T₩o. Meeting my husband.

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I swallowed hard. This was very creepy, but I loved every damn minute of it. He read the will, I kind if zoned out during the formalities of it all. But...wait for it, he said the words millions. Nope not thousands, million and plural at that. I was now, suddenly very, very rich. I sneezed from the dust of all the papers, books, keys, old cracking, yellow papers that he handed to me. Inside my mind, I was fascinated. I needed to show daddy everything. He would flip out. When I made the 20 minute walk home, my parents were not there. I called daddy. " Mom threw up and aspirated on her lunch, we are at the hospital now." He sounded scared, anxious. I was getting ready to head there when my cell phone rang. It was a woman with a thick european accent. "Miss Starling?" " Yup, what can I do for you?" I asked, thinking it was a telemarketer. " Miss Starling, your private jet leaves at 5pm. Your grandmother stipulated in her will that she would be layed to rest in Scotland. She made arrangements for your flight, tonight." I was biting my long white nail. I had just painted it when I did my mother's nails for her yesterday. I took down all of the details, then drove over to the hospital. Mom wasn't looking too good. I started to tell daddy about my meeting with the lawyer, he was too distraught to listen, he barked at me. "Not now Kennedy. Mommy is not doing well this time." His eyes looked at me with fear, and sorrow. She was dying..... I didn't know it then, but mom's death changed the trajectory of my life when I missed that flight on the private jet. We buried my mother that week and I made plans to travel to Scotland two weeks later, I was flying commercial, not by private jet. Daddy pushed me to go. He wanted to be alone for a while. My sister was flying back to college next week. She took it very hard. Dad couldn't hardly look at poor Bug, she resembled mother so much. ************* So now I was flying to Scotland to my new life, it was a far cry from my old life, I felt butterflies in my tummy as I flew over the Atlantic ocean. My mother would love this, I thought. I wiped my sweaty hands onto my lap nervously. The man sitting next to me was extraordinary looking, he had a similar companion too, she was almost too pretty to look at. She had very long legs, her hair was in thick curls around her collar. Her eyes were brown with thick lashes, her face was of an angel, all angles and thick lips. Her perfume wafted over to me. I inhaled it and closed my eyes. The man next to me leaned in and said,"It's her signature blend, Orchid delight. Nice right?" I gave him a side look and nodded. I felt a deep sense of dejavu seeing these two, I just couldn't quite remember where. I was astounded that a sofistiacated looking man like him would talk to a plain girl from Bend Oregon like me. He was tall and impressive. His hair was dark brown and full of thick curls. His eyes were like the woman's with those long lashes. I felt my eyes dart away. The man leaned in as if to tell me a secret, but then he just sniffed me. I saw it, he actually leaned in just to sniff me. I hope I used enough deodorant, I never wore perfume, not like the women he must be used to. I saw him shake his head after sniffing me, like he had inhaled pepper. He even sneezed twice, like a dog. He turned to the woman and shook his head. I was dismissed. Not who he was looking for, I surmised. I was quite and utterly wrong, that happened on occasion. My story really begins on this long flight with these two crazy good looking people. ************* It was here where I first met my soon to be husband, Orcas Howle. He was the crazy good looking man that had been paying attention to me, that's about all an insecure recluse like me needed right? After he sneezed, I saw him look at his companion and shake his head. I later found out that the woman with the nice smelling perfume, was his only sister, Rena Howle. Looking down, trying to keep from looking at this man, I started to draw in my note book. I drew several pictures of the keys that grandma had left me. I paid close attention to the shading of the red ruby fobbed key for some reason. It was sitting in my pants pocket right now. I was about to take it out to reference it for my drawing, when the perfume woman gasped. She spoke in a different language to the man and he also gasped, though a bit deeper in tone. He grabbed my notebook, snatched it right from my hands. He turned to his companion and smiled, he said,"we hebben het gevonden."( we have found it.) Now I am not foreign to the German language, but I was not fluent in it. I think he said," we" something. So...that's not helpful. I tried to take my notebook back but he put his big hand onto mine. ********** Orcas (POV) " I wonder, do you think she has it on her?" I said to my only sister. Rena smiled. " She wouldn't be that stupid, however look at her, I sense no fear, no anxiety." I did look at her. I looked very closely at her. She didn't smell like a wolf, or even a pup. I only smelled ginger, maybe cinnamon on her. (Kennedy did eat a cinnamon role for breakfast.) She made me sneeze, I've been told that my nose is very delicate, sensitive. I had to sniff her in small doses. Feeling...excited? Yes that was the word. ************* Kennedy " So, you two done talking about me?" I raised my manicured eyebrow at them, my impression of the Rock. Orcas smiled at me for the first time ever. That smile made me swallow involuntarily. I removed my hand and tucked it between my legs. Rena smiled too. "She doesn't have it, she wouldn't be so relaxed. She's not that good, I mean look at her Orcas, she's a human girl." She sniffed now too. " Virgin, I'd say." She picked up a magazine and dismissed me like I was worthless. Orcas introduced himself. " I am Orcas Howle Jr. I am very pleased to meet you miss...?" I smiled at him, but I was angry at the woman. " Kennedy." that's all your getting weirdo. I'm not telling them my last name. He turned his attention to me, full force. Good gravey this guy. He is like a very intense overbearing Mr. Fancy pants over there, total turn off. I moved his arm off of the armrest that we shared. He smiled as his marbled looking hazel eyes, shifted colors, I swear it. Uh, oh...I'm in trouble. His full smile is a game changer. I feel like a cool stick of butter that is suddenly hit with a blow torch. I blinked and stared at those shifty eyes, I slowly reached over him, blindly feeling for my notebook. I touched his crotch. I wonder if he has something hard in his pocket then? Orcas placed his hand over mine, pressing it down. Nope not something in his pocket. He whispered to me. " You are interesting to me, not like other girls. You will do though." He licked his lips. " Oh leave her alone." the woman said to him. He growled at her, I think. It was definately a lip snarl. I snatched my notebook when he was doing the growling thing. He placed his hand on my arm, not looking at me once. I was stuck on this flight for 10 more hours. s**t. When it got dark, I drifted off only to find, Orcas was cuddling with me. He had raised the armrest and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I woke up to his chest hair tickling my nose. I felt a drop of something wet on my head. Did he just drool on me? I didn't feel like waking this big guy up to face his weird attention on me. I just tried to go back to sleep. I was wiped and emotional about the loss of my mother. I felt my eyes start to water. When a tear fell onto Orcas arm he licked it away. He looked at me, his eyes were opened now. I tried to move away. " Stay, Kennedy. You are sad, why?" He asked me quietly. " I lost my mother a few weeks ago." He placed his thumb on my face and tasted his thumb again licking my tears. This is not normal, I thought. He shifted in his chair. Orcas rubbed one of my rogue curls between his fingers. " I too know this loss, I recently lost someone, she was my mate. I am alone now. Well, my older sister Rena here. But, you know, sisters aren't mate material right?" He said, as if I would know about mating. I kind of felt sorry for the poor guy. He looked so sad.
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