F♧ur. Found my little red head.

1349 Words
Kennedy Finally. I trudged up to my room on the fourth floor at the Royal hotel. It was a huge suite with, yes! a claw foot tub. I felt giddy. I wanted to soak in that damn tub so badly. I put grandma in the bedroom next to my bed, this gave me comfort that she was here with me in Scotland. I filled that tub up with hot water, squirting in a bit of shampoo to make bubbles. I looked in the antique mirror at myself. I could see my hair was frizzy and wild. Stripping off my clothing quickly, it was time for my soak. I could smell myself, sweat and funk from hours of travel. Placing one foot in, then the next I grabbed the sides of the big tub and sank down. This is heaven. I soaked for a very long time. After my hands pruned up. It was time to go to bed. I forgot my PJs. This is highly unusual for me. I guess I'm sleeping in the nude tonight. Before I drifted off dad texted me,"Lock the dead bolt, goodnight." Shit, I had forgotten this. I got up and turned the dead bolt, then I froze. I heard someone outside my door. It was like a shuffling noise. I backed away from the door and called the front desk. " Send someone up to my room please, I hear someone outside my door, hurry." I watched and waited. About ten minutes later there was a loud knocking on my door. I just about died of heart failure. "Bang, bang, bang, bang." Then a man's voice,"Miss Starling, it's security." I ran to put on my robe and looked through the peep hole. A very large man in a white uniform was standing there. " Hello?" I opened the door for him. " What seems to be the problem?" He asked nicely. " Well to be honest, I think I'm being followed by a pair of hound dogs hunting me." He smiled. "That's unusual, like real dogs?" He asked me smiling. " Oh, uh...no. I met these people on the plane. It feels like they are following me." I was spooked. " Well, let me look around a bit, I will start in your room first." He said. I did not notice his eyes looked a bit yellow in the dim light of the room. He went into my room, then quickly back out of it, he was holding his nose, he looked like he was turning green. " No problems in here Miss." urp, urp, urp... " Are you okay, you look sick?" I wondered why he was violently ill all of the sudden. He stumbled out the door. I quickly locked it. " Grandma, we need to get home to your house here soon. These people are so strange." " Did you get it?" Orcas asked the security guard. " No." He shook his head and stumbled off. ********* Orcas Howle " I told you to look in her bag.I can't depend on anyone to do this." My clan hated the smell of human ashes. I didn't want to go in there either. I happened to spot her in that taxi and Rena and I were able to follow her in to town. We lost her for a moment, but most well off Americans stayed at the Royal hotel. My cousin Randle worked here as a security guard. I gave him instructions to get that key. I asked him not to hurt her. I wanted to have her first. It would be a shame for her to die, she was so interesting. But, like most Lycans, he just couldn't stomach the death smell. I decided I needed to get her alone. I settled into the room next door to her. I was on my own, Rena took off for home. She was home sick after all this travel. Her mind was on Robby. He was her first born. The only one that survived out of 3 of them born to her 15 years ago. Triplets, all male too. The younger two were too weak and didn't make it. Robby was a good boy. He watched out for his mother. Her mate left her for another, one that gave him stronger children. I never liked Robby's father, Aaron. He was a jerk to Rena. He attacked her shortly after she lost the babies. It took her a long time to heal. I wanted his blood for that, but it was his right to punish her. The females took all the blame for their offspring. I never wanted to have a family until I met Serena. I am very much a loner. I was thinking about her death again and shook my head to clear my thoughts. I went out to the balcony to listen, to take in my surroundings. She was quiet over there. I looked down to the street below, I could easily climb over to her balcony and end this now. I looked at the moon. It would be full in two more days. My lust was building. Fuck it, I'm going over there. Climbing over the railing, I scooted over to the balcony next door. It was a bit of a jump, but hell...I could jump at least 20 feet if I needed to, in my current form. I landed on the balcony squatting down to listen. I hoped she didn't hear me and get all scared and stuff. Her fear would make me wild in the current state I am in. I tried the knob, it turned. Most people don't think about someone coming in from the fourth floor balcony. Mistake little girl. I smiled thinking about her response to me being here. Walking into her room, the lights were dim, she was snoring lightly. Shit that stench, how could she sleep in there. Damn, it's like being in a sewer. I got an idea to look around the outer rooms first. That was a mistake on my part. " Why are you even here?" My little red head was standing directly behind me. Scared the crap out of me, I jumped straight up. " Scared you didn't I?" She was incredibly confident for a human. I tried my natural charm on her. " I need you. You did something to me on that plane, I knew you wouldn't talk to me if I just knocked, so I came over the balcony." My lip snarled involuntarily. She saw it. Still, she wasn't affraid. I could sense that she is very comfortable with me. " Well, can we properly meet now?" I asked as I sat down on the couch. She shook her curly red hair, her arms were crossed over her chest. She made me feel nervous how she commanded the room, like she was in charge of me or something. I sat there, a bit stunned by her reaction. I never met a woman so calm around me, she actually kept me calm. My heart was slowing now. She sat close to me and touched my arm. " You are here to try and seduce me aren't you?" She asked me, not once thinking I could tear her pretty body apart with my unleashed passion. " I am. Aren't you interested in me, I got the feeling that we made a connection on the plane." I gave her my best, I'm harmless look. " Orcas, you are a very handsome man, a bit weird. But....I am not having s*x with you. I'm only sleeping with my husband. When I find one that is." She smiled at me. I felt a strange movement in my gut at her smile. I wanted to be good for her. I watched as she opened the door. She pointed to it. I stood up, obeying her for some reason. She walked me to the door. I turned and smelled something underlying in her pocket. It wasn't death, it was something else. " Don't make me do this." she said. "Just leave Orcas, please."
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