Chapter 12

331 Words
Damian Cooper Before going to the meeting place, I ordered that explosives be placed on Yerik's body. He wouldn't suspect it, because from begging for water so much I created a plan and ordered them to put sleeping pills in the water and deliver it. As soon as he fell asleep they started the process of putting explosives inside his body. As soon as we finished, we took him unconscious to the meeting place with his father, and on the way he woke up. ... At the agreed place I see Khaterine and my eyes light up. “How I missed that little girl. — She sees me but doesn't scream my name and I don't even see excitement on her face. It looked like she didn't recognize me. I pick up the radio and say: — I'll count to three, And they both started walking at the same time. – Yvon agrees. Khaterine walked, and you could see that she was afraid. She was crying and it broke my heart. “Don't cry, Khaterine, I'm here. I came to save you mi bella. - I say and she fearfully continues walking. Seeing Khat in this situation broke my heart. I was so afraid of losing her and now I will be different with her and show her the love I feel every day that passes. As soon as she gets close to me and Yerik also gets close to his father, I take the device that is in my hands and press the button causing Yerik's body to explode along with the others who were beside him. I told Yvon that when he saw me it would be the last time. I look at Khaterine and rummage around to see if there's anything on it and it's clean. I hug her and she cries in my lap. As soon as she calms down she looks at me and says: "Will you return me to my husband?" Her question surprises me.
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