T₩ent¥5. Lucas saved me.

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Lucas ☆ I heard about Kennedy from June, her father had called her looking for her, I overheard him tell her that her sister was deathly ill. She rudely told her father she hoped so and hung up on him. I never told her to hate her only sister, but she is young and new at all of this. She feels like a queen, superior to all humans. The truth is, June is blood thirsty, she is blind by her new apetite and abilities. I was that way once too. I flew over as soon as I learned about Kennedy's illness, I had to try to help her for Adele's sake. I knew Orcas would be there, that he would probably kill me if I accidently turned her into a vampire. But I did not want that for her. I won't do it to her. She deserves to choose being like me if she wants it, I was wrong to turn June, thinking it was Ken. However, if she's going to die anyway, I would bite the hell out of her to save her from death. I recognized that Orcas had bitten her to mark her as his own, but he was unaware of the dangers of biting a witch in such a manor, she must have her own powers that fought his wolf venom. Orcas confirmed this. He looked very distraught when I arrived, he didn't growl at me once. " The healer believes she is a Mage." I was interested in this as I had June with me now and they are sisters, does June posses any powers of her own? I turned to Orcas then, he looked very tired, but he still did not threaten me in any way, progress I suppose. I informed him of my needs. " Anyway, about the blood. It should be human and pure grade, no IV drug addicts please." I knew he had connections and he would now owe me. " Anything you need Lucas, I owe you her life. I won't kill for you, but I will find you what you need, my wife will enjoy seeing you from time to time, I will allow this. Kennedy's life has changed things between us as well as the fact that June is with you, you are family of sorts, I hate to say." I would be surprised if he said anything less. He was actually honorable for a Lycan. " What about the three friends of June's, you ask them to feed you?" Orcas was practical. " How do I do that? I can't just say hey, June and I need some of your blood to keep us alive." Orcas had a point, "They will do anything for June, if they believed she was like a hemophiliac they would donate for her." ************ Orcas Lucas grinned, his mouth was dirty from the mud on Kennedy's wound. I could see her shoulder was nearly healed. I never thought to ask Lucas for help, the fact that he came as soon as he heard, tells me what kind of vampire he is, or wants to be. I respect that, for now. Now will we be drinking buddies at the full moon? Never. Around 4am my wife woke up and sat up in bed. " Could you get me some water?" She said. Lucas ran to get it for her, I was groggy, barely awake, he was wide awake, full of energy. He sat next to her and placed a cup to her mouth. " Here love, drink up." He smiled at her. His cure worked. Kennedy pulled him in and hugged him. "Lucas, you gave me a gift, I feel marvelous now, and....no stuttering." " I owe you a few pints a week then, my wife is alive." I grinned at him. He nodded. Lucas put on his long overcoat, pulled the collar up over his face and left for home. " Wait, one minute Lucas." Kennedy said. He came right back. " Take care of her, when she decides that I'm not a pile of worthless trash, bring her back to me, please. I don't even know what I did to make her hate me." " Your sister has some adjusting to do, but in a few months she will come back to you. I will work on her, what do you call her?" Lucas asked Kennedy. " June bug, or just bug." Lucas bent over and kissed her lips. " I will be there for you if you need me, just call me. I got bug for you honey." He reassured her, then went out the door. I think he wanted so much more from her, but seemed like a patient man, I can't live forever, I was sure he realized this, that's why he let me love her first. I sat next to her and held her hand. "I can't believe she hates me, she spit right in my face. This is the worst thing that ever happened to me." Kennedy said quietly. " You almost died from your wound, that was the worst thing my dear little bird." I told her. She tried to get up, I carried her to the bathroom. " Oh, turn around please." She told me. I did as she asked. " Orcas, am I coming home with you?" She asked me. " I want you to, but if you want to live here, I'm OK with that." I was just glad she lived at all. " Orcas I have my key back, did Rena bring it to me?" " She did, but she couldn't come in, she wasn't invited by you." Kennedy stood up and I fixed her pants for her. Her father came to see her. " Oh, you are up. How do you feel Kennedy?" He asked her, he was sober. I moved over so he could sit down. She hugged him. " Daddy, I'm sorry." She said. " What for baby?"He asked her. " I got married and you weren't there." She said to him. I told her," We can have a civil ceremony if you desire this." She shook her head, that surprised me. " No, I think I will cherish the way you saved me for a very long, long time." She kissed my hand. " I'm going to go home for a bit to get cleaned up and sleep, stay with your father here, I'll be back this evening." I kissed her goodbye, she pulled me into her warm mouth. " I want you." Those three words almost slayed me right there, if her father wasn't there, I would have taken her warm body. *********** Kennedy I was seeing things when I was sick, I saw Orcas turn into Clover and back again. I could see they were one in the same. How can this be though, I must have been hallucinating with the fever. My daddy was staying close, he seemed pretty clear tonight. I called Lucas when daddy went to get me some food. " You are wide awake and want to thank me right?" He asked me. "Lucas what did you mean that I ruined things when you made love to June instead of me?" He was quiet for a moment. " I believed that you and I were meant to be together, that's all." " Why, did it have something to do with what happened at the gala, everyone hates me, they called for my blood?" I told him. " I'm going to be here for you no matter who hates you. Come to me if you need me, I will never hate you." He said softly. " Thank you, and thank you for saving my life." I told him. " Kennedy we will make excellent mates some day, fear not I am always watching, waiting my love. You must be a good girl for Orcas for a while, then I will claim you as my own my dearest love." I didn't understand, and truthfully I was starving so I let him go, but I had so many questions. Daddy brought me a sandwich. I ate and drank and fell back to sleep. ******* In the morning, I had an unusual visitor, Rena was at my door. I got up and opened it. " Invite me in." She said. I reluctantly did. She was family now. " Come in, please." I told her. She came in, like the others she looked scared. I was a mess, my hair was tangled and dirty. My clothes smelled, I had sleep in my eyes. " You befriended my son, why involve him?" She asked me angrily. " I'm not sure what you are accusing me of this time Rena." I responded. " We can fight and be enemies, don't involve my only son, you hear me witch?" I was so utterly exhausted I didn't think before I spoke. " Shut the f**k up, you bitch." I closed my eyes. She laughed at me, she actually laughed. " Why do I think you never uttered those words before without stuttering, I'm so proud of you." She mocked me. " That is true." I smiled and laughed. She didn't know how I would respond, but it was not with a laugh. " If you speak to my son again, I will destroy you." She said. " I get it, what if he, speaks to me, then you kill him? Or what if Orcas speaks to me, do I die, or how about if I look at you sideways, murder then?" I was so tired I was rambling, but I wasn't stuttering.
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