Forty 9 Taken by Bug.

1305 Words
Kennedy I instructed Luke to take my blood. "Give her whatever she needs. Promise me you will give her all my blood if that's what it takes, promise Luke." He shook his head. " I won't. But, I will let you give her a little, to see if she responds. You are still recovering from last night." I nodded. Luke stuck my vein. He removed a syringe full and placed it to June's dry lips. She coughed and spit, my blood flew everywhere. " Put it into her vein Luke."I said. He tried to find a vein. She was so dry. Finally he got an IV in her and slowly pushed my blood into her pale arm. I said," More, give her another." He did as I asked. Slowly, ever so slowly he gave June my blood. She seemed to be breathing better now. Her color was quickly returning to normal. I was having shortness of breath though. I tried to hide it. Luke looked at me. " No more. I will find some blood elsewhere for her. My freezer has several packets, I'll go get it." I nodded, but as soon as he left, I mimicked what Luke had done to me to take my blood and I pushed several more syringes fully into her arm. She blinked her eyes at me. She was coming around. I was very weak. I fell back onto the floor. June suddenly rose up. She flew on top of my weak body. I turned my head. " Take it, take it all my love. I love you Bug. Please kill me after. I don't want to see you live like this." I closed my eyes, preparing for the bite. She stood up and adjusted her arm. " I feel good, damn good. You really want me to end you when I can keep you alive to feed me later, I'm not stupid you know. I'm not like you. You are an i***t to save me. Now I will make you my little slave. I own you, you ugly b***h!" She was still quite nasty. I couldn't move. I was too weak. She pulled me up and surprisingly, she was very strong. She put my flaccid body over her shoulder and carried me off. I blacked out then. When I woke up, I was in a strange place. It was a dark, cold cave. I smelled the sea. She must have been holding up here after her fight with Rena. I saw that I was tied to a large, heavy rock. I was very sore. My hip was on fire. I could see movement in the shadows. " Bug, can you help me, please?" She slithered, that's how I would describe it. She came to me and kicked me in the back. " How's that?" She laughed. I didn't scream, it took all I had to play dead. I knew she would react if I cried. I waited for her to move away, then I let myself breath through that pain. "Ahh,ahh,ahh,oh shit." It hurt bad. My sister was no longer in her own body. I was crying as I realized this. She was just a simple creature that lived for herself now. ************* Lucas I returned after about 20 minutes, I had to thaw that blood out for June. I was horrified that both June and Kennedy were gone. The window was open. That could only mean that June had been revived and took my love bird from me. I cried out. It was a pained cry of anger and fear. I must have scared Robby with my guttural cry, because he took off out of the door scared to death of me. I went after them, not knowing where they went to. ******** Orcas The lawyer arrived at noon as Lucas indicated he would. He informed me he would talk to the magistrate to have the bail lowered as I was not a flight risk, having no prior criminal history. I told him to get my sister released. She was innocent. He nodded. " Mr. Howle, unfortunately when you confessed, that ties my hands a bit, unless we retract your confessions. Do you understand?" I did. "I acted alone. Get my sister released. If you can, please leave me some stationary, I need to send a letter to my wife." He pulled out a legal pad. My love, I am alone without your lovely charms to keep me warm. All I can think about is you and I stay awake at night dreaming you are here with me. Tell Moore that I will not kill him if you fall in love with him. I want this for you. I may be away for a very long period. Do not worry though, I have friends that will champion my cause. Be brave little Starling. I will someday be by your side again. All that I am is yours, Orcas. I placed it into an envelope for my lawyer to get to my wife. He agreed. My sister was then released the following day. They had no evidence to hold her. Her confession did not hold up to the facts of the case. Besides, it was me they wanted. I got a visitor the next day. Robby came. He looked sad. He told me my little bird was taken by her sister. Lucas was out looking for her. " Uncle Orcas, there's more, I'm afraid...." He couldn't look me in the eye. " Your wife is cheating on you with a Moore, Lucas Moore. I'm so sorry. I have seen it with my own eyes." He was very distraught. I smiled. " Robby, I know. I struck a deal with Lucas. It was my wish that he love her." It stung like hell, but I thought it was what was best for my little red. " He will find them, he is a good tracker Robby. When he finds her, tell her that I know, I love her anyway." "Uncle Orcas, she might be dead now." He feared. " No, June wants her alive, so she won't go hungry, that I am sure of. Ask your mother to help track them, go quickly son. And Robby, Lucas is our alli." I said that part very quietly. I hit my fist against the wall after he left. The cement gave way a bit. I could see this old jail was not kept up well. I plotted my escape then. ********* Kennedy I woke up with that bad pain in my hip and leg still. My sister was drinking my blood. She had cut my wrist. I looked up as I told her my dream. " Mommy told me, she was lonely for me. She wants you to end this now and let me come to her." June hissed, she had those gray eyes, she didn't bother to respond, I kept talking. " Mommy said that she knows that you are hurting, she loves you so much Bug. Do you feel her near?" She grabbed my leg squeezing me into silence. I watched her drink, as I lost my breath from the most intense pain, a few small mewling noise escaped my mouth. I lost control. My eyes rolled back. I felt the dizzying effect of her power returning as mine waned. I tried again each day, mentioning mother to her. I was trying to remind her of a life that she once had. She was mostly indifferent. But I saw some small spark in her as time went by. Just a small glimmer. " Mommy liked me to paint her nails for her. She couldn't talk in her final days, but when I mentioned you, she had this peaceful look on her face at the mention of your name Bug."
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