Chapter 3

528 Words
Khaterine Parker But one day of work at the firm, I went to her because Mr. Markov would come to sign the papers. - Good morning Mr. Markov. - I said at the same time smiling. - Good morning miss, here are the papers. And I'm going to sign them, read everything with the help of my son who is a lawyer and accept the contract. - Mr. Marvok answered and this time smiled at me. I gave him a pen so he could sign and so he did. After the meeting, I would have to go to the hospital with my husband. Because I talked to one of the best experts in the country, and they gave us hope. But we had to go to the hospital to find out about the risks. As soon as we took thirty minutes because of traffic we entered the clinic and went to the doctors. A receptionist welcomed us and accompanied us to the room where we would be attended. - Good afternoon Mr. Cooper, with the tests your husband did we realised that it is a spinal arachnoid meningioma. This fibroid makes you unable to walk. But we can remove it and you will walk again, but you have a 50% risk of you being able to die in the operating room. - I don't care, the only thing I want is to walk again. I agree to take risks, where do I have to sign it? - Said Damian impatient! - Damian, I don't agree with you. You can't risk your life. - It's my life so I do with it whatever I want. In my will it has your name and my father's. You'll keep a good amount and properties. - None of this matters to me Damian, I just want you to be by my side. And don't be rude to me because you know very well that I never cared about your money and my parents have enough money to pay me, without me needing yours. - Sir, I don't advise you to have the surgery. The fibroid will not bring you pain, because a pain inhibitor will remove you completely. We will do the procedure And so you will not have the risk of feeling pain, or risking your life. But without the surgery you'll stay in the wheelchair forever. - I want this surgery, when should I do it? - Damian Asked. - In two weeks we can do it. - Answered the surgeon. Damian was stubborn, and never listened to me. In the mafia women have no voice, and Damian followed these rules very well. I don't know if my husband has feelings because he never showed it to me. We've been married for five years and I can say that I'm just a trophy for him. For being a beautiful and intelligent woman. He only showed me at the dances that existed inside the mafia. As I grew up in the mafia, I was educated to be submissive to her husband and how to behave. I sometimes felt that I had no self-love, despite the way Damian behaved I loved him.
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