Fif+y. My sister begins to change.

1351 Words
Kennedy She twitched at my words about mommy. I heard her gasp. It was small, but it was a gasp, a crack in her inhumanity. What I should have known at the time, but did not was that the more she fed off of my body, the more she took on my traits, like Luke had. I needed to feed her to save myself. As time went on, I stopped talking to her all together. If I spoke, she would strike me. She fought the humanity I was dumping into her with my blood. By the third day, she let me move. My leg was broken. I could see that now. She admitted she dropped me from the apartment as she took me out the window. I could see that my leg was quite swollen. I tried to hold still when she came close to me to feed. Otherwise, she cruelly squeezed my leg. I was in and out of consciousness. The only benefit from her feeding on me was the euphoria I got in return. By the end of the week, she untied me all together and made a soft bed for me out of moss. She had a new softness to her face. She was slowly coming back to me. My blood was healing her, but killing me. She made me look into her now violet eyes as she set my leg for me. She tied my shirt around it with two sticks to make a splint. She asked me a question. I did not respond as I was conditioned not to speak to her. " Kennedy, did you hear me?" She repeated. I only looked away. It was a mean trick, I was sure of it. My white hair was now matted and brown with dirt. I had soiled my pants several times. I had no choice. But, I was sure that I would be dead by tomorrow anyway. Nothing mattered. I must have dozed off. When I woke, she had changed my clothing, washed my body. My hair was clean. She handed me an apple. " Eat. Your blood tastes weak. You need to take better care of yourself." She mocked me. I stayed quiet. I had no appetite. I couldn't even lift my hand to take the food. She looked radiant, her hair was jet black with a long red streak in the front. She sat there looking at the sea. She moved her leg back and forth as she sat there. " Mommy told me she was sorry that she had you. She said daddy made her do it, she only wanted one child. Hmmm. Well, you were born anyway. That's why she let daddy take care of you mostly. She hated you." I reached out to her then, I took her leg. " Stop moving your leg."I said. My voice was cracking, weak. " Oh, she speaks," she said as she jumped down next to me " I want you to get up now. We need to go to your castle. I want to get my life back. The good times when my friends fed me and I was their queen." I nodded. "Ok, Bug." I sat up and tried to pull my broken body upright. My arms gave out, I fell onto the rocky ground. I shook my head," I can't." She leaned down and easily picked me up, her strength was incredible. But I was also very thin. She put me over her shapely shoulder and carried me up the cliff to the castle grounds. I woke up in a dark room. She stuck me in a small room with no windows. Maybe the closet? Another week went by. June fed on me everyday, several times a day. She moved me to another room. One with an actual bed. I'm sure it was more convenient there for her. She smiled at me one day. " Remember when you rode your bike to that store by our house so you could buy me a birthday present? It was a candy bar. You gave it to me with a bite out of it. I liked it anyway. I never thanked you for that, I just complained about the bite missing. Thanks Kennedy." She smiled. There was a new softness to her face. She fed me some dinner. She had to, I refused to feed myself. I was over being her snack. She made me drink some water too. I didn't even try to get out of bed to pee. I just let myself go. I couldn't tell her I had to go. I couldn't walk, so really who cared. June was angry with me. " Again? I told you Ken, tell me when you need to go, I will take you." She roughly rolled me over. She stopped breathing seeing my bones for the first time, really seeing them. Her eyes were opening. I was probably 90 pounds now. Just a guess. She left me there. I cried when I was alone, though no tears fell anymore. She came back with a warm bowl of water and gently washed me. The next day, she got me out of bed, my head lulled to the side. " Sit up please Ken, you need to eat." She force fed me some soup. I threw half of it up. My stomach had shrunk. She then did something that stopped me cold. She brushed my hair. A few large clumps fell to the floor. She was crying. I looked away, it was a trick. She turned my head to look at me. " You are changing me Ken. I'm feeling things. I am feeling my heart beat again. I'm coming back now." She was still crying. I just looked down, away from her gaze. She beat me before if I dared looked right at her. She put my chin in her hand. "I'm not going to let you die. I'm going to fix you. I want you to live sister." She smiled at me. I winced. " No, don't be affraid sis, I'm feeling things, before all I felt was hunger and anger. I feel something else now. I feel almost, alive. Like I used to be. I feel wonderful." I tried to smile, but instead I closed my eyes and tried to breath. Over the next week, she had almost fully returned to herself. She took excellent care of me. I couldn't walk and I chose not to talk. I still didn't trust this fragile new June. The next day, I was rescued. Rena found me. She had been to the castle several other times, not finding any scent of me. She didn't give up though. I cried seeing her. She was in white wolf form. She came through my window and licked my face all over. I hugged her very tightly. She transformed into her human self, right in my arms. " I found you love." She kissed my face. " Don't kill her, she's almost back to being my real sister again. My blood, it seems to have changed her. Promise me, do not harm her Rena." Rena showed her teeth but nodded. She said," I'm taking you home, ride on my back, hang on tight." She could see my leg was broken. She transformed and I hung onto her back. She was very careful. She took me to her car, right outside of the cemetary. She called Lucas. He arrived a half hour later. He looked at me, my body as I lay in Rena's car. " I will destroy her." He said softly. " No, please. She is almost my sister again. My blood healed her. Please." I begged for her life. They both agreed to get me to safety and deal with June later. They took me to Howle's home to recover. I was asleep for three days. Robby arrived to see me. He handed me several letters from Howle. " Aunt K, I missed you so much!" he hugged me tightly. "He told me you were alive, he felt it."he cried.
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