N9nty. Winston loses his lunch.

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Rena I stood up and went to her, lifting her chin. " You know me don't you?" I asked her. She hid her face in Lucas' coat. " I am Rena, we are lovers Kennedy Starling." I said boldly. She looked at me again and nodded. "I dreamed of you Rena. We did some s*x things together, but.... I liked it. I am gay then?" She asked me. Robby laughed out loud. " I recognize you, you brought me breakfast you big flirt." She said smiling at him. Robby crossed his arms over his chest. "Did you have any dreams of me?" He smiled. Kennedy turned her head as if trying to remember. " No, sorry Robby. Were we together?" " I wish, damn you are hot aunt K." He said laughing. " Robby, I'm your aunt, are you my brother or sister's son. Wait...do I have a brother or sister?" She was really confused. Lucas shushed her. "Be quiet we are not safe yet. My father might be near." We all quieted. Kennedy asked him in a whisper,"he slapped me and then slashed my wrist, did he hurt you too?" " Yes, by killing my mother." He told her. " He said she was evil and wanted all my blood. Oh, why don't I remember anything else Lucas?" " Because he stole your memory. Vampires play games like that." He kissed her cheek. " Are you...I mean do you want my blood too Lucas?" He nodded. " We all want your blood, but you are safe love bird." I could see he was realizing how important she was to him now. Kennedy hugged him. He kissed her hair. ************ Weston I went car to car to find my girl. I knew I shouldn't have opened that door. I wondered if Kennedy ran from me, I admit I was short with her. I couldn't find anyone that had seen her. The porter informed me that they did not even have a massage therapist. I left quickly after that, knowing that she had been taken from me. I knew Howle would slay me. I retreated out the back door. I flew up into the sky and made plans to get her back. She was mine, no one else's just mine. ******** Howle I went into a rage not finding Weston. June calmed me down. She gave me a big hug and soothed me, like Kennedy would. I saw her as Kennedy's big sister for the first time. " I'm taking off, take care of my man for me, he's strong for a human. Please Orcas, make Kennedy safe. I will tell you if I find him." And just like that, she swooped up into the clouds as a bird of prey. I went back to the others. Douglas grabbed my arm. "My wife, is she?..." He was affraid for her. I spoke quietly to him. " She went to search the sky and surrounding area. She told me she loves you and will call if she sees any sign of Weston, he escaped us." Douglas nodded, looking anxious. My wife peered at me from Rena's lap. " Rena said we are married. Are we?" " Yes Kennedy, we are married. We need to get off this train and catch a flight home. Weston is dead." I had to tell her this so she wouldn't try to find him. She thought she was in love with Weston now, s**t. Kennedy began to cry," No! Not my love, no! It can't be. Please....let me see his body." " Kennedy, come to me." Lucas said. She went to him, head down. He pulled her chin up, giving her his lavender vampire eye fog. " You love Orcas more than anyone in this world." It pained him to say this, but he knew I could protect her as he could not. Kennedy nodded, eyes wide. She ran into my embrace. I raised my head and mouthed "Thank you." to Lucas. And we all started the long ride home, June returned the next day and hopped on the jet as we were preparing to depart. Douglas pulled her in for a tight embrace, he questioned her. " Anything?" He rubbed her cheek lovingly. " Maybe, let's not discuss this now." She looked at Kennedy. " We told her he died, she took it hard, Lucas gave her the eye thing and told her she loved Howle more. So far, so good. I mean look at her." Doug whispered. Kennedy was all over me now. She was so clingy. I liked it though. Rena was relieved, she was second to me. Lucas was not even in the running. She seemed to avoid him like the plague. He deserved it. ********** Rena We arrived home later that night. Kennedy let me put her to bed. She felt awkward sleeping with me in the bed, she was so tired that she fell asleep on the couch. Orcas carried her to her secret room and locked her inside. He stomped around the castle barking orders to all. He wanted us to take turns watching for Weston to return. Douglas would install a new door at each entrance with biometrics. We were not taking any chances with Ken getting taken. Howle yawned and stretched. " I will of course take first watch, everyone to bed!" He commanded. June shook her head denying him. " I'm the vampire here. I'm going first. You go comfort and protect my sister, I insist." Everyone agreed. June and Douglas took the first watch. Douglas wouldn't leave June's side. ********* Lucas I left them all for my home. I wasn't really family anymore anyway. Plus it was hella awkward having both my mother and father kidnap their girl. I decided to look for my father on my own. I needed to talk him out of this madness. Kennedy didn't trust me anyway. She was now sticking to Howle. She didn't remember our love, but then again...I made her love Howle more than anything. I remembered falling for her though. I was glad to have my memories back. She was all I could think about. I went to dad's home and left him a message there to call me. I finally went home and passed out. I had a few old packets of blood in my freezer I ate them cold. My home was full of her scent, her perfume all over my bed linen. My head was pounding. I must have been dehydrated. ************ The next day, I picked up a new book at the local book store and a coffee with milk and two pumps carmel, how Kennedy had liked it, of course cinnamon rolls. I drove to the castle. I knocked on Ken's door. A camera came on, I saw Gus. " Ah, Mr. Moore. Sorry we are testing out our new security system. I'm affraid you will need to call Orcas for entrance. Again, sorry for the inconvenience." I dialed his number. " Lucas, any word?" He sounded winded. " Oh, can I come in and talk?" I asked. He laughed. " Nope, but look up." He was on top of the turret. He yelled,"can you wait? I'll repell down." I nodded and watched him as he swung down on a long nylon rope. He landed with a thump. " Hey, that for me?" He asked. I shook my head,"Love bird, I mean Kennedy." " Okay, let's get you all set up for entrance then." He took me to the door and had me scan my eyes, my finger prints and my voice. The door popped open. " She's in the library. Good luck, she's really sad right now." He told me. I made my way to her library. I handed her the new book. It was on the elements of nature and natural healing. She looked at it excitedly. " Thank you Mr. Moore. I was trying to figure out why I have a library but no books in it." She placed the book up on the bare shelf. " Kennedy, I brought you a coffee." I handed it to her. Our fingers touched. " Oh, that's very good, I like that. Thanks Mr. Moore." She said as if I was a stranger. " Can I tell you a secret Kennedy?" I asked softly. She shook her head. " Best not, I'm lousy at keeping secrets, sorry sir." She looked at my chest scar. The top of the scar was visible under my shirt. " Did I ever hurt you Mr. Moore?" She asked me. I shook my head. " Why did you try to hurt me? My sister told me you tried to rape me after you stole all of my books, is this true?" Shit, damn June. " I wanted you very badly, yes this is all true. Are you scared of me?" " I don't remember you, so no. I'm not affraid. June also said you were banned from drinking my blood, said it makes vampires crazy."
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