
1567 Words

*** My heart sank when I saw Esme standing in the hallway. Her arms were crossed, and her expression was a mix of surprise and hurt. I could see the disappointment in her eyes, and it pained me to think I had betrayed her trust. "Esme, wait!" I called out as she turned on her heels, my voice filled with urgency. I hurried towards her, hoping to explain myself before she drew any more conclusions. "It's not what you think. Please, just hear me out." Esme's gaze was guarded as she stormed down the hallway. "I saw you, Ava. I saw you and my brother... together. And don’t even tell me it was nothing, because I’m not an idiot." I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts. "Esme, I never meant to hurt you. I didn't plan for any of this to happen. What you saw between Ethan and me... i

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