Chapter 6

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Khaterine Parker It had been a month since Damian had the surgery, after several physiotherapy sections they finally discharged us yesterday and in that month I was taking care of everything in the mafia and the construction company. ... I'm in the construction area, where new condominiums are being built for Mr. Markov. And a man comes to me, had black hair, an unshaven beard, seemed to be in his early thirties and dressed very well. - Good morning Miss Cooper, my name is Dylan Markov. I'm Mr. Markov's son and I came to see how the works are going at my father's behest. - Dylan reaches out his hand and I delicately squeeze it. - Nice to meet you. Come on, I'll show you some of everything. I started by showing how the buildings were going, and everything was coming out flawless. I'm sure the people who would live here would love it. After finishing it was my lunchtime I invited Dylan to have lunch with me at one of the restaurants near here. We were already inside the restaurant and after we ordered the waiters brought the food and at this moment we found ourselves savouring it. - Your father told me that you're a lawyer, it's a beautiful profession. - I say while savouring the lasagna dish I loved lasagna. Dylan also asked for the same thing. And we were accompanied by a good vinho verde. I loved vinho verde. - Yes, I'm a women's lawyer. I work with women who suffer domestic violence and defend them. And I have an association that fights against domestic violence. - Wau, that's very good! I already admire you, one day I want to visit your association and donate. - I say marvellous about the work Dylan did. I know Damian is cold to me, but thank God he never raised his hand to me and never endeavoured to have relations with him. On the contrary, he always respected and we only had relations when we both wanted to. I remember that at the beginning of the wedding Damian didn't want to touch me, I thought I was a child and didn't see me as a woman. But I was already twenty years old even though he was thirty. But your cold way hurts me to this day. - And tell me about you, Miss Cooper. - Dylan said. - I did architecture, and I always liked my course. I'm currently married to Damian Cooper. But you probably already know that. And call me Khaterine. - He smiled at the same. - Mr. Cooper was lucky to find a beautiful, intelligent wife with a noble soul like you. Because you don't look anything like you. He's quite opposite of you. - Dylan says. I'm a little uncomfortable with the last of what he said about me and Damian being different. - Oh, but opposites attract. - He smiled to disguise, but inside me what he had said affected me. How would you explain to him that I live in a mafia world and my parents planned my wedding together with Damian's godfather. And I, like Damian, had no choice. In the mafia, marriages are arranged... But I confess from the first day I saw him when I was eighteen, I fell in love with him himself feeling the opposite. Shortly after we formalised the relationship, and we got married two years later I was already twenty years old. Damian is definitely a Greek god and any woman would fall in love with him, it is not in vain that to this day several women in the mafia as well as outside it drool over him. Owner of a manly body, that unshaven beard that makes him extremely sexy, his hair perfectly aligned. The penetrating blue eyes and his hoarse voice, not to mention that it has a mysterious air... His intelligence makes him even more attractive. - Well, I think I have to go because I have an appointment. - I mean looking at the time on my watch. - Thank you for accepting to have lunch with me. - I mean getting up because I had to go to the mafia headquarters. - It was a pleasure Khaterine. - Dylan says smiling. Damian Cooper I was bored at home after physiotherapy and asked my chauffeur to take me to where Khaterine is. I wanted to see how the work on the construction site was going. I walked with the help of crutches and very soon I know I could walk without needing them. As soon as I arrived at the scene the chauffeur went to confirm that Khaterine was really there and then came back and said: - Mrs. Khaterine is not present. And she went out accompanied by a man. - Accompanied by a man?! - It seems like I had only heard that. Khaterine has gone mad? At that moment my blood was boiling, I couldn't tell why. In these five years of marriage Khaterine has never given me problems with jealousy, she has always obeyed my rules! I've always told you to stay away from men. She could only have contact with my father, his father and Christian. But I see that the fact that I give her command of everything has opened a gap for her to feel free and do what she gives her on the tile. When we get married rarely leave the house, only to the mall, the parents' house because she is the only daughter and at the dances I took her. And we travelled together, she was always with me and didn't dare to talk to a man near me because that man wouldn't live to tell a story. And the mafia men were afraid to gallant her because I've already killed some for trying to look at my wife in a malicious way. I take it from my phone and remember that in your wedding ring I put a chip as a precaution if one