T₩enty N9ne. Orcas takes Kennedy away.

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Orcas My family did this to her, they harmed my own wife. Rena and Robby. I decided I needed to take Kennedy to my home and tell her the truth about me, about us. She doesn't even know how very close she was to dying. Either of them could have easily killed her. I know they were taught the same as I was, Starlings are our hated enemy, kill on site. Fortunately I got to know my little bird before I knew she was a Starling. I now had to face losing her, once I explained to her about the whole Lycan/ wolf thing. She will most likely run for her life and leave me. I can see in her face that she is in pain. I tried to drive slowly, to not jerk her young body. I am going to hide her here. Not let any others know she is still living. My precious wife. I can't let her be killed, not now. We have a close bond, a connection now. She is my mate, weather the others realize it or not. I received a call from Rena. " I guess your little Starling came home and tattled on me then?" She said calmly. I could hear the disdain still left in her voice, even though she had already expelled a good amount of her anger. I played dumb. " What do you mean, did you talk to her, I haven't heard from her. When did you speak to her last, she didn't come home last night?" I could hear the a pause in her voice. " Oh, we just had words. Look, I'm busy. I will call you later." She ended the call quickly. Guilty as hell! " Don't get mad at them, I was taunting her, I betrayed Robby by telling Rena he was being bullied at school to defend her honor. It was really my fault. I taunted Rena into hitting me, well... first she shot at me, but she said she chose to miss my head. I wanted her to know how Robby felt when the bullies beat him up. Make her see, she should teach him how to stop someone like her, not just lay there and take it like I did. I didn't know she hated me enough to actually kill me, I was so wrong." " I'm taking you to my estate in the country. I'm sorry my love. They will both pay for this, it must be so." " Orcas, no, then they will hate me even more, please. Don't say anything, let things simmer down." I know I had already lost one mate, I can't take the chance of losing one that I adored more than anything else. " We will hide you away. Until they stop with all the blood lust stuff. I'm so sorry Kennedy. I truly am my love." She had no idea how angry I really was. I needed to ice them both out for a long while, lest I kill my own family. I texted them both. " I'm not pleased, don't contact me unless it is dire." They both knew me, they knew that I had always answered my phone for them. They knew I was very angry. I had always put them both first in my life. I was done with the disrespect of my chosen wife. They could face their issues without me. I pulled all funding for Rena's new skin care line and canceled her credit cards. I canceled Robby's credit card. I put my apartment in the city up for sale. I was livid. ********* Robby My mother was so angry with me, I believed she might have killed Kennedy. I was so mad at Aunt Kennedy for betraying me. But, I could see my mother was trying now to talk to me, not just hire a lawyer. Kennedy must have convinced her that I was in real need of self defense lessons. Mom wants me to go to a gym and start working out with an instructor. Mom actually talked to me for the first time in forever. She took a day off from work to spend it just with me. She apologized for her knee jerk reaction of threatening the principle. I felt kind of bad that Kennedy had to face her wrath. I rode my motorcycle back to the cemetary. She wasn't there. I saw a bullet hole in the tomb stone near where Kennedy said she buried her grandmother. There was dried blood pooled on the gravel. I felt sick. My mother must have killed her. I did that, it was all my fault. I stayed for a while, hoping aunt Kennedy would return, she did not. Now uncle Orcas said she was missing. I lied and said I hadn't seen her. I was afraid. My aunt was gone. I had to try to find her, or at least her body. I could bury her here next to her grandma. I felt sick inside. *********** Rena I didn't see she was teaching me a lesson about my Robby until after I beat her so badly she couldn't get up. When I got home and had a few glasses of wine, I thought about it. I needed to help Robby to gain confidence and learn self defense, not just slap a lawyer on the problem. Kennedy was right. He needed to fight back. Bullies can't ruin his life like they did mine. Mainly my ex husband Aaron Jackson. He was mean as sin. He beat me good after I lost the two other boys, he nearly killed me only days after giving birth. I begged him to spare my life. I was so afraid that I would die that day. Orcas saved my life, he swept me away and hid me from Aaron. I drank a sip of my wine. I was her bully. I've done nothing but spew hate at Kennedy Starling. I might have acted differently at the gala if I had know my brother got the relics back from her. Funny girl. She never begged for her life, she never acted scared. She baited me to hurt her some more. In a way, she is the bravest woman I have ever met. I finished my wine. When Orcas called me, I knew she had tattled on me. But he hadn't seen her. I felt compelled to go to her, check on her. Maybe she was planning on leaving, packing up and running away. I didn't think so. She must be hiding away. But why, Orcas would be so angry seeing what I did to her. Maybe...she is hiding from him, not me. She wants time to heal before he sees her. But why try to protect me? No, not me...Robby. She does care for my boy, she really does. I took the day off to spend with Robby. When Kennedy shows her face again, I will try to talk to her without killing her. I will try for my son's sake. I went to her castle, her dad said he hadn't seen her in days. I could tell he was worried now. I walked around to her room. She wasn't there. Damn. I went home and started to work a bit on my computer. There was an alert from my bank account. Orcas had pulled my line of credit. He knew. He was making me pay. Robby came in. "My cards not working, did you cancel it when you were mad at me?" " Not me son. Uncle Orcas found his wife. He's punishing us. He must be taking her home. I'm afraid he is very, very angry. I made a huge mistake son, I'm sorry." Robby looked at me. " I thought....is he taking her home, or her body mother?"
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