T₩enty 4 She is a Mage

1405 Words
"I was thinking that there was a cure by now?" I had to ask him. " I can try antibiotics, but I think we both know, once this reaches her heart, it's over." He looked at Kennedy who now looked unconscious. Orcas got mad. "Nope, not listening to this Stubbs. You are going to make my wife your first priority. Now go consult your medical books, your colleagues, your mother, I don't care who you talk to, but you will fix her, go now! Before I end you!" I bellowed. Kennedy touched my wrist, calming me down instantly. Eyes still shut. " I need Clover, send Clover to me." She whispered to me. I instantly turned into my natural self and lay next to her. She pet me and held onto my fur. She sighed content. ********** Meriden My mother raised me to be a healer. I had followed everything she had instructed me to do, but this child, Kennedy, she was going to die. The doctor brought me in as his last resort. I looked in my book about poisonous bites and spells for cures. I believe that this woman possessed certain properties that blocked her from being healed by me. I know she is said to be a witch, since she is by blood a Starling, but I do not detect this in her. I think that she is more than a just a witch, I have a theory, just a thought that she might be a Mage. I have hit her with all of my magic all of my herbs, all of my training. I need to test my theory. I placed a glass of water near her, I lit a candle, and I sprinkled some earth around her bed. " Child, can you hear me?" I asked her knowing that she probably could whether she answered or not. " Mmmm." She said petting this large beast next to her. " Kennedy Starling I want you to put some mud on your wound and put it on thick." " Okay." She moved her hands to dip them into the mud that wasn't even there. She rubbed it around her bite. " No Kennedy, first you make the mud, use the water and the dirt around you." I gave her very clear directions. " Oh, I see." The girl moved her hands again. The water, and the dirt flew into her hands, by themselves. She mixed them with her eyes closed the whole time. " Perfect." I told her. " Now before you apply it, this time you must put the flame to the bite, I'm sorry if this hurts you, but you must kill the poison." " You do it, I'm so tired." She said. The wolf licked her face to wake her up. " Okay Clover, stop it!" She yelled. She moved the candle flame to her shoulder, she never touched it, yet just the flame landed on her shoulder. She arched back screaming in pain. " No, it h h h hurts." She screamed. As the wolf beast growled at me, I moved back in fear. I spoke to the child from the doorway, incase I had to run. " Kennedy that's good, now place the mud on there, do it now." Kennedy put the mud poultice on her wound, without using her hands. " Now say these words exactly, no stuttering." The wolf jumped down and left us. A few moments later Orcas arrived. He leaned down and kissed Kennedy. " I'm here love." "Hailingō (“healing”), Therapeuo, Der rham." Kennedy repeated the words. I stepped forward and placed a bit of wolfsbane to her wound. Not much, just a bit. She yawned but never opened her eyes not once. I shrugged and packed my things. "Orcas, now it's all up to her, she needs the will to live." He nodded sadly. He would lose another wife. " How is it that she could do all those things you told her to do?" He asked me. " The truth?" I asked him. He nodded as he paid my fees. " She is a Mage. Mages are the masters of fire, ice and arcane. Damage is the key word of the Mage." " I never heard of this, can she heal herself then?" He asked me. " If she wants to I suppose." ******** Orcas Her father finally showed up, I wondered if he ever would. He stumbled in to her room, falling forward. I caught him. " What's going on here?" He asked looking at his baby girl. " We were married tonight. She has fallen ill, a shoulder wound is infected." I rambled on mumbling he was lost in thought, not paying attention anyway. " I suspect you did this to my baby girl then?" He was very astute. I swallowed hard. He knew, he was aware. He wasn't as drunk as I thought. " I think she needs her key. It might help, it has silver, brass, and copper. These elements in combination might help her, I'm a science teacher Howle ." I stuttered then. " Wh wh what key, you mean the ruby fobbed key?" I was suddenly hopeful. I didn't have it, Rena took it from her. " I'll be back. Don't let her die, promise me Arlo. Watch over her for me." " I will stay with her. Go, I will do what I can to keep her awake." I walked out the door and quickly transitioned into Clover and ran to Rena's home. She wasn't there. I busted down her door, she deserved it. I looked for that key. I searched the whole house. Then I decided I should calm the hell down and use my nose, not my eyes. Nothing. "Where are you sister, call me?" I left a voice mail. I ran back to the gala, it was empty, dark. I hurried back to Kennedy, I arrived empty handed. When I got there to Starling castle, Rena was there. She was out by the gate. She was pacing. " s**t, what are you doing following me?" She yelled. I shook my head. " Why are you here?" I asked cooley. " I came to threaten her to leave your dumb ass, tell her the truth that you are a big bad wolf, scare the s**t our of her." " I see, then I should give her the key back right and end this with her?" I held out my hand. She took it out of her pocket and gave it to me, "finally you are thinking as a wolf." " Come in with me." I urged her, knowing she couldn't. She wasn't invited. I ran then like a wolf on fire I leapt across the mote. I seemlessly changed back into a man and gave Arlo the key. He placed it in over heart, to try and stop the poison from advancing there. " I truly hope it works." He said calmly, inside he was freaking out. He had been bargaining with God to save her, not let her die like the others had. He would stop drinking, be a better father to her. I sat down next to her and spoke gently to my wife. I stayed long after the sun dipped down to the water. She was breathing her last breath. ****** The door suddenly burst opened and that damn Lucas Moore came in like a lightening strike. " Move!" He yelled at me, his voice booming like thunder. I obeyed him, for once. Lucas bent down, he ripped off the bandage from Kennedy's shoulder and began to suck on her wound. He sucked and spit, sucked and spit. He kept going until the wound was clean, the black tendrils of wolf poison had dissipated. Lucas was saving her life. He looked at me, eye brows drawn in concern. " If this doesn't work, I'm going to turn her, I won't wait for permission." He stared at me. I just nodded wearily. Kennedy was breathing normal now, she looked peaceful. Lucas sat down, he was satisfied that he had gotten the poison out of her body. He spoke as a vampire now. " I need blood, enough to sustain two people, since I have June with me now. I want you to bring it to me, I have sworn off the hunt. Can you help us?"
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