Everyone But Me

1457 Words
NATHAN'S POV I am not the type to hate people easily. They are sometimes hard to deal with, but once you learn that people have a tendency of thinking the same, ruling them is easy. Sometimes you keep power by serving people, other times it's by manipulating them. These are things you have to learn to do as long as you're the King's first born son. People don't simply become loyal to you. They do love idolizing members of royal families, but one needs to master the art of leading them. It's easy when their likes and dislikes are common. Which is mostly the case. Learning how to handle different personalities is something I had thought I am good at. I am kind, polite and approachable when addressing members of this Kingdom. I am also harsh and authoritative when it's necessary. To be a great leader you need to win the hearts of your subjects. Men are harder to impress, because they focus on your virtues too much. They won't be loyal to you unless you show strength. Women are a little different. If you have power, wealth and beauty, then you're already their idol. At least that's what I thought until I met that freak. She is . . .complicated. And I don't like it. Girls have a typical reaction to men like me. They adore powerful men and one can expect a lot of seductive smiles and excessive show of respect. They will say yes to almost everything you ask. Their physical beauty is also a huge priority. They would dress in anything elegant no matter how uncomfortable it is and act like it's as comfortable as their own skin. I like the effort every girl puts to impress me. Wether I choose to acknowledge their show of love or not, they worship me like a small god. It's a thing I can expect from every girl because that's just how their heads operate. But when it came to that little mess, there is nothing typically about her behavior. Or her looks. She doesn't seem at all interested in impressing anyone. While the first thing a ladies worry about is their physical appearance, I imagine her strange thinking compels her to prioritize her comfort. So she ends up in boots and loose gowns. Her hair is gathered up in a messy ponytail that leaves some strands hanging down with no hairpins to hold them in place. Her eyes carry a staggering amount of innocence. If you look straight into them, you get this strange urge to protect her, from no apparent danger. And that is something I hate. Because she is not just a mess, but also makes no effort to impress me. I wouldn't be interested in loving a servant of course. That doesn't mean I don't want them to idolise me. Being idolized gives you a sense of superiority and even confidence. I am however not getting that from her. She is someone who behaves like she is in her own world. A world where one's own well being isn't their number one priority. No one in their right mind would touch a child who is infected with the disease. People fear it enough to even abandon their own family members. Yet she felt okay with trying to wake a sick kid by touching him. Not because she knew he is a Prince, but because she thought he was having a nightmare. What kind of person risks contracting the disease just because they want to help a kid they don't even know? Not a single one of the ladies I know would risk their own life in the name of helping. Unless they were putting up a show to impress someone. While refusing to touch the boy is understandable, touching him to wake him is quite baffling. I am not against selflessness. In fact, I look forward to finding a wife that is at least half as compassionate. But I know that would never happen. Girls don't act like that, especially the clean and organized ones from royal families. "Why were you so rude to that girl? You're never that mean to anyone." I had forgotten that Henry was walking beside me. I am yet to hand him his drink. "She looks awful and should never have touched you." I answer. "She is just a cleaner, why do you care if she looks awful or not?" He asks. He is a little boy but sometimes he talks like an adult, especially when he means to get under my nerves. "Have your juice." I lower the glass so he can take. "You haven't answered my question." "Take your drink and go to your Mom." I say in a more authoritative tone. He takes the glass. "I wanted to come train with you." He protests. "Not today." "Are you angry?" He asks. "No. Just go to your mom. I will train with you tommorow." I tell him. He sips his drink as he grudgingly turns and walks away. I make my way down the stairs towards the huge hall that will soon be hosting the big celebration that will welcome Princess Aria to this Kingdom. I want to ascertain that everything is perfect. That there isn't a thing that will displease her. If she is as powerful and beautiful as people say she is, then I will consider my father's request to marry her. We need her so people in our Kingdom can stop dying of the disease. And her father's Kingdom is quite wealthy. I don't see another woman that could be more fit and beneficial to marry. Servants are scattered around the massive hall, working hard to ensure that not even the tinniest stain is left on windows, tables or seats. Mother has arranged for new table cloths and curtains to be made, with brighter fabrics than the golden coloured ones that have been there for longer than necessary. "Prince Nathan." I hear a female voice call in a flirtatious tone as I stroll across the spacious hall, checking the progress the servants are making. I turn to meet the owner of the voice. I don't know which one of the two girls spoke, but they both smile sweetly as they stand in the most provocative postures in front of me. They are dressed in short, round, pink dresses that look alike. The only things that lets you know they are servants are the black aprons. I met the two girls yesterday when their mother insisted that I meet her daughters. They are beautiful, but I have seen better. I also learned that the little mess is also their sister. I have however not seen them talk or meet once. "We just wanted to say good morning." The taller one says. I frown at the stupid remark. "You're looking less like a warrior today, but I like the white shirt. It looks really good on you!" She adds. She sounds stupid, but that's what typical girls are. Their statements are flat and somehow childish. I know how to act like I don't mind or pretend they are even interesting. Because I am their Prince and it's not appropriate to hurt their feelings. "Thank you. Both of you look lovely lovely as well." I say and their smiles broaden. "We are very glad you think so. You do remember us, right?" The shorter one asks. "Yeah, I do your faces. Do you mind answering a few questions about your sister?" I say and see their smiles disappear. The tall one hesitantly nods her head. "I am not asking for anything private. Just tell me how she behaves at home. Is she any better than she is here?" I ask and their faces light up again. "She is messy, stupid and absolutely disgraceful!" The shorter one screams. I notice the hint of hatred in her voice. * * * * * HANNAH'S POV I am finally done with cleaning the huge kitchen's floor. Kyla guides me to the hall she says will be hosting a party and the effort of almost every servant is needed there. The hall is indeed bigger than any room I ever seen. We are descending the stairs so I can join the servants who are already cleaning when I notice my two sisters chatting happily with the gorgeous Prince. I saw their matching dresses today and wished that I could have a chance to put on the same. What has got me furious though is the fact that he doesn't seem to be snapping at them or disgusted by the fact that they are servants. In fact, Julian reaches out and touches his chest and all he does is smile.
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