1●2. The new Alpha

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Howle I was flying to the old country, Rena and Lucas were minding the castle while I was away. Arlo had made it home. He was in good spirits. He said Kennedy seemed OK, other than that one nightmare of Weston killing her. I hated that vampire. I trusted June and Douglas to watch after Kennedy, they agreed to fly to America and watch her from afar. They were taking the private jet out to California after the baby was born. Vanessa was due to deliver any time now. I wasn't taking any chances. Of course Robby was a strong lycan now, I had given him my blessings to love my wife. It was our way. Besides, once I finished my business with this Alpha bullshit, I could probably say I was no longer welcome in my clan. I had no intention of being the Alpha. I didn't want Aaron to take the seat, but I could lobby against him. My clan was adamant that it be me. As flattering as that was, I could decline because of my choice of wife. No one would want an Alpha with a decended witch wife, I knew Kennedy wasn't a witch, but they had their rules. When I landed in Conri with my clan. We all rode together. As we all entered the estate, I was immediately called into the Alpha's bed chambers, I was surprised he still lived. Aries looked horrible, his eyes were red rimmed, his face bloated. It was his heart, finally giving out. He looked at me with a strained face. He motioned to me to come close. I knelt in front of him. He nodded. "Go close the door." He whispered. I did as instructed, half fearful he would rip my heart out for some unseen offense. I returned to him. "Sit down Orcas." I sat next to him. He handed me a letter. It was his resignation. I read it with much confusion. It ended by my direct appointment as holder of the seat of Oakspring, naming me the new Alpha in situ. I frowned and read it again. " Is this right, you want me as Alpha, why me?" I was greatly flattered. " Only you. I need you to know there is evil in our midst. I was visited by a Moore. Weston, he was an old student of mine." He paused to cough, there was blood in his tissue. " He did all this. He wants your wife. He is turning over the castle to me, to the clan. He poisoned me, I can't prove it, but I know it to my core. You must pull his position as magistrate. I appointed him before he poisoned me, I gave him a statute, giving him your wife, and her castle and lands. Here." He handed me a new directive naming Kennedy Starling as queen of the Alpha's her castle and land hers in perpetuity. He pointed to a pen, there was no ink. He stuck my finger and made me sign it, then he did as well. " I will be damned before a blood sucking vampire takes over my clan, my people. Orcas, only you can protect our clan, your wife holds the key doesn't she?" He grinned. I nodded slowly. "You mean the key? The one she uses in the castle, that key?" He nodded. It fits the door to the sacred oracle. It was a gift from the lycan king George to the witch queen Melody, an oracle she used to see what spirit wanted her to see. They were united and bonded in love. Many centuries ago. When he was defeated in battle by the oposing lycan uprising, his wife, Melody was dethroned. The lycans killed her babies. They created the fued. The witches retaliated and killed our people in return. It's time to restore the decendant to her throne, your wife as our queen." I sat back rubbing my head. My wife as the queen, me as the Alpha. "Fu***** A." He was correcting a wrong, a centuries old wrong. " How do the Moores fit in?" I dared ask. They supported the witches, the queen found safe harbor in the Moore coven. Melody fell in love with the Vampire prince, Henry Lucas Moore the 2nd. His powerful vampire father, King Henry was beyond angry, he ordered the beheading of Melody Starling. He himself weilded the axe. Henry Lucas the 2nd never forgave his father the vampire king, he cursed him to the depths of hell and left the Moore coven never to be seen again. It is rumored that he fled with his children in fear that the coven would kill his and Melody's 3 children. But Orcas, King Henry's son Henry Lucas the 2nd was not his only child. He had a child out of wedlock, he himself had hypocritically bed a witch. Rumor has it, the mother was a very powerful witch, Sara Starling a relative of Queen Melody, her first cousin. Sara brought forth her son, step brother to Henry Lucas 2nd. She made it public knowledge that the child was bastard royalty after Henry was killed, he was the next rightful heir now. His name was Roberto Vegara. He was by all rights the next heir to the Moore clan, but they rejected him because of his witch blood. The decendant of Roberto Vegara lives today. He has no idea he is of such royal descent. I have tracked this young man down. I believe he lives in the states. I have sent word for him to come to you, to learn his true heritage. Weston Moore shall be defeated by this one, it was told to me in the oracle. Now go, hurry. I am nearly dead. Do my bidding make my clan strong enough to beat these evil vampires." " Orcas wait, one more thing, here." He took off his legendary ring. The Alpha's ring. He called his steward. "Witness this now, I name Orcas Howle as the one true successor of my throne." The steward gasped and knelt before me, me Orcas Howle. Word spread like wild fire. As I made my way back to my clan, they all knelt before me, including Aaron Jackson. I felt awkward. " Speech, speech!" some cried. I stood tall before them. " No speech, until the time of the Alpha's death I ask you to show respect to him and refer to him as Alpha. We will meet after he...well once he is placed in his eternal rest. Now go home, tend to the wolf packs. Let's all be united with these startling changes. Let's show the wolves we are still united and powerful and we will govern as so. We are one!" I lifted my new ring, it seemed appropriate. Everyone clapped and yelled," Wir sind eins(we are one)!" I made my way to my new chambers and sat down hard. I called my wife. " Honey, we need to talk." I said. " What, I can't hear you honey, we are driving through the wine country. It's so beautiful here. Can I call you when we get a better signal?" " Of course my love. Call me soon okay?" I wondered if it was safer for her to stay put for now? "Howle, I love you. I want you to know that." She yelled as she lost connection. I texted her. " I know and I love and cherish you little bird, my Red." I asked Rena to come to me. She needed to be filled in. She booked the next flight out. Lucas was at Starling castle, I knew that it was rightfully his too. I was seeing everything so clearly now. All the questions were being answered. I was too worked up to sleep. Two young women came to my bed. They were only 15 or 16. " My lord, we are Hanna and Anna twins. We belong to Aries. He told us we are to sleep with you now." I shook my head. " No, go to your own beds." I told them. " But sir, he guards our virginity, he is our sworn protector since our mother died. She was his mistress." I looked at these young girls and nodded. " Go to my bed then, I shall guard you both." They giggled as they jumped into the bed. "What do we call you?" they both said at once. " Call me Orcas. I am going to sleep on the divan." " Oh, no we can't take your bed Orcas!" they yelled. I smiled. "My wife doesn't care for me to cuddle with such beautiful women as you two. She gets quite jealous, she is a witch." They both leapt out of my bed and ran to the divan. "We will sleep here then, please don't tell her we were in her bed, so sorry Orcas." I called for some bedding for the two. They were pretty young things, but my heart belonged to my Red. I sighed.
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