
The Redemption of mobster

second chance
first love

Khaterine Park, owner of an exuberant beauty. Born and raised in the mafia, from an early age prepared to be the first lady of the American Cosa Nostra. Khaterine thought that the only danger he would face would be away from home, little did he know that he will just marry his own executioner.

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Chapter 1
Khaterine Parker Cooper Silence invaded the place where I was, only from afar were heard some buzz of soldiers who were agitated outside. I looked at the television that was turned off, at the portraits that were part of the decoration of the room, images of me and Damian showing that they were a happy couple which did not constitute the truth. I wanted to go to the soldiers and ask what happened, but I know I wouldn't get an answer. One of the rules was that I never keep in touch with him and they with me, I know they wouldn't be foolish to break that rule that could cost them their lives. - Daughter, you need to be strong. - Said my father-in-law, rushing into the room, his expression was not good at all. He seemed distressed, and sweaty, his hair was shuffled which was strange because my father-in-law always walked impeccable and well-groomed. One of the things Damian pulled from him... My name is Khaterine Parker, I'm married to Damian Cooper, the dreaded head of the American mafia. Five years ago he said yes, before a judge and witnesses to Damian Cooper. Five years of pure unhappiness, we had no children because I tried to carefully take the contraceptive pills so as not to give Damian his heir. He thought I was a dry woman, maybe that's why he never treated me well and treated me like a hinderance. Even so, I would never give Damian an heir! He could forget that, despite being born in the mafia world I wouldn't like to stay in it, let alone generate a human being to be Damian's replacement boss in the future. What hurts me the most is the fact that I am completely in love with Damian, perhaps because I am the only man I know in my entire life since my parents kept me completely closed since I was little because I was the promised of the mafia heir. From the first day I saw him when I was eighteen, I was completely dazzled by Damian Cooper. What hurts me the most is the fact that I am completely in love with Damian, perhaps because I am the only man I know in my entire life since my parents kept me completely closed since I was little because I was the promised of the mafia heir. From the first day I saw him when I was eighteen, I was completely dazzled by Damian Cooper. I was eighteen and the same twenty-eight. Damian was a stunning man, his long black hair perfectly aligned, his eyes blueish as the sea and his sculptural body. Damian's beauty was breathtaking. He had a penetrating look, I always waited for the moment to marry my prince charming that's what I called him. He had a penetrating look, I always waited for the moment to marry my prince charming that's what I called him. But everything has changed since I got married. My husband wasn't who I thought he was. Damian was a cold man who showed no emotions, and forbade me to have contact with other people around the world, the only ones who talked to me were my parents. Or Amyh and Christian, Amyh was his cousin, daughter of his late godfather Don of the Mafia and Christian his husband and deputy chief of the American mafia. I know Damian saw me as a child because of the age difference, and I know he only married me for the contract. I also know that he still attends brothels, in which he spends the night with women who satisfy him. - What happened? - I say worried, my father-in-law other than his son was marvellous. He'll lose his wife, and Damian was his only family. - Damian had a serious accident, and is currently being transferred to the mafia hospital. - The same responds. - We must be strong and support you at this time. I know Damian is cold and doesn't show affection, but don't abandon him at this difficult time. - Father-in-law, I would never do that. I'll support you as a good wife I am, despite everything this is not the time to think about leaving you. - I answered sincerely. Days after... Khaterine Parker Cooper - How do you feel? - I ask Damian, who is in the bed of the debilitised hospital. - Katherine, why don't I feel my legs? - He ignores my question, and tries to move while restless. - Calm down, I'll call the doctor. - I answered by walking the door. - Try to calm down. - Once again I repeated and left the room. I met the doctor and told him what happened, he accompanied me to the room to be able to examine Damian. After analysing it, I said it with a not good expression. - You had a serious accident and will not be able to walk for now. But it doesn't mean it's the end, you can do various surgery and also doing therapy. - The mafia doctor said stuttering. By the hard look that Damian will throw at you. - GET OUT OF HERE NOW, YOU INCOMPETENT. - Damian growled to the doctor. - Damian. - I tried to calm him down and put my hands on his shoulders. My attempt to protest infuriated him. - Shut up woman, and you also get out of here already leave me alone! - He replied and turned around. I didn't answer anything, I just withdrew. If Damian wanted to be alone, let him stay. I wouldn't humiliate myself. Outside