroken that his fourth girlfriend cheated on him. Why is he my brother? “Gosh! I just hope he finds a girl who can wrap him around her finger.” Kyren chuckled and that sight fluttered my heart for the first time in four years. No, get a grip, Julian! He's not worth it. My feet rushed out of the house. *** Later that day… I entered Mr.Green’s office with the revised illustration and he rejected it again. “Come closer.” His deep voice commanded. My steps slowly approached him at the glass table and his devilish blue eyes looked into mine. “Now focus, okay?” My head nodded. He started explaining the changes he would like to see in the illustration and I listened to each of his points carefully. After he was done… “Is that clear?” “Yes, sir.” I have been working at Art & Beyond for two years and the first few months were pure bliss. Our old CEO was friendly and easygoing, but one day, out of nowhere, Mr.Green took over his position and started the dictatorship. He would make everyone work to death and even a small glimpse of him would send shivers down my spine. No one in the office knows that I have a kid except for Freya. “You may leave!” He ordered. “Yes, sir.” Rhett Green, you're a devil….my lips cussed him in my mind. *** After 9 pm… Everyone else was gone, I was the only one who stayed back working my a*s for an illustration. *Cell phone ringing My fingers pulled out my cell phone from my yellow bag and Ethan's number flashed on the screen. “Why is this b*stard calling me?” I rejected his call and blocked his number. *Yawn “Let's go home for now.” My eyes were tired and way too sleepy. I noticed the lights were still on at Mr. Green’s cabin. This man was a hardcore workaholic and had no fun in his life. My feet sneaked out of the office quietly. Upon reaching the street in front of the office building, my eyes widened with his unexpected presence. Ethan Scott. “Why did you reject my calls?” He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. “What the f*ck are you doing?” I screamed. The street usually stays empty after 7 pm since the area has only office buildings for working people and most of the employees leave their office after 6 pm. A few people like me immersed themselves in night shifts. Even the shops and restaurants only stay open until 6 pm for the employees. He grasped my mouth and dragged me to a dark alley next to my office building. He was out of his goddamn mind. “Let me go, you i***t!” His strength pinned me against the wall. “I was never your type, right?” My eyes widened with shock. He was fuming to hurt me. “Shall we have some fun and find out whether I'm your type or not?” His brow twitched and his gaze landed on my cleavage. “Get off me!” He wouldn't listen to a word and tried forcing himself upon me. My body was struggling against his strength, yet he was stronger. I held my breath and kicked his cr*tch! He stepped back in pain, and my feet gushed to the end of that dark alley and bumped onto a strong chest. My teary eyes looked up at the person…and it was Rhett Green. “You f*cking b*tch!” Ethan cussed, holding the area between his thighs above his pants with both hands. Rhett’s eyes turned cold and he gently slid me behind his broad back. Ethan was startled, he wasn't expecting a dangerous man guarding me. He got scared. Rhett rolled up his black sleeves on his masculine arms, walked over to him, and punched his face. Just one punch knocked Ethan down. He looked into my eyes and fixed his blue tie on the collar. “Thank you!” My trembling voice muttered. He walked over to me again. “I will drop you home.” His deep voice uttered the words. “Uhm…no, it's fine.” He tilted his head and grabbed my wrist. “Mr.Green?” “I said I will drop you home!” The entire car ride he was silent. He didn't ask anything about Ethan and a part of me was glad about that. It was already awkward enough. After a silent car ride, he stopped in front of my house. “Thank you so much.” Having said that, I got out of the car and his eyes were focused on the steering wheel. The moment my hand closed the car door, he stormed off within seconds. My lips sucked in a deep breath. I took steps towards the main door only to see Kyren leaning on it with his arms crossed on his chest and his eyes cold as the ocean in winter. “Who was he?” His brow twitched.
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