day they kidnapped her. She's in a restaurant near here, I give the location to my chauffeur and the same as the departure. As soon as I arrive Khaterine was sitting, eating and smiling at a man. They both seemed to be great friends, and the conversation seemed pleasant. Wait, I know him, he's the son of that old man who was giving me problems. Khaterine never smiled at me like that, "but of course because you an asshole never exchanged many words with her. And she always ran away from her, never wanted to have a pleasant conversation with her." The voice in my mind says and I ignore her and go to them. - Good afternoon, do I get in the way? - I ask while I take off my sunglasses. - No Damian, I was already leaving because I had issues to deal with. - Khaterine says smiling a little nervously at me. Because she already knew me and knew that I wasn't happy with that situation at all. If it weren't for the fact that I had these crutches I would have already punched this lawyer well, leaving him disfigured. - So let's go home Khaterine! - I say calmly, but inside I boiled. The lawyer tries to greet me but I ignore him. And I tie a dark look at him... Khaterine accompanies me, and as soon as we are in front of the car Khaterine enters and then the chauffeur helps me get in. - Marcus, I want that man's record. And it's for yesterday. - I say while we were on our way home. - What will you do with it? Damian, he didn't do anything wrong. I was the one who invited him to lunch. - As soon as she says that, my nerves increase. - Have you completely lost your judgement? Did you forget the rules? Do you think why I gave you a little freedom and you can a***e her? And that man knows very well that you are a married woman, he should have denied the invitation. I don't like it when they mess with what my Khaterine is! You should know more than anyone else. You know it belongs to me and just knowing that you were there together with cutey I want to kill that man. If I wasn't in that Khaterine wheelchair, your friend would leave that disfigured restaurant. - Damian, I've already said that nothing bad happened! - Khaterine shouted. - And don't you dare to do him any harm. - She added. She cared about the idiot, and yes I was jealous, I never thought I'd feel that way about Khaterine. - Do you care about him? How long have you been together? From today I want you away from the work that involves that family and it's an order. As the owner of the company I have the full power to get you out of it. - You've gone crazy for good! - Khaterine rolled her eyes and crossed her arms looking at the window. Khaterine was really getting rebellious, so I didn't want her near my business. Your place was at home, now I don't know how I'll deal with this new Khaterine. Khaterine Parker Damian was definitely crazy, and yes I couldn't go there or see Dylan anymore because Damian could kill him and I would have to protect him. I enjoyed talking to Dylan and knowing that he helps women. You never see Damian like that, jealous of me. Did he like me or did he have his ego hurt? Because I never gave him reasons and today he looked like an animal. After putting on my pyjamas I was already ready to sleep. Damian was in bed, messing with his note book. His hair was messy because he just got out of the shower and that made him extremely sexy. Not to mention the glasses he had because he wore eyeglasses for reading. I approached the bed, and that made Damian's gaze fall on me. His eyes burned with desire, and it was the same desire I had. Damian was without a T-shirt, his body was n***d showing his chest and abdomen perfectly sculpted. It's okay that my husband had his flaws, but I couldn't complain about s*x because I was very well fed at home. Damian takes off his glasses and leaves his laptop at the bedside as soon as he realises what I want. I get closer and he pulls me to an urgent kiss causing me to sit on his lap. Our tongues were waging a war, the kiss was urgent as if we needed that to breathe. We could hate outside of her, but in bed we were the best lovers. I hated myself for liking his kisses and caresses so much. ... Sweat, moans, scratches and draft beer is what defined this moment and a lot of pleasure this was the essential point. With every stroke of yours I felt like I was in the clouds. Making love to those you love is one of the best things. The essential part of the mafia I like is this, s*x after marriage and with your husband. Because s*x is something that not only happens in the physical world but also in the spiritual world. If you have s*x with a person this is like an alliance and the person becomes your husband spiritually as well. I realised that my soul was interconnected and attached to Damian Cooper, I could never love anyone else. With every stroke of yours I felt like I was going to explode with pleasure! Damian cooper was the perfect definition of pleasure... He knew how to satisfy me, despite being an asshole. I know I would never be able to feel pleasure with another man as I do with Damian my husband. I wanted him so much. And that night Damian possessed myself like never before, as if he wanted to show me that I was his alone and that I would not be able to feel pleasure with another man as I feel with him.
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