+h!rty. The serial Killer strikes again.

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Kennedy I felt really bad today. I tried to sit up, my ribs hurt so bad. I hid my tears from Orcas. He drove for hours. Finally he pulled into a very long drive. There were beautiful trees lining the driveway. I saw a beautiful home with white columns. It was grey and white. Orcas stopped the car and picked me up. " I'm putting you in our room love, but if you want your own room, I can get another room ready for you." " No, I'm fine." I spoke way too soon. This room was filled with animal heads and taxidermied critters. They all stared at me. It was an uncomfortable feeling. Orcas brought me a few extra pillows. He stripped me down. He frowned seeing my bruised body. " What hurts the most?" He didn't know where to start. I held up my finger. It was mangled and swollen. I couldn't get my wedding ring off, now it was so swollen, it was purple. " Oh, gross. That's horrible. I need to get a wire cutter. Stay put. Oh, do you want some Tylenol or stronger?" "Yes, much stronger please." He came right back with a wire cutter and a couple pills. " This will take the edge off." He offered me some water, I drank it down. Orcas tenderly snipped off my beautiful diamond wedding ring. I sighed in relief. " I'll get this to a jeweler and get it fixed." He smiled. My finger was bent. " Oh, it's definitely broken, damn her!" He took a splint from a first aid kit and set my finger. I turned my head in pain. The pills were kicking in. I felt much calmer. I smiled at him. " You would have made a good nurse." I told him. He kissed my swollen lips. "Okay, what's next?"He was pulling out some tincture of iodine and put a drop on my face cut, then dabbed them all. " My ribs are killing me." I told him. He wrapped my ribs up and put ice on them. Over the next few weeks, my husband very attentively healed me. I was up in the kitchen. We were truly all alone. I cooked dinner for us. Orcas brought in some wood for the fireplace. " I need to talk to you my love." He said. I was affraid he was setting me aside to go back home. " I am needed in Oaksprings, I have to sign the papers on my apartment. I put it on the market when we left. I already have a generous offer." He smiled. I felt relief. The next night I was all alone in this big empty house. I started to clean, but decided to drink the fine wine instead. ******** Orcas I drove fast, trying to get to my office unnoticed to do business, the moon was full tonight. I got into the office and was surprised by a note from my sister. " I understand your fury, I need to apologize to your wife, please call me." I grinned, my pulling of her finances did the Job. I left the note there, incase she returned, I didn't want her to know I was there, in town. I signed all of the papers for the sale of the apartment at the bank. I was shocked to see the amount of money that it went for. I made a fortune on it, however, I did own the whole building to be honest. As I was driving back, I saw a woman enter the bar, the Cave. She was definitely a vampire. I realized that I had an opportunity here to interrogate her, while my mind was still clear, and I was nice and calm before the rising of the moon. I had at least 2 hours. I took off my jacket and replaced it with an overcoat. I put the collar up and sat at table in the very back. She honed in on me right away. I smiled and pretended to be drunk. I bought her a drink. She ordered Henessy straight up. Seems to be a trend with these girls. She made her move. I had left my contacts at home. Too late I realized my error. She already had me in her car before I could protest. She kissed me deeply with her tongue. I kissed her back, feeling hypnotized by her vampire charms. She drove me to her condo. I was almost undressed when my watch alarm sounded. It was just enough to jar me from her web. I set my alarm for when the moon rose. I felt my eyes swirling, I changed silently as she started to bite my neck. She just grazed me with her razor sharp teeth. I ripped into her, killing her instantly. I would call it self defense. I dragged her to the cemetary and tore her dead heart out of her chest and ripped off her head. She gave me no satisfaction as I couldn't even interrogate her. I turned and ran off. I went to her condo and cleaned up the evidence. It was way past midnight, I had lost all track of time. I slowly went home, I was wiped out. When I got home, Kennedy was up. She was waiting patiently for me. She hugged me and kissed me. I pushed her away to take a shower. ********* Kennedy. I noticed that my husband smelled like perfume, he had lip stick on his collar. I suspected he was out with another woman. I felt my heart breaking in two. I thought we had something very special. I went to my own room, the one without the animal heads in it and cried myself to sleep. My sister spitting in my face was now second to my husband being unfaithful. I pretended I was asleep when he came in to say goodnight. I faced the wall. ********* In the morning, I did not confront him as I had decided that he was new to the idea of marraige and he never technically pledged to be faithful to a woman like me. I walked down to the small creek that I saw in the back yard. I sat on the bank of the creek and scanned my phone for news from home. The early hours of the full moon produced another body. The 25 year old college student studying finance was found in the cemetary. The tale, tale signs of the moonlight serial killer, a severed head and no heart. Her identity is being withheld pending family notification. I felt sad for her. Why would someone kill these women? ************ Detective Weston Moore I was looking for clues as to who was killing these women in my beloved town. I went to the crime scene and took the requisite pictures. My own thought was that it wasn't a serial killer as much as it was a killing of opportunity. These women were known to frequent seedy bars and they themselves were, in many cases, involved in crimes themselves. I loved a good mystery. I could have collected footprints, but the only ones that I ever found were those of wild dogs, obviously attracted to the smell of death. I looked at this woman's driver's license. Patty Ford, 25 year old college student. " Let's see where you lived pretty Patty?" I saw it was a low brow condo in town. I let the crime scene investigators do their work as I went to this condo. I saw a security camera on the outside of the building and went inside to collect the video for evidence. " Hello, detective Weston Moore. I need a copy of that video." I pointed to the outer camera. " Oh, those don't work, just for show." the manager informed me.
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