I found a look of consolation from my father-in-law, you must ask yourself how such a good man can have a mafia son? Yes, Damian didn't inherit the mafia he conquered alone. He wasn't born a mobster, but he turned capo. The father, not even wise, who had a mafia son, came to realise years later. ... Days later... DAMIEN COOPER I had already been discharged and was at home, but in a wheelchair. I had no heirs, and I didn't know who would replace me. I doubt my wife can do it, I got married by simple contract. I'm thirty-five years old and she's twenty-five years old. I'm ten years older than her, Khaterine is more of a trophy wife... She owns a sculptural body and exuberant beauty, a body that looks like it has been sculpted and the angelic face that leaves anyone without reaction. Not to mention your intelligence. Anyone would fall in love with her, anyone as long as she's not a monster like me. I'm the head of the American mafia and not a simple hood. By my important position I can't afford to fall in love, and thus have a weak point where my enemies would attack. My father is enough for me! My father is the purest thing about me, I was so lucky to be your son. And about having Khaterine, I won the lottery and I don't deserve your love. I only serve to hurt those who love me... - Damian, I need to talk to you. - I hear Khaterine say, while entering the door that was open. As I approach, I smell the sweet smell of your perfume around the place. She wore a black dress that valued her curves, and went up to her ankles. His long strands of hair were stuck in a bun, and he had some loose strands of hair that fell carefreely on his forehead and ears. - Be brief because I have things to do! - I answered, and with a gesture I indicated for her to sit in the chair that was in the room. Without taking my eyes off the lap top that was on the desk, because I was finishing typing a job. - Damian, what do you think about putting me under the command of the mafia and companies while you recover. Since you work from home, I could well help you with the duties of the mafia and the company we have here in the United States. Because the others who are distant, our representatives could take care of them. - I'm surprised by what I hear coming from Khaterine, causing me unintentionally widen my eyes. - Are you crazy woman? I would never allow you to expose yourself to the mafia world, and how much the construction company will think about you! - I replied with my attention this time focussed on Khaterine. In addition to being head of the mafia, I had the largest construction company here in the United States and other companies around the world. But Khaterine's request really surprised me, she more than anyone knew the risks we were running. Me for being the boss of the mafia and she for being the first lady of the mafia. Not to mention that I recently suffered an attack that almost took my life. - Even if you don't want to, I'll go to work. I'm bored in this house! Amy even though she is Christian teu consiglere's wife, and also the mafia princess having Robert's blood as her godfather, she has an organisation where she helps women and children and works in her company. Christian never forbade Amy to work. But you never allow me to work, it's been five years since we got married. And now is the best time for me to show you and the world my potential. - Khaterine, when she wanted to, she knew how to be stubborn... Damn time when I was in a wheelchair. - You know I feel like punishing her for having a sharp tongue, and daring to challenge me. - I sound as dark as I can. - If you were a little smart you would let me take over the business while you recover. For while you're not there, there must be people wanting to pass your legs. - Thinking about this case it was right, I would have to find out who the infiltrated traitor of the enemy mafia was. As a mafia boss I have several enemies scattered around the world. But there's one who hates me a lot more. The uncle of the head of the Russian mafia, but the boss of the Russian mafia is debilitised in a coma, causing his uncle to assume the position that does not belong to him. Some say that it was the uncle who passed the nephew's leg and on his wedding night created an ambush by shooting his nephew and then taking his wife to one of his brothels. ... Next day Khaterine Parker Cooper I don't know where the strength came from to confront Damian, but I had to do it. And since I'm stubborn, I managed to convince him to let me work. It was one morning, but this was not just any morning because today I would go to the American Mafia Training Centre. After my insistence, Damian ended up giving in what made me very happy. Telling a little of its history, Cosa Nostra Americana or La Cosa Nostra is what Americans call the Italian mafia in the United States today. It is one of the best known criminal organisations today, having already been the most powerful in the whole country. The mafia in the United States emerged from the impoverished Italian neighbourhoods and ghettoes in New York, especially in East Harlem, Lower East Side and Brooklyn. It also appeared in several other major cities, metropolitan areas and suburbs on the East Coast of the United States (such as New Orleans and Chicago) during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, after several waves of