
1526 Words

*** As soon as I stepped inside the pack house alongside Ryder, I noticed a figure approaching from the opposite direction. It was Ethan, his expression stern and his eyes filled with anger. I braced myself for what was about to come, sensing that his anger was about to descend on me. "Where the hell have you been?" he demanded as he reached me, his voice sharp and accusatory. I took a step back, surprised by his sudden aggression. "I...I went for a walk in town with Ryder," I stammered, trying to defend myself. "I wanted to explore a bit, get to know the surroundings." His eyes narrowed, and he clenched his jaw. "Do you have any idea how dangerous it is for you to wander off alone in an unfamiliar place? You know nothing about the town or its people." “Ethan…,” Ryder started to spea

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