Chapter 17 The Alpha King arrives

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  Kaun's P.O.V    We talked a bit longer, discussing everything that needed to be done in time for the Alpha King's arrival and then we made a start, first checking how many rooms and cabins we had left that weren't being occupied.   "It's alright, we still have sixty rooms and forty cabins left, plus the room next to ours and that is The Alpha King's room. We have more than enough room to occupy them. We need to be up early tomorrow to cook a feast for all our guests, plus tomorrow night is the full moon and it's going to be a big night. We will run, howl, hunt and have fun, but also mates will find each other easier because of the power of the full moon, so be prepared. Right then, I suggest we all head off to bed and get our rest, we have a lot to do and tomorrow is going to be a long day." I said, they all nodded and everyone went into their separate rooms and cabins. I knew Trish was going to be feeling nervous, from what she had told us she was never allowed to run on a full moon and now to add to it we were all unsure on what she was going to shift into, lycan or werewolf, but we will find out tomorrow. As the night went on I could barely sleep, going through everything we had to do in my mind over and over again. I had excellent hearing and I listened to the owls hooting and diving down to catch their prey for the night's feast, the snakes slithering across the ground and finding shelter for the night. I watched as the sun rose into the morning sky and felt as Sandy got off the bed, making her way to the bathroom, but I lay still and watched the beautiful scene outside our bedroom window. I heard who I'm assuming was Trish wake up next and make her way down to the kitchen. Sandy came out of the bathroom, looking lovely as ever and warmly smiled at me.    "Come on, sleepy head. We have a busy day ahead of us." Sandy said, pulling the covers off me. I got up, showered, dried off and got dressed, ready for the day ahead. I met Sandy and Trish in the kitchen, pretty soon everyone else was awake as well and we all started to get everything ready. Sandy and Trish had written a list of everything that needed doing and arranged us all into groups, designating us jobs to do. Tables and chairs were being brought out, cleaned and put together, everyone was getting stuck in and helping. The cooking was being done by many and we had ribs, steaks, salad, pork roast and bbq boston butt, plus many other different foods and finally everything was done. I was pacing back and forth, awaiting the arrival of the Alpha King, Queen and all their pack, when suddenly my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and didn't get the chance to even say hello before Logan spoke.   "Hello Kaun, we're twenty minutes away. See you soon." Logan said, quickly hanging up the phone.   "Be on guard, they should be at the gates in about twenty minutes." I said, mind-linking the guards.   "The Alpha King and Queen will be here in twenty minutes, but it will take another twenty minutes to drive up to the castle. Is everything ready for his arrival?" I announced, turning to everyone.    "Yes Sir." Everyone said, bowing to me and I nodded, as everyone came forward.   "My King, the Alpha King just drove through the gates with twenty more SUV's." The guard on the gate mind-linked me.   "Very well, we are all here and waiting. When your shift is over, come and eat, we have plenty." I replied, mind-linking back.   "Yes sir." The guard replied and I shut the link off. Even though the Alpha King and I were equals, I always seemed to get a bit nervous when he was due to arrive here. We were old friends and we would never do any harm to each other, but the Alpha King always gave off a powerful aura, that made many cower and fear him, but not I, my nervousness was mere excitement bubbling up at the thought of seeing my old friend    "Alright ladies and gentlemen, he will be here in twenty minutes, make sure we have plenty of chairs, tables and drinks, maybe we should put on some more ribs and chicken, maybe roast some corn on the BBQ and maybe a shrimp boil." I said, I wanted everything to be perfect. Sandy came up to me, putting her hand on my chest and softly kissing my lips.   "Calm my love, everything will be just fine. He will like the food, wine and his room. Calm my love." Sandy said and I slowly calmed down. Thanks to my vampire hearing, I could easily hear the tyres of the SUV's getting closer and made my way to the front door. I was joined by Sandy, David, Trish, Seth and Skyler, while Gary, Rachel, Mandy and Josh stood slightly behind us and to the side. I knew that they all wanted to see the Alpha king when he arrived and after five minutes, we saw the SUVs. They were more like hummers than SUVs, they were that huge, they all stopped in the driveway and once they were all parked up the Alpha King and his Queen got out. Logan and Layla took a look around, probably remembering back two when they were last here, but this time they had a lot more people with them. The full moon made everyone want to stick together, next was the guards, they exited the cars and I saw just how many they had brought with them, as twenty guards got out of each SUV, these cars were massive. Everyone started walking towards us, Logan and I bowed to each other, showing our respect and then shook hands, while Layla and Sandy hugged each other.   "It's good to see you again Kaun, maybe soon you can come to our castle and we can have a grand feast in your honour." Logan said, smiling.   "I would like that, come let us show the guards we have cabins if some wish to stay in them and we have plenty of rooms. Your room of course is right next to ours, like last time." I said and Logan nodded.   "Come old friend, bring your friends we have lots to talk about before the feast tonight." I continued, he nodded and the guards went to the cabins and rooms, the rest went into the meeting room. Logan and Layla sat on one couch as the rest sat on their own couches.   "Okay Mandy, tell us why you ran from the Red Devil pack." Logan said, but she shook her head, Sandy looked at her and gave her a warm smile, while Josh held her hand.   "It's okay love." Josh said, letting her know that we were all there for her.   Mandy's P.O.V    I didn't want to relive what happened to me, but it had to be done or no one would ever know what Greg is like. Josh was holding my hand, which was comforting to me and Sandy was giving me a motherly smile, letting me know that I wasn't alone in this. I crossed my legs, took a deep breath and started to talk.   "They killed my family, my whole pack was killed by them. I tried to run as fast as I could, but they cornered me and captured me, making me a slave. I cooked, cleaned, washed their clothes and toilets. Greg called me to his room one night and had his way with me, he forced me and then told me to go wash and come back, but I ran. I ran so far I didn't know I was in Seth and Skyler's territory, until it was too late. They found me in the lake and now I'm part of their pack, with a mate, but I'm not ready to fully mate, I need time to heal and he understands, he said he would keep me safe and I believe him." I said, slightly babbling at the end, but I was nervous. Alpha Logan listened quietly as I spoke, but he seemed to get angry.   Alpha King Logan's P.O.V    There is one thing I will not tolerate and that is forcing someone against their will, forced s*x or forced marking, is death by wolf and vampire law. I growled softly as Layla placed her hand on my arm to calm me down, she understood straight away how I felt about this.   "And who is your mate, child." I asked her, softly and a man stood up, bowing to me.   "I'm her mate, my name is Josh, my King. I promised her I would protect her and never let anyone ever harm her again." Josh said, I nodded.   "And which pack are you from?" I asked him and Josh stood proud, but not too proud.   "I'm from Seth and Skyler's pack." Josh replied, still standing up and slightly to attention.    "Are you a bear or a wolf?" I asked him, gesturing for him to sit back down and he smiled.   "I'm bear sir." Josh replied, wrapping his arm around Mandy. I nodded and smiled back.    "Bears and wolves fighting side by side, I love it, now where is Trish." I asked and she poked her head out from behind David, smiling.   "It's very nice to see you again sir. I'm much better than I was two years ago, I'm lycan now, David marked after we finally mated." Trish said, still smiling. I nodded, as my eyes went wide with happiness.    "Now, where is this feast at, I'm hungry and I'm sure everyone is ready for the full moon tonight. It's a wonderful time for mates to find each other, we'll all have fun running, howling and hunting." I said, everyone nodded, it was the same as how Kaun had described it. The unmated will find their mates, so much will happen tonight, it's going to be so exhilarating. I followed Kaun and Sandy as they walked out back and I saw the feast in front of us, making my mouth water, as I sat down. I loaded up my plate with ribs, potatoes,  salad, roasted corn and a lot more. We all prayed to the Moon Goddess and began to eat, everyone was so happy and full of joy as they ate. Wine was drunk, but not too much as we will need to keep our heads on straight for when the full moon appears tonight. When the guards changed over the ones that were guarding the gate came and ate as well. Everyone had eaten, the food was put up, the tables and chairs were put back in their places and we all stood there watching as the sun started to set. The sky started to turn and the stars started to appear in the night sky.   "AHHHHH!" Someone suddenly screamed and we all turned to see who it was and what was happening. A young woman had started to shift and from the sound of her scream, it was her first time. Trish, Mandy, Layla, Skyler and Sandy all ran over to her, trying to help her, but no one knew who she was.   Layla's P.O.V   "Does anyone claim this young girl? Speak now because she's shifting her first shift." Sandy said, straightening up and looking around at the crowd, when one of the women came forward.   "She is training to be a warrior, her family were killed by rogue's. We didn't know how young she was, but she was determined to learn so we granted her to join." The woman said, looking nervous.   "What's this girl's name?" I growled and the woman gulped.   "Her...her name is Rose." The woman said, slightly stuttering. