F0rty 5. Lucas finds the little bird irresistable.

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Lucas I am at a loss for words. How did this even happen. This beautiful Starling changed me. I didn't dare let my father know about this. He was a very powerful coven leader by night, he hid his true evilness by being a police detective by day. I was neutral, I didn't want to be like the others. I have always been different. Kennedy looked at me, arms crossed over her ample chest. " Now what do we do?" She asked me. She still trusted me. " Why are you so sure that I'm not doing my father's bidding?" I asked her. " You have my stutter, my scar. Luke, you are partially me now. I am sure of it. I know you drank my blood. I have been in such denial, but now....I understand every f*****g thing that has happened." I smiled at her and hugged her. She was soft in all the right places, I found myself holding onto her a little too long, smelling her perfume. " My father is expecting me to turn you. He wants to control you to finally lock Orcas away for these murders. My father has much to hide from the human world, his image, albeit a false one, is very important to him and the coven. He wants to maintain silent control of this community my dear." I nibbled her soft, tender neck. I was surprised she let me love on her like this. I had held back from loving her this way the whole time we were together. "Kennedy, do you want me to bite you now dear, I will be gentle my love?" She shook her curly white hair. " I want to be myself. Luke, please let me help. What can I do now?" " I will need to rough you up a bit then. I am so sorry love, truly I am." I slapped her face and made her lip bleed. She gasped, she wasn't ready for the speed of my hand. I gently touched her cheek and kissed it, "Are you okay?" I kissed her split lip, tasting that sweet sweet blood. She moaned against me. " Luke, what are we to eachother. I feel so close to you. I think I want you to touch me, please Luke." My saliva made her hot for more. We kissed deeply and touch eachother all over. " Luke, make love to me now. I need to feel you, to touch you." She whispered as her breathing quickened. My father was near, or I would have screwed her damn brains out. I wanted her so badly. It had grown into an obsession now. I kissed her once more and pulled away. " I am so sorry." I quickly gave her two puncture marks on her neck with my pointed nail. She grabbed me between my legs. "Oomph,"I cried. She seemed to enjoy the pain mixed with pleasure. I suckled the drops of blood that fell from her neck. "You are irresistible love." Shaking my head, settle down, settle down boy. " Maybe punch me too?" She asked, as she kissed my chest. When did she unbutton my shirt? Something changed since we spent the past month together, both of us felt it. I nodded. I drew back my fist and bit my bottom lip. She looked at me and winced. " Wait...do the eye thingy on me first please." I nodded and held her beautiful face to make her look at me. " Right here." I pointed to my eyes. She had a softness to her. I really did not want to abuse her. I made a fist and pulled my arm back to punch her. She relaxed against me. I could run away, take her with me, hide her away. My dad walked in then. " Son, wait we don't want the public to see her beaten by the police. That's enough!" I was very relieved. He saw the two marks on her neck, believing that I had done as expected, turning her into a Moore. My father picked her up and placed her into his squad car. He drove her to the jail house, damn it. *********** Orcas I was trying to get ahold of Lucas Moore. I was now sure that he was the one that had hid Kennedy away, but why? Was he in love with her? Rena told me she had been watching the library and confronted Lucas on his return. He had asked her about where Kennedy was, she said he had totally changed his looks. I left him a voice mail. I went to shower and then planned on going out to look for Kennedy. A news report popped up on my browser. Arrest made tonight in the moonlight serial killer investigation. 18 year old Kennedy Starling, the owner of the infamous Starling castle is the prime suspect in all of the murders, police have a full confession. I blinked several times. This cannot be true. Kennedy was taking the fall for me. It was my war, not my sweet little bird. My phone rang. Rena called me. " You better look at your phone, Kennedy just confessed to your murders, she's in jail right now." I said," I know. I'm going to go turn myself in now. I can't let her take the fall for me." " She's the best wife you ever had Orcas. I will take care of her while you are in prison. I promise you." That was surprising to me. First off, she was my only wife, but Rena liked my wife now? ********** Lucas An hour later I headed Orcas off as he pulled up to the police station. Just as my father knew he would do. " Talk to me really quickly." I pulled him into my car. He fell into the passenger seat. " What the hell Lucas? You've changed." He said looking me up and down. " You can't go in there and turn yourself in. They got nothing on her, they are trying to lure you here. I m m m mean my father is specifically." He frowned. " Where did you get that scar?" I stuttered again as I told him. " Do not n.n.not concern y.y.your self." Fuck!" I was feeling frustrated with this damn stuttering. " You tasted her blood didn't you, Lucas. Did you.. turn my wife?" He asked me. " No, I d.d.did n.n.not. I drank quite a bit of her b.b. blood. She was very ill after that, I panicked. I had to hide her, until she rec.co.covered. I'm sorry." I was telling the truth, I wanted to tell him that I was completely in love with his wife. " That's why you have her scar and her stuttering, what else?" He needed to know everything. " I.I.I think I am m. mortal now. I have a h. h.heart beat." Orcas touched my neck. Yes he confirmed that I indeed had a pulse. " I love her!" I blurted out. He needed to know my intentions. I saw something in his eyes then, he knew already and had accepted it somehow. " Well, I am still going to turn myself in, I need you to protect my wife for me, take her to her castle, protect her." He said. We both glanced up and noticed that Rena was going into the police station now. We both hurriedly got out and followed her inside. Rena walked in and yelled. "I am the Moonlight serial killer!" She turned herself in. Orcas yelled behind her,"Rena no! I am the moonlight serial killer!" The police officers arrested both of them. I stood and watched them. I was very impressed by them both. ********** Rena I was placed into the same cell as Kennedy. She looked awful. Her face was all bruised. When she saw me she was shocked. " Why are you here?" " I confessed, I'm the killer." I said smiling. " No Rena, what about Robby?" She asked sadly. This girl did care about my son. " No worries, he's a latch key Lycan son, he can take care of himself now. Thanks to you, I put him into self defense classes." " This is horrible. I can't let you do this. I will tell them I acted alone, why are you are protecting me?" She really was quite noble for a human girl. I sat next to her and pulled her onto my lap. She stiffened. " Relax Kennedy, please forgive me for hurting you, I was such an i***t. Kennedy you really do like my boy don't you?" She nodded. "Both of them. Even if he does turn into a horrible beast." She suddenly moved away from me and backed into the corner, realizing that I too was a Lycan. " Rena you are one too aren't you?" She looked white as a ghost. " I am the one who fought your sister that night." Kennedy slid down the dirty cement wall. "You are the white wolf, that beautiful wolf. It's you. You wanted to hurt me, but why didn't you kill me the first time you met me on the cliffs?" " I used to sing Robby that lullaby you were singing. It didn't feel right after that, you have a beautiful voice Kennedy." I watched her get brave again as she stood back up. " You are you here to finish me then?" she walked to me and suddenly kicked me in the leg. She hauled her small fist back and punched me in the face. I didn't fight back. I felt my eyes circling. She wanted to push me, to see if I could control it. I snarled. She nodded at me, she knew then that I was in control of my body. " Ok, it's not something that automatically happens then, you have full control right?" I rubbed my bruised leg and laughed. "You are really something." She looked at me then. " Where is my husband at?" She asked me. " They locked him up too, he also confessed. Lucas has called a lawyer for us." " Great so here we all sit. I was trying to protect him. I know he can't help his anger towards the Moore coven. Just like you couldn't help yours towards me, a Starling. But I, I have a plan." She smiled at me then. I raised a brow, very curious.
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