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(Lucas) "Clean up this mess and unlock his chains" I said while wiping the mess off my sleeves. "Next time you break your ranks, you'll be demoted to omega, understood?" I asked the pathetic wolf before me. He nodded in understanding and I left the cells to attend to pack duties. I hate inefficient wolves. The man who I had left in the cells was the head of the guards. He was supposed to be on guard on the night when a rogue was found crossing my pack borders. If not for the rules of the council, I would have made him suffer with wolfsbane but I just had to get the satisfaction of seeing him plead and beg as I approached him with it. "Alpha, there have been sightings of rogue wolves close to the pack borders" said my beta. Rogues close to my pack borders? Again? My pack was the most feared in the wolf community. It looks like some wolves have begun to grow some nerves and I have to deal with that. "Get some guards to scan the perimeters and report their findings to me" I replied. "Of course Alpha," he said. He quickly left to carry out the orders and left me alone to my thoughts. "Tomorrow is the day of the ball. I hope to find mate" said Boris. Boris is my wolf and I was surprised he spoke about finding our mate. He has been indifferent to us finding a mate and I totally agreed with him. I don't need a meaningless bond. I can always f**k and get strong pups. I don't need a she-wolf to weaken me. Emotions are for the weak. "We don't need a mate Boris" I replied. "The moon goddess made a mate for every wolf. We need mate to survive" he said. "Alpha we're being attacked by rogues" said Enzo as he rushed into my office. Without a moment of hesitation, I ordered pack guards to make their way to the pack boundary. A few members hesitated but as soon as I shifted, the pull of my alpha command hung heavily in the air and they had to option but to submit and follow orders. We haven't had a border breach in a long time so some wolves were petrified but not me, I was itching for a fight. My wish to spill blood was granted after all. A wide smile spread across my face as I could already taste their blood on my teeth. "Be careful", Boris sounded on edge. My wolf was always ready to pounce so hearing him on edge was really strange but I quickly brushed off the worry and headed straight for the battle front. I ran to the borders and waited. 3 wolves appeared within my line of sight. My eyes instantly focused on the biggest wolf and I immediately bounced on him and sunk my teeth into his neck. Bloodlust quickly came over me and I tore the other remains wolves into pieces. I looked behind me to find some of my pack members in mid-shift. The sight before me put me on high alert. "This isn't possible " Boris sounded dumbfounded. Why are my wolves stuck in mid-shift? I was so distracted by my thoughts that I didn't notice a brown wolf running towards me. He slammed me against the ground and I growled in anger. Allowing my canines to elongate, my eyes blackened and I went into a blood rage. I snapped his neck with my paws and went after the remaining rogues. I didn't understand how I was able to kill a lot of wolves in a little space of time. It was like something had taken control of my wolf. The remaining rogues on seeing the amount of dead wolves around quickly retreated and went back into the forest. I gained control over my wolf and shifted back to human form. "Get the wolves to the pack hospital" I ordered the other wolves who were not wounded. The thought of the bloodlust and rage I experienced while fighting the rogues vanished as I took in the sight of my halfshifted wolves in front of me. How is this happening? I made my way to the pack house to get wash the rogue blood away from my face and also to get dressed as I shred my clothes while shifting. "What happened out there Boris?" I asked my wolf. I was met with his silence instead showing that he was also wondering. "Alpha, the pack doctor kindly requests your presence at the hospital. He said he found something in the wolves who are stuck at mid-shift" said an omega. That definitely aroused my curiosity. Dismissing the omega, I left for the pack hospital. It was filled with a lot of wounded wolves, aftermath of the unplanned attack earlier. "Good day Alpha," said Dr Richard. He was the pack doctor. He has been around since my father was alpha so he was a valuable member of the pack. I grunted a reply as my mind was filled with so many questions. "I need to tell you about my findings" he added. I nodded for him to continue. "I noticed that the wolves brought here are stuck at mid-shift which is unheard of. I noticed that all of them had a bite on their neck. On further examinations, I noticed that those bites are poisonous" he continued. "Wolves bites are not poisonous. They can only kill if the bites are given on the vein" I replied. "That's what we all thought Alpha but these bites are indeed poisonous because they are laced with wolfsbane. The wolfsbane caused the wolves to shift forcefully which caused them to get stuck in the process because their wolves are trying to fight the wolfsbane in the system and prevent the shift" he said. Wolfsbane? Wolfsbane is banned in the wolf world. I only use it to scare my prisoners but I don't use it on them. How on earth did these rogues get wolfsbane laced bites? "I know wolfsbane is banned so I don't know how this happened but I am trying to find away to reverse the shift but I'm not sure these wolves will survive" he continued. I could lose a significant number of my pack due to this but they can't be stuck in this condition. "Do what you have to do doctor" I told him and left the hospital to attend to other pack duties and tighten the security around the pack borders. Any rogue found around will be torn to shreds. We lost a significant number of wolves at the end of the day. Mostly because of the wolfsbane laced bites as they couldn't survive the toxic effects of the substance. I ordered them to be cremated according to the pack norms. That night, we cremated our dead wolves and consecrated their ashes to the moon goddess. Staring into the fire that held their remains, I vowed to find the reason behind the attack and when I do, I'll rip out the hearts of those responsible for the pack's loss. "Good evening Alpha Lucas" a voice behind me greeted. I turned my back to find the leaders of the council behind me. "We have important matters to discuss with you" said Ralph, the leader of the council.
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