N9nty 5. Rena's dangerous lycan side.

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Lucas " What do you mean Love...uh Kennedy?" I asked her. " Look at me a moment, make me forget you. I don't want to remember you, you my vampire husband. I want you to take it away. Take away this feeling that I have inside me that I broke us. I made a mistake trying to love you again, when you couldn't love me like you once did. Make me content just being me. I don't want to be us. You and I. I want to be just me now, without you. Can you do it?" I took her warm hands. " Look at me then." I did as she asked. I told her what she wanted to hear. She blinked a few times, then pulled her hands away from mine. " Excuse me, I don't feel well. I must be going home. I'm sorry if I was...inappropriate by visiting you at the historical society. I won't let it happen again." She stood up and staggered off. June swooped down from her perch and went after her. I looked at my hands. It was done, I broke up with her as she asked me to. I turned to walk home. Why was my heart breaking in two? I mean, she should be the one crying here, not me. ********** Kennedy " You can come down here, just walk with me please." My sister dropped down next to me. " You blocked him didn't you?" She asked me. " Blocked who?" I said. " He thinks he just broke up with you, you are the one breaking up with him." She said, grabbing my arm to face me. " June, Rena is falling in love with him, he finds her desirable, I can't be in her way, or his. I can't let him think that he can't be with her because we were once married and he owes me something. He deserves to be happy. I don't remember our life before. I can't hold him back, nor Rena." I put my hands into my pockets. " I can make it home from here, go to Douglas, you will be late for your night out." I smiled and hugged June. She shook her head. " Not gonna happen, you played me, and Lucas. I can't believe you!" She started to laugh. " I am not sorry June. I need to keep away from both of them, give them space. I'm going to America next week, to help daddy empty the house out. I spoke with Howle, he agreed." June walked by my side. " Who's going to protect you?" " I am going to protect myself. Howle agreed and is flying me out by private jet, straight to daddy." We grew quiet as we approached the castle. We both used our biometrics to get in. Now we were heading to our own rooms. I stretched and yawned. I picked up my blanket and went to my secret room. Very empty without Howle to cuddle with. I sat in bed and thought about my life. I needed things to change. I wasn't a child anymore, my family was everything to me, yet something was gnawing at me. I loved Weston. My heart knew he lived. My heart was his alone. I wanted to find him. He was in my dreams lately. He called to me. " Baby girl, find me. I want us to get married in Italy. Come, find me." I knew what my sister and everyone told me about him dying, but this kind of vampire yearning was created by our blood bond, he was alive. I packed my things the next day and got on a plane. I smiled at my decision. Mine alone, no one else's plans for my life, just mine. *********** Lucas I wasn't happy. I was only moving through time filling it with things to do. I over loaded my plate full of stupid tasks that I was turning numb. My hair was growing out I had cut and dyed that stupid red piece that grew in the front. It just kept growing back. Rena called me. " I'm done hiding here, did you end things with her?" " Yes Rena." I smiled thinking of her warm body under mine. " Did she...you know...cry and stuff like she tends to do?" She felt guilty wanting me all to herself. " No, she just left. She wanted me to make her forget about us, what we once were to...eachother. s**t Rena, you're right. She usually makes a fuss and cries all over the place." " Lucas, I'm outside your door. I don't want to come in there if it means that I've betrayed the only woman that I ever loved." " Just get in here, no one betrayed anyone here. She knew everything. She wants us to be together. I know her. s**t I fell for it too, I thought...well I thought she was broken by me, but she was the one doing the breaking." My door flew open. The very lovely Rena was standing there in a long red coat. She walked over to me and hugged me. " How did this even happen, us being a thing?" She smiled and stroked my hair in the back. " You smell wonderful Rena." " My new fragrance, I'm testing it now." " It's a hit, you will make millions on that one." I looked at her beautiful face. " Let's f*** now wolfy. Forget about a certain redhead that cast a spell on both of us. I don't need little witches in my life. I know she says she's not a witch, but I think she is, she just doesn't know it yet." " Lucas, I want to be my lycan, the moon is full, are you ready to hunt me?" She moved against me, making me turn all my attention back to only her. " Run!" I said. She laughed as she whipped off her coat and ran out the door naked, then quickly clothed by her white fur. She was gone. I turned my neck side to side cracking it. I slipped into a night winged bird and flew off after her. She was not a very good hider. I found her in a field of green, lying there as the full moon shone upon her womanly curves. I softly landed on her stomach. She pet my head. I turned back into her lover and covered her with my body. We made love in the moon light. It was wild and frantic. She suddenly grew in size as she transformed into her lycan form. I liked the danger. She howled and gnarled her teeth. I grabbed her and hung on as she took full control of me. She tried to bite me and sunk her claws into my back. I cried out in pain. Suddenly Rena was back. She was panting next to me. Her eyes were shiney and gold in the light of the the moon. She cried out as she turned into her wolf and ran away. I called her. "Stop, come back!" She turned back to me. I showed her my back, now healed. She walked as a woman back to me. " I thought that I hurt you, I'm so sorry." She cried. I nodded," I'm a vampire, I heal myself." I kissed her lips. " Why haven't these scars on your chest healed then?" She touched me softly. " I guess because I was mortal when my...my..mother." I couldn't say it. She tried to kill me to get to my precious wife. Rena grabbed me and threw me to the grass. " I want you, only you Lucas Moore. Don't think about anything but my hot, wet, honey hole, waiting right here for you to fill." I saw her fingers on her own body. I couldn't resist her. I thrust into her honey hole.
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