Never Touch My Brother Again!

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HANNAH'S POV "Were you in my room yesterday?" The boy asks and I freeze. He cannot have seen me, I made my way out really fast. Should I lie that I wasn't in his room? I see the tall hunk making his way to us and my whole body shivers. I haven't done anything yet he already looks angry. He halts beside his brother, casts me a glare. I shift my gaze to the rug on the floor. "You're still here?" His voice is deep and harsh. "I work here, your Majesty." I answer, not daring to look up at his face. Why is he so disgusted by my presence. I don't stink, do I? "You're not qualified to work here!" He snaps. Qualified? What qualifications does one need to clean floors? "Her job is only to clean. She isn't touching any food stuffs." Kyla announces as she hurries towards us with the glass of juice in hand. She was here to see that I don't touch any food? I don't have a disease! I bite down on my lower lip to stop myself from saying something disrespectful. I can ignore their insults and keep working. Kyla tries to hand the young Prince his juice but his eyes are still on me. "I think she was the one that was in my room." He says to his brother and my whole body shivers. "I thought you said you didn't see the person that was in your room?" Nathan questions. I feel like taking off as fast as I can. "I didn't see her face, but I did see her hair. It was exactly like hers." The boy answers. So he did see my hair, but a lot of women have dark hair. I can still deny it. "And she had similar boots." He adds, pointing at my worn out ankle boots. I don't think anyone else here wears boots. All ladies seem to like flashy, ladies open shoes that shows of their painted nails. I no longer have a way of denying it. Both the tall Prince and Kyla glares down at me. "You were in Prince Henry's room?!" Kyla asks, her voice laced with anger. I really wish vanishing is possible. This is getting bad! "Water flowed into the room and I had to dry it." I explain. "I am really sorry!" I apologise. Kyla looks like she will strangle me. Guess the word 'sorry' don't mean much to them. "What on Earth is wrong with your big head? I told you to stay away from the other rooms!" She screams at me. "But I had to dry that water." I try to make her understand. But she is too furious to listen. "How did water get into the room?" She demands. Now that's another question I don't want to answer. I really am going to lose this job. "She fell on the bucket after running into me." Prince Nathan answers for me, sounding quite disgusted. I bet this is the end of my job. I was hoping that Kyla would not know about the incident. "I am so sorry! She is such a pathetic mess!" Kyla apologises to the harsh hunk. "I will speak to our Queen and see if she can be relieved of the work." She adds and my heart throbs. I feel tears sting my eyes. I just lost my first job on the second day of work. I don't think mother will want to see me again. "Did you touch my brother when you entered his room?" I hear the Prince ask. It would be stupid to lie about that. The boy must have felt someone touch him and I already admitted I was in his room. It's useless to lie anymore. "I thought he was having a bad dream. I only wanted to wake him." I explain. "Are you out of your mind?! You should never have touched him!" Kyla yells. How was O supposed to wake him without touching him? "Don't you ever notice how filthy you are!" She snarls, gestures at my dress that is now a little wet. I have never felt more awful. I don't bother to hide the tears that have gathered in my eyes. Do they have to be so rude? I only wanted to help! Prince Nathan takes his brother's drink from Kyla. "I don't care who allowed you to be here, but if you touch my brother again I will break every one of your fingers!" He snarls, taking his brother's hand and turns to head back out. He halts near the door and turns to address Kyla. "She should not be here on the day Princess will Princess Aria arrives. Give her a day off if you have to." He orders. "Yes your Majesty." Kyla agrees and bows. The two Princes walk out. The little one glances back at me with pitiful eyes before following his brother out. My tears flow. I am both angry and afraid. People are treating me like I have no feelings. I am also going to lose this job and my parents will really hate me. I look up at Kyla only to find her glowering at me. I should have told her about all that happened yesterday myself. It would have been better than her hearing it from the harsh Prince. "I am really sorry, I didn't know he was a Prince." I say, hoping that she will be a little understanding now that the Princes are gone. "I thought he was having a nightmare because he was writhing on the bed. I am sorry I touched him to wake him." I add. She shakes her head and looks away. I can't tell if she is still mad or not. "What about running into Prince Nathan? Were you blind?" She screams. "I was tired. I wasn't watching my back and bumped into him." I explain. "Please don't tell the Queen about it. I promise it won't happen again." She sighs and walks back to her seat. "You will work two extra hours every day for the whole of this week. Maybe then you'll learn how to behave." She finally decides. Two more hours of work? I already feel like my back will break! But it's better than being told to never show up here again. I need my first pay. My heart now hurts and my hands tremble, but I resume the work anyway. I think I should search for a job elsewhere after getting my first salary. I need a place where people accept me. It doesn't have to be a palace. It will probably be away from home and that's good too. I feel like I am some kind of unwanted animal here.
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