Chapter 3 Lottery

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On the fifth day after getting the system, Ryan was accustomed to the current situation, spending money and time on the reinforcement task every night. Now he had only the last two pieces of equipment not reinforced, and he believed the task could be completed tonight. After a simple dinner outside, Ryan returned to the dormitory. The other three boys had already returned. Seeing Ryan enter the door, Perry ran over and put his arm around Ryan's shoulder, smiling, "Hey, buddy, looks that you didn’t spend too much time playing computer games these days." Speaking of the game, Ryan remembered the chaos he had caused these days, and couldn't help feeling a little scared. "No, I don't want to play much lately." Perry raised his eyebrows in surprise and then continued, "We’re having a speed party tomorrow, you want to come? I invited a few girls from Acting Department." Ryan hesitated, scratching his head. He rarely talked with girls, let alone going to a party with them. He was afraid that he would be embarrassed then. "No, I’ll pass," he replied. “Would it kill you to join us?” Perry blinked, a little unpleased. He organized the party for a girl he just knew. Though the girl agreed to come out, she called the other girls in her dormitory and told him to bring the other boys in his dormitory too, or she wouldn’t come. Thinking of this, Perry winked at the two boys next to him. Victor and Gian encouraged the indoor boy to go out together. "You should come to play with us for a change. Maybe any girl will blindly be into you!" "That's right, even if no girl likes you, you can still enjoy the food!" Ryan was speechless. I'm so bad? He complained in his mind and then agreed, "Shut up, you guys! There’s no way I’m missing that, okay?" He couldn’t imagine what his roommates would say to stimulate him if he refused to go. It seemed that it was time to change. Seeing that Ryan finally agreed, Perry nodded happily, "I will call you tomorrow night." After the three boys returned to their beds, Ryan logged on the game, ready to complete the task tonight. As soon as he went online, countless private chat messages flashed. Ryan ignored them and directly went to Kiri. A crowd of spectators assembled around him again. After two hours of effort, Ryan finally reinforced the remaining two pieces of equipment to +16. The task was finally completed. During the period, the excited crowd kept calling him “Plutus” on the screen, crying for Ryan’s attention to choose them. As for why he should be called “Plutus”, let’s start with three days ago. At that time, Ryan was looking for ways to increase the success rate on a forum. He saw someone said that sharing out Gold with onlookers after each success would increase the probability of the next success. Regardless of whether it was useful or not, he selected ten people from the onlookers every time he successfully reinforced a piece of equipment to +16, and gave each player 100 million Gold. He didn’t know if it was a psychological effect, but after that, the success rate of reinforcement had really increased. Gradually, the onlookers regarded him as Plutus, the god of wealth. As usual, Ryan gave out one billion Gold after the reinforcement was completed before he went offline. It really felt good to act. "Congratulations. The task is completed. 300 experience points and 100 mall points are added to your account." After receiving the message in the mind, Ryan checked the latest information on the system. Name: Ryan Melton Level: 1 EXP: 350/1000 Points: 350 Daily Fund: USD 10,000 Mall: 1 Backpack: N/A The task was finally completed. These days, in addition to buying daily necessities, the money that Ryan got from the system was all spent on the game. During the reinforcement, he shared millions of Gold with viewers and gained the title of Plutus. Since that he had 350 points, he decided to go to the mall to see if there were any novelties to buy. He hadn’t learned all about the mall since he got the system. According to the system, the mall was also divided into ten grades. The grade increased with the level of the system. The higher the grade was, the goods that could be purchased were better. You could only exchange the goods in the mall with mall points. Ryan entered the mall of the system in his mind and found that there were countless magical things with clearly marked prices from low to high, and they had all been sorted. Body strengthening, knowledge, material object, and virtual good… The prices ranged from 1 to 500,000 points. Future black technology and more had not yet been activated. In general, you could buy anything you could imagine here. After going through the items, Ryan found that his points were not enough for most of them. He was about to exit the mall when his attention was attracted by a lottery carousel. 100 points for once, which was a bit expensive for him. But what surprised Ryan was that the number which meant the number of times he could play the lottery on the wheel was 1. Can it be a benefit for a newbie? Good! Why not spend all the points to play the lottery? Maybe I can get something good. "System, I want to draw a lottery," Ryan called silently. Immediately the familiar icy voice replied in his mind. "The lottery is on, please wait a second." In the next second, the big wheel began to spin quickly. Various items flashed past, and gradually the wheel slowed down. Finally, the pointer of the wheel stopped at an item of a flashlight. "Congratulations on getting a smart flashlight." What the hell, a flashlight? This is bullshit. Are you teasing me? Ryan stared at the flashlight lying quietly in his virtual backpack. “You are pissing me off!” He complained. "Don’t blame others for your bad luck." A mocking mechanical voice said. Fuck, it’s a sarky system? I don’t believe it. Again! In a fit of temper, Ryan spent all his points for triple tries. "Congratulations on getting a bottle of intelligence potion." "Congratulations on getting a bottle of medicated oil." "Congratulations on getting a capsule of Junior Taekwondo." Seeing the last item, Ryan knew that he must have earned. Then, he happily opened the backpack to check what he got. Intelligence potion: one-time use item which permanently increases your IQ level without any side effects, worth 300 points. No side effects, it’s a great potion for me! Medicated oil: one-time use item which helps to relieve itching when it is rubbed on mosquito or other insect bites, worth 1 point. This must be a system error! The capsule of Junior Taekwondo: One-time use item which allows you to learn Junior Taekwondo at once, worth 1,000 points. After taking the capsule, it’s not a dream to hit ten at a time. Though Ryan didn't get any black technology, he was already satisfied. The capsule of Junior Taekwondo reminded him of his childhood superhero Bruce Lee, and he didn't expect to learn Taekwondo himself one day. With a jumping heart, he took the capsule and the intelligence potion out of the backpack with his mind. The intelligence potion looked like blue water in a finger-size bottle. Without hesitating. he unscrewed the bottle and drank it in one sip. After a second, he felt refreshed and everything in his mind got more organized. The questions that were difficult for him to answer in a class all became easy as if he was suddenly enlightened. After drinking off the bottle of intelligence potion, he was full of expectations for the capsule. Looking at the white pill in his hand, Ryan muttered, "How does it look like common cold medicine?" He still believed that the system would not cheat him though. Then, he swallowed the capsule directly. He closed his eyes, a warm current coursing through his body, and an invisible force flooded him. Scenes of fighting moves flashed in his mind as if he was born to know Taekwondo. Ryan was very excited after acquiring the skill. He assumed a fighting posture and punched the air quickly. After a whole set, he realized that though he had learned basic moves, he could only get 80 percent of the strength. To master the power, he must improve his physical fitness. But it must be no problem to defeat several ordinary people. After learning the magic of these two items, Ryan couldn't help sighing, "When I have the cheat system, I have the world." An overwhelming spirit drifted out of him.
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