Tw6nty si×. Howe's apartment.

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Kennedy " And, what if I am married now to your brother Rena and he shuts you out for murdering me?" Rena sat down and looked at her nails. " Whatever your plans are to ruin what's mine, they will be crushed, do not cross me. I'm not like Orcas, I'm vengeful and fierce, I enjoy hunting and killing for sustenance." I nodded and patted my bed. " Rena I want to know you. Will you try to listen to me, just one time?" She eyed me like I was going to surprise her with a knife in the back. " Come, we are sisters now, I have no plans, no fight left. I'm sorry I called you a b***h. I am seeing you, the real you for the first time. You my sister are quite beautiful, come sit on my bed here." She shook her head as she stood above me. I carefully and slowly put my shaking hand out, not shaking in fear, but rather weakness. I reached out to touch her. She moved away. " Don't touch me you filthy human." I could feel electricity in the air around us. Like I was manipulating it for my own sake. Rena watched as I showed her my powers. I tried to penetrate her hardened exterior with something nice, a feeling if warmth, tenderness. " You are a very good girl, a very good mother. You are my good girl." I don't know what compelled me to say any of that, but it felt comforting and right. She whimpered and began to cry, I mean really cry. She sobbed big, thick tear drops. I had opened her heartbreak, her sorrow came pouring out. I continued to move an electrical like current, like a heart beat towards her, to soothe her. We looked at eachother, it was progress. Then she saw the key around my neck, she remembered, she remembered who I was, all her hate for me, for my family name. The spell was broken. " You are a powerful sorceress, you almost had me for a moment witch. My warning still stands, talk to my son again, you die." She stood up, looming over me once again. I nodded. She said it without malice or anger, just with truth and fact. " I will avoid Robby, but please know this, he is getting bullied at school, look at his fist, it's purple by now, he stands up for you, for his precious mother every day. I think I can help him, I have much experience with being bullied, tons and tons. If he comes to me, I will never turn him away, it's just my nature to try and help people, even when they hate me because of my name. Rena, by the way, I actually have a new name now, it's Howle. I am your sister and I can help you." Now it was my turn to weep. I put my head down under my sheet to hide my tears, I felt embarrased, I felt raw. I missed June bug. When I came back up, she was gone. I layed down and covered my face with my arm, Monroe came to my room. He saw me weeping. " Hey, it's bad news isn't it, June ran off with that goth guy Lucas, he's turning her against us, I'm sad too Ken." His eyes were wet. I looked up and Jill and Amanda were there too. " Come in guys, get in my bed. Jill, sit here, Manda panda( my nick name for her) come here, and Monroe bring it in." They layed in my bed with me. "We need to get her back somehow. I have an idea, but I will need to leave for it to work. I'm going to go away. I will stay with my new husband Orcas. I'm sure you heard by now I am married to him?" Monroe sighed. " Yes we heard." Manda panda said," It's very romantic though." Jill giggled. I told them my plans. I would let them lure June back here to my castle to try and get her to reunite her friendships, without me here to interfere. I knew that they would be able to fix her, they were her very best friends. They all agreed to try it. ********* The next day, I felt good, stronger. I was ready to start the day. I packed a bag and told daddy I was going away to give June space. He said he understood and he would try to talk to her. I called for a taxi and left for town. I realized I had no clue where Orcas actually lived. I went to the coffee shop instead and had a double cappuccino that made me nervous. Walking down the street with my bag, l finally reached the nail salon and got my nails done, a beautiful glossy pink. I let them put little gems on my nails as well. They directed me to the salon next door for my messy hair sitch. I got my hair colored and straightened. It was full and luxurious. The color was now closer to a strawberry blond again, not so red now, the same as when I was younger. Well, except one stubborn dark red streak hanging down my face. They directed me farther down the street to the epililary where I got a wax to clean up my body hair. I'm a wife now. I need look my best. I felt renewed, refreshed. Then I called Orcas. " I'm here in town, I need a ride to your home, or can I walk from here?" He sounded groggy. " Uh, oh...go to my apartment in town, room 227 fourth floor. Tell Leon who you are, he will show you up." This was it, I was about to live with a man that I barely knew, I was a pariah to his community and closest family, yet he wanted me, he chose me. I smiled thinking of his warm bed. I walked up to his apartment building. Leon the doorman indeed let me up. I raised my hand to knock, the door flew open. Orcas pulled me in and hugged me tightly. He looked tired. He pushed me back at arms length and looked at me, at my hair. He nodded. " It suits you, but I can't call you Red anymore." I smiled, " I have one stubborn streak left." I held up the red strand. I saw his eyes soften, his smile rose up and he picked me up, swooped me away to his bedroom. " Now, I need to see you, all of you. Get naked wife, now." I slowly, purposefully unbuttoned and removed my blouse. I felt very nervous. I then undid the zipper on my my slacks and removed them, then my bra. I paused then as Orcas nodded for me to continue. He watch my breasts as they moved with my movements. My long gemmed out pink nails dipped into the rim of my white panties, I removed them by slowly shimmying them off of my hips, then down my legs and finally I was fully naked. I looked away, not meeting his gaze. I wanted him to like me, but I knew my flaws. He picked me up and inhaled. He lay in bed next to me and kissed me then. He started at my foot, then my ankle, my calf, my inner knee, my thighs. He paused. "Wife lay back and relax." I could feel myself trembling, shaking all over. He put one hand one my flat stomach, well it was mostly flat. He spread my legs with his knee against my inner knees. Then he was on me, he took all my nervousness and kissed it away. I honestly dreamed of this. I wanted him to do this to me. I fell then, I fell very hard for this husband of mine. His mouth did things to my senses that I never thought could be done. His tongue swirled around mine as he continued to create a feeling in me. I felt a rush of warmth and new sensitivity rush through my body landing between my legs. I was feeling the static electicity in the air shooting into me, into us, my head went side to side. I was controlling the pulsating energy between us. It felt so good.
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