T4irty 4. Lucas hatches a plan for June.

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June Starling☆ My body was ravenous. Lucas said weirdly that though we were vampires, we did not need to hunt for our next meal. He had a solution, we would present our case to my friends at the Starling castle. He had assured me that no werewolves would be there. I wanted so badly to bite someone. My teeth felt strong, sharp. I wanted to chase my prey and hunt for my dinner, not sip it with a damn straw. Lucas caught me following after patrons of the library, practicing my new skills of stunning them with my eyes. I lured an ancient fellow to the non-fiction section. I had him pressed up against the biography row when Lucas found us. He pulled me by my ear. That seemed to break the trance I had the gentleman under, he fell to the ground, clutching his heart. Lucas called an ambulance for him. I wanted to finish him off. ********* Tonight we had dinner and then Lucas brought me a book on Vampire etiquette. Chapter one. The true manors of a seasoned blood sucker. Never take your intended target in your own home or place of business, it is not becoming to be seen as a murderer. It is far better to take your prey in the wild, as is natural to our ancestry. This book was like music to my ears. I was now a lady and a vampire. The more I read, the more I was convinced Martha Stewart was the author. The book explained about the rules of the hunt. How to groom your prey. The best way to dispose of the carcass. Oh, it was devine. I read through it during the long night. I set my new book down and kissed Lucas on his thick gold family ring. He was a true gentleman. "June, soon we are traveling to Starling castle, I want you to stay there a while, you will practice being around people, you will not bite them. I want you to use your new gifts to run this castle, you will be known as the new Countess of the coven of Moore. Never in history has there been a Moore that has over taken this castle. I want you to get those friends of yours to feed you. I will teach you about drawing blood the humane way, to keep you satisfied. They will be your subjects, you will be their Countess." I smiled, I liked this plan, very, very much. It gave me the power that I deserved and social standing. " My Lord, will you be marrying me then to change my name to Moore?" I moved closer to him and bared my neck to him. " Darling June, that is not a title you will have, it has been reserved for another I'm afraid." He dared not tell me that Kennedy would be his wife one day. " June, in our world, you can be whoever you desire to be. I have given you the name Countess of Moore as it was I that created this new life within you. Once you realize that you will outlive all of the people around you, you can reinvent yourself over and over again. It is dignified for you to be a gentle woman that people love and trust. You will do well to charm them, not terrorize them, do you see? This honor of being a Countess of Starling castle, will be a test of sorts to see how great you can be in the human world. Do you accept this task my dear?" I stood up and nodded. I accepted. I would have the castle as my own. My little sister would no longer be the Mistress of Starling castle. " June, there is one small tiny task that you need to do before you enter your new castle." He grinned at me. " What ever it is, I will do it, yes no problem." I pushed my long black hair behind my shoulders. " You must go to your sister and get an invite to take over her castle. You cannot enter the grounds now, in your current state, without an invitation." Lucas turned to leave me. He was just going to drop that bomb on me and let me go. This was an impossible task for me. Ken would never give me the castle. I spit in her face last time we were together. I paced the floor all night, thinking of ways to approach her. Lucas retired to his room. I was feeling defeated. It was not possible. ******** Lucas A few weeks later.... I had to go prepare Kennedy to say yes to her sister's request and invite her into her Starling castle. I knew she had been removed from the public eye by her new husband. I also knew that he lived out of town in a large estate in the country. I called her up. " Hey girl, how are you?" I may have watched too many boy band music videos in the 90's. " Lucas, I am well. What's wrong?" She already knew me. I liked that. " I need to see you, in person. Can you come to the gate and invite me in?" She was surprised, I could tell. She paused. " I will come. Let me get some clothes on. My husband likes me scantily clad, if clad at all while I am with him, he's not home currently though." I imagined this, seeing her this way would please me greatly. My body began to almost hum at the thought of her naked beneath me. She came. She had on a pair of tight black jeans with rips in them, they called it distressing them, I was fond of the style. She wore a crisp white blouse that was buttoned up crookedly. She missed the top button in her haste to dress for me. She wore no bra. I watched her walking towards me. I actually felt butterflies. She was gorgeous. Her long hair was wavy. She had a light strawberry blond look with that one stubborn red streak in the front. Magnificent. The swell of her breasts and her n*****s. Oh, I am a boob guy for sure. " Hey Luke, come on in." She said as she turned to lead me back to the house. Her butt in those jeans, really incredible. It was like the motion of the ocean watching her walk. I am definitely a butt guy. I was drooling. I wiped my mouth on my sleeve. She went into a palatial kitchen and poured me some tea. " Talk to me sweetheart." She winked at me. Wow she was confidant now. " Well, here's the deal. Your sister June, uh bug. I need her to have a purpose, she's driving me crazy. I need you to invite her to Starling castle, please. She has friends there, she can try to find herself again." " I see. So give up my inheritance to my sister?" She smiled at me, I couldn't think. My mind went to her being naked again. I wanted her very much. She was the type of woman a man might start a war over, just to have her. Kingdoms would fight over her. She was that special. " You asked me a question but honestly, you've been looking at my chest this whole time." She was brazen this one, she unbuttoned the next button down. I licked my bottom lip and bit it. I was drawn in by her magic. She unbuttoned another button, then another. " Oh dear, I buttoned my shirt up wrong." She just now saw her mistake from earlier and was determined to right it. I stood up quickly, knocking over my tea.
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