N9nty 1. Learning to trust a lycan and a vampire.

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Lucas I smiled at my love bird. " I want your blood, but I did not come here for it. I came to see you and ask you out on a date with me. There is a historical play on Friday. It is about your castle and Oaksprings. I wish for you to accompany me there. It's at 6pm." She looked at me sideways and put her finger on my scar. " If my husband agrees, I will attend with you. Mr. Moore, do you want me to attend as your friend, or something more?" She was touching my collar and I was hard as a damn stone. Howle came in seeing my condition. He smiled. " She does that to me too." He said in my ear. "But the truth is you have done that to me as well, once upon a time Luke." I stared at him intently. " Oh, I...uh.. recall, yes." I said, remembering just at that very moment Howle in the shower. My voice cracked as I spoke. I never drank his blood, I would know if I had, I hadn't remembered all of us together, until just this moment. Kennedy leaned in. "Howle, is this true, you and Lucas Moore were an item?" He shook his head. " We all were together at one time, long ago. We were loving eachother, it was quite nice, you liked it, very much because you love us both." I gasped. Why would he tell her that information? He later told me he was trying to pave the way for Kennedy to trust me again. He also owed me one for breaking my jaw. I was flattered. I asked Howle if I could take Kennedy on a date and then dinner at my place. He only agreed if I spent the date here with her, after the play. He would send Rena with her to guard her. " I can guard her." I said. Howle nodded. "Agree, but your father's death has made us more protective of my little bird." I understood. My father was still out there. Kennedy would go to him like a moth to a flame if she saw him. I told him that I agreed. I looked at Howle as I kissed Kennedy goodbye. "Until Friday then." I bent my head and gave her a quick peck. She accidentally brushed against my groin as she hugged me. " You are in my dreams Lucas." She kissed me tenderly. Howle grabbed her around the waist. " Save some for me Red." I adjusted my pants. Now my mind was useless, her lips on mine were all I thought about. If I'm completely honest, I thought about Howle's lips too. I wondered if he was still open to being united in her bed. My senses were dulled by my mind, I didn't see Rena in the hallway. I bumped right into her. " Oh, sorry I was thinking, not paying attention." She said. I nodded. "Me too, but I need to ask you if you would accompany me to a play on Friday night. It's a historical play about Ken's castle and Oaksprings." She smiled and blushed. " Mr. Moore, I'd be delighted to go. Can I bring my girlfriend too?" She smiled, then giggled. I wasn't used to this side of Rena, the tease. I nodded. " Okay, yes it's a threesome then." I blurted out. " Oh, I meant that differently." I said running my hand through my long hair. She took my hand and pulled it to her chest. " Feel my heart, it's beating so fast, is yours?" She touched my chest. It was fast. " I think it would be a nice idea for us three to be together for your first time since the kidnapping. She will trust you more if I'm there too, plus...to be honest Lucas, I want to go on a date with a good looking man. I'm ready to explode from the recent tensions. I mean loving my girl is wonderful, but some times a woman wants to...you know....go out with a sexy man. Sorry, it's not coming out right. I will excuse myself before I die of embarrassment." I thought she was being sweet. " Rena, thank you, yes...I would like that too. Now I might die of surprise, I'm the sexy man?" I asked. Rena was sexy hot, I didn't know she liked men. Now I had several things to think about before Friday. ********** Kennedy " Date night, do I look okay Howle?" I asked as I straightened out my skirt. He shook his head. " Let's start over, get naked." He said. I removed all my clothes. " What do you suggest then?" I asked looking at the many dresses in my closet. He had removed his clothing too. I didn't realize this. He held me from behind. " First you need to relax. Just a little tiny bit dear." He kissed my neck as I turned in his arms to face him. He was smiling kindly. He slowly placed me on the carpet and touched me. I opened my legs for him. We were very much in love, June told me so. He thrust his largeness into me, filling me. I closed my eyes. I adored this man. He moved into me all the way. I was breathing hard. Howle licked my breasts and tasted my n*****s, completely undoing me. He whispered to me. " Your body is so damn lovely. I want to stay here like this forever my sweet." I rubbed my breasts as he kissed them. Holding onto my hips, he ground against my pelvis, my senses were all on fire. I wrapped my legs around him and hung on. We made love there in my closet. I felt dejavu again. We kissed, opened mouthed as we both climaxed together. " We've made love in here before haven't we?" I asked. " Many times my little bird. It's one of my favorite places to have you." I kissed him again and again. " I'm not going tonight, I want to stay here... with... you." I admitted as I placed kisses on his face. He pulled out gently and flopped onto his back, putting a tired arm over his face. " You should go, besides they are bringing you back here after the play for dessert." He turned to me and grinned. " Howle, do you mean for s*x, are they going to try to seduce me tonight?" I felt the attraction to both of them. Somehow, Howle wasn't bothered by it. " I think for actual dessert, Vanessa is making pie." He touched my eyebrow, smoothing it down from frowning. " Ok, but one more little kiss, then you will pick out a dress for me." He kissed me quick. "Oh, what you had on was perfect." Howle laughed, it was a rich, deep laugh full of joy. I straddled him, holding him there in my closet. " When did we fall in love?" I needed to know. " I met you on the plane to Scotland, after your mother died. I think...yes I'm sure that was when I fell for you. Our heart beats were in sync. I held you that first day on the plane as you slept in my arms." " Howle, why don't we have children?" I thought he wanted kids, he would make a very good father. " Kennedy, we had so much turmoil in the begging with my clan and everything that happened to us that we never seriously talked about it. Do you want me to get you pregnant, twins or even triplets is common for lycan births. You want a brood right away?" He rubbed my flat belly. " No, I don't think I'm ready. I'm still having fun making love and being with you, alone. When the time comes, will you help me with the children?" He pulled me to his chest. " I would be honored. Little bird, I want you happy. That's why I am not a jealous lover. In my culture s*x is just like flossing. You need to do it, sometimes with multiple members. But, I admit that when I found you, I never wanted any others. I only want you my love. It's good for you to let yourself explore, learn what you like. There will be times that I might have clan business to attend to and my sister can be with you, or perhaps even your vampire husband?" " Howle, you won't divorce me if I have indiscretions with either of them, because June told me that's why you divorced me the first time?"
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