Thir+y 5. Luke kisses Kennedy.

1390 Words
Lucas Kennedy jumped up and grabbed a towel. She mopped up my tea as she held her blouse together with her hand. " I'll fix you another." She turned on the kettle and added some tea to the cup. She continued to rebutton her blouse properly now. I didn't look away, she wasn't shy around me. " Well, when your new sister in law rips your gown off exposing your breasts to a gala of people. You kind of lose your modesty." She said as she did the last button. She moved her shoulders, then undid the top button again for comfort. She nodded. " I'm good." She handed me my tea. I took a sip. " Okay, I'll play along. She is my sister, truthfully...I would do anything for her. She has always been my role model. I love her even when she despises me. It's quite painful Mr. Moore." " Luke please." I corrected her. "Mr. Moore was my father, my grandfather. I am Lucas, but for you Kennedy...I am your Luke." She smiled and pat my hand. " You are always so cold sweetheart. How do we warm your blood up?" She asked me. " I could show you one way, but our time has yet to come my love." I rubbed her wrist with my middle finger. I ran a few ideas through her mind. These were of us making love on a warm beach. She smiled at me. " Mmm. that's very nice, It's sunny and warm. Hey how are you doing this to my brain, you are showing me these things aren't you Luke?" I nodded. " If you want me to take them away, just stare into my eyes for a bit." She did, she stared at me and I replaced her memory with our last conversation. She spoke to me,"Okay, I'll play along. She is my sister, truthfully...I would do anything for her. She has always been my role model. I love her even when she despises me. It's quite painful Luke, hey do you ever get deja vu?" I smiled and nodded. I liked that this time she didn't call me Mr.Moore. " You are always so cold sweetheart. How do we warm your blood up?" She repeated herself. This time I just rubbed my hands in hers. " Are we supposed to be lovers Luke?" She asked me. " We will be, someday. But you have a long life to live with Orcas still. I can wait, I think. You keep wearing blouses with no bra, I might speed things up. I could f**k you now, but I want you to be free to enjoy it, not just because I made you do it." I grinned and gave her the reverse eye thingy. Of course I couldn't tell her any of that. She would push me away. " Are we supposed to be lovers Luke?" She asked me again. " Of course not, you are a happily married woman." I said. She nodded. " I keep having Deja vu, it's so very strange." " Well, where is free Willy at?" I teased. " Oh, Orcas. Funny Luke, because his name is like an Orca whale?"She laughed. It was a beautiful, joyous noise. " Did you know Orca whales hunt in packs like wolves do? Killer whales are, as surprising as it may sound, more closely related to wolves, than to other sea mamals?" I told her, hinting to her at the reason her husband was named thusly. " Said the local librarian, smarty pants." She giggled. " Actually, I think Orcas went to town. He's probably at the bar making the moves on some rando. He said he was doing family business, at night when the moon was full, yeah right?" We talked for hours. I couldn't stop looking at her. The way her eyes wrinkled when she giggled. " When you laugh it is the most beautiful sound." I was compelled to flirt with this woman. I knew it was dangerous though. I wondered why Orcas would ever leave this little sweety. I leaned in to let her get lost in my eyes for a moment. " Kiss me now Kennedy." I commanded her. She leaned in and kissed me. She tasted of cinnamon and spices. I gave her my tongue. She leaned closer into me. "We should go to my room and touch eachother too." She said, she was caught in my spell this time. She didn't even try to block me. She was letting me kiss her to pay Orcas back for going out on her, though I doubted that was what he was doing. " Luke. Make me love you. Take me away from this big lonely house. Let's run away together." She was definitely trying to pay Orcas back. I refused to make her love me. She needed to really love me. I could make any woman I want love me, but it's not fun that way, it's like cheating at cross word puzzles. I tasted her full lips once more, then released her from my spell. She said again. "Actually, I think Orcas went to town. He's probably at the bar making the moves on some rando. He said he was doing family business, at night when the moon was full, yeah right?" I patted her hand. " Have faith my friend, things are not always as they seem, give him a chance to explain." " Luke, are we a thing, I mean could you love a girl like me, if so why?" " Oh, we are a thing, but you are a married thing and I have my books." She laughed at that. Then I saw her hand moving in a small circle. I felt a warmth settle over my hands, warming them up. This rattled me a bit. She was quite magical. I thanked her for the tea and conversation. It was something I badly needed. I kissed her hand. " Farewell sweet Starling." I winked and stood to let myself out. " Wait, one moment Luke." She stood and hugged me tightly. " I need you, don't forget about me please. I know you are here for June, but I feel something when I am with you. I trust you." " I'm glad. Now be a good girl your husband is coming." I was leaving just in time. I saw Orcas' car pull up into the driveway. I transitioned into a night winged creature and flew up into the trees. He was sniffing the air. He could smell me. He went inside and found his wife in the kitchen. " You spoke with Lucas Moore?" He said to her as he came through the door. I moved closer to spy on them. " Hello to you too stranger." She said sounding moody. " Answer me Mrs. Howle, do it now lest I break your lying neck!" He bellowed jealously. I watched her rise. She threw her napkin down and left him. He went after her and grabbed her arm roughly. I was close to swooping in and killing him. Kennedy touched his hand. She spoke softly to him. I couldn't hear what she said to him. He changed his demeanor, he lossened his grip on her, I could tell, he loved her very much. " Yes, Luke came by, he wants me to invite my sister to stay at my castle, give her carte blanc over my estate. I agreed. She is my sister, I will do anything for her. You know this about me." " I see." He leaned in and kissed her then. " You shared a kiss with him, didn't you?" He said angrily. " I kissed his cheek, I think. I don't recall my love, I am sorry. It's all a little foggy now."She was telling him her truth. She placed a hand on his chest and ran her nails in his hair there. " I won't stop you from letting your sister stay at your castle, but I don't like Lucas Moore visiting you when I am not home." He chastised her. " Oh, I don't like other women's perfume and lipstick on you either. Let's agree to disagree then." She told him. I could see she had her dangerous husband well controlled. I hurried home.
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