immigration to America, coming especially from Sicily and other regions of southern Italy. It has its roots in the Sicilian Mafia, but once in the United States, it has separated into several organisations. Several Italian criminal groups from Campania and Calabria, once established on American soil, along with other Italian criminal groups, eventually merged with the Sicilian Mafia to create the current version of the Italian-American mafia. Today, the American mafia has several ties to Italian criminal organisations, such as the Camorra de Naples and the Ndrangheta of Calabria. The mafia structure in the United States took place, as well as in Italy, in the form of a "family". Despite the name, the group is not maintained by family ties, with one leader not maintaining blood ties with others. At the height of his power, in the mid-twentieth century, the main American mafia families dominated 26 American cities, with several associates in several other locations. It was in New York City that the mafia prospered the most and became "famous" in modern pop culture. The control of New York organised crime was in the hands of the so-called "Five Families": the Gambino, the Lucchese, the Genovese, the Bonanno and the Colombo. At its peak, the Mafia dominated practically all organised crime in the United States. Each of the mafia families (except the Big Five) had its own territories and operated independently, while national coordination was in the hands of the so-called "Commission", which was formed by the leaders of the most powerful criminal families. In the 21st century, the mafia still maintains strength in the Northeast Region of the United States, especially in New York, Philadelphia, New Jersey and New England, in areas such as Boston, Providence and Worcester; it also has business in Chicago and much of the American Midwest, in cities such as Detroit and Cleveland, as well as Florida and Las Vegas, with smaller families There are more than 3,000 "made men" in the United States, with thousands of other associates dealing with extortion, smuggling, fraud, theft, bribes, money laundering, illegal gambling, and d**g trafficking. The American now mafia being commanded by the Cooper family, Damian was given power by his godfather he had no children and saw Damian as his only heir. So he had to go through training and macabre that transformed him into this man who is now capos "feared by all". As soon as I entered the meeting room, I heard murmurs from the part of the members... I ignored it, and got straight to the point. I wouldn't let anything shake me, I was the first lady of the mafia, and I had the power in my hands so I didn't fear anyone in this room. - I'm here to make a statement, my husband had an accident leaving him debilitised and in a wheelchair. It was an attack, and we still haven't realised it was. We only have clues, clues that will not be revealed as a precaution. While Mr. Cooper recovers, I'll be in charge. Together with our deputy chief Christian. But I promise to find the people who did this and will pay a lot of car. Damian will not be able to work these days because he is recovering. While Damian recovers, I'll take over his business and that includes the mafia so here I am - I said. - I doubt that a woman will be able to command the America mafia. - Said one of the members of the five important families. - That's what we'll see, dear Ravier. And you'll get used to my presence here because I'm in charge! - I answered. - And he who dares to disobey me will bear the consequences, just as my husband will not have clemensia with anyone. -I spoke harshly, because I should not show weakness much less lower my head. It was enough for Damien to doubt my abilities. - Okay, you're the boss. - Embarrassed and frightened Ravier gave up protesting. The other members applauded me and when the meeting ended I was leaving the room and Christian came to me to congratulate me. Christian, besides being the deputy chief of the mafia, was married to Amy Damian's cousin and daughter of the godfather who was chief of the American mafia after his death left office to Damian. - Congratulations, you did very well Khaterine. I'm sure if Damian were here he would be very proud. - Christian unlike Damian, he was a very nice man and treated his wife Khat like a queen. The two got along very well and besides being married, they were best friends and eternally in love, not to mention that they had a beautiful 3-year-old son Noah. That was our godson, mine and Damian's. - Thank you Christian. But I'm sure that even if I had Damian he would keep it to himself, we've been married for five years and he never showed feelings of love for me. Damian always acts cold and distant. He really takes this arranged marriage very seriously, because really our marriage is beneficial only for business and I think he had no choice could not say no to the woman his godfather had chosen to be his wife. Amen if he wanted to be my friend, but he doesn't care. - Don't say that Khat, even if you don't show Damian loves you and sooner or later you'll end up recognising it. Believe that Damian would never accept you coming here, entrusting you with all the mafia secrets and power if he didn't love you. And look at the number of escorts that accompany you, he sent the triple he uses. I know you did this because you want to see you safe and I know you don't show feelings afraid of your enemies. He, as the boss of all this, it's not good for him to have a weak point. He takes very seriously the story of his godfather who lost his wife and first child in an attack. Years later he met Amy's mother and had Amy, while his mother died in labour causing Robert to close himself to love. Robert suffered a lot while alive. And I know I saw in Damian the son he lost. And he educated Damian from the age of fifteen to this post, even though Damian didn't know it. He taught him to be a cold man so that he wouldn't suffer like he did. - The fact that Damian shows feelings toward me does not mean that I will have the same fate as Robert's wives. On the contrary, we can be very happy in this life. Switching the subject, I have several projects to implement here in the mafia but before that we have to discover the traitor. About being someone from the Russian mafia sent for this we already know that we will only have to realise who this person is. We have to find out who the traitor is. - I'm doing my research, we're close to finding the traitor. I'm interrogating our men and now I'll have to continue with this work, so I'll see you later Khaterine. - Send Amy and little Noah a kiss for me. He says I miss you very much and I will soon visit you after this uproar ceases. - I got it. - Christian responds by disappearing between the corridors of the place where we were. Get out of the mafia and then go to the construction company. As soon as I entered the huge building, I see that a huge uproar had created... A gentleman was in front of the people protesting. I walk there, and I hear Damian's voice from behind me. I didn't realise he would come here. DAMIAN COOPER - But what are these people doing here at my construction company? - I ask indignantly. If I had come earlier, I wouldn't have allowed that to happen. - Where are the security guards? Why did they allow this uproar to form? This can jeopardise the company's image. - I have no idea, Mr Cooper. - Wilson replied, a trusted man in my company. He is the only one who has always been faithful to the Coopers, and always strictly obeyed my orders. - So try to know, and then send them all away. And if necessary, tell the security guards to use forces. -I'll look gloomy and authoritarian. Wilson didn't hesitate, he immediately went to them. I went to my office, and Khaterine came along. - I thought you were at home resting. - I said closing the door to the room. - You thought wrong woman, you should already know that not only a man stay at home quiet while his wife works. - I talk checking some papers that were on my desk and signing them. - I could take care of everything, you should trust my potential more. - Khaterine hits back, and crosses her arms, and then arches one of her shadows which makes me roll my eyes. Khaterine knew how to get me out of my mind, not to mention the huge uproar that was created here, I'm a few days away and my company turns into a complete disaster. Then I would talk to those in charge of taking care of the company in my absence and apply sanctions on them. - How was the meeting at the mafia? - I say ignoring what I said. Khaterine Parker Cooper - You hear some who didn't like my presence there, but I took care of dealing with them. And the next shipment will be tomorrow, I'll be there. Christian is interrogating certain suspicious men. About the gentleman who is protesting at the construction company, let me negotiate with him. - Be careful Khaterine, because the work you are doing is very dangerous. And know that it is against my will that you risk your life. If possible, I'll redouble your security even more. - Hearing that has created an emotional trigger for me. Damian was worried about me, but what was that worried about? Because it tripled the number of my security, and increasing more security would be an exaggeration and would raise suspicion with the government. - Do you mind if I'm at risk of my life? - I say approaching him. And at that time Wilson comes in - So Wilson managed to get them out of here? - Damian asked Wilson, ignoring what I just said. - No, sir. The old man who is protesting is very stubborn. And he said that if necessary, he can give his life for his village. - Let me talk to him. - I mean volunteering. Damian was still in wheelchairs, but it was a very up-to-date wheelchair. And very comfortable he clicked on a few buttons to get around and didn't give him any trouble. - No Khaterine, all you have to do is take care of the mafia. Stop being stubborn and stop exposing yourself! - Damian replied. Sometimes Damian's protection suffocated me, I hated that he thought I was very fragile and at any time could break. - Remember that I studied Damian architecture, and I can make a new plan for the supermarket and hotel that you want to build and so we could not affect the condominium owners you have in your village. And not to mention that only very good at dealing with people, and if I talk calmly with this gentleman he will listen to me. ... After much insistence on my part, Damian ended up giving in and let me go talk to the staff. I left the room towards the reception I was going to go to the gentlemen who were protesting, and I already had a plan for both sides to be satisfied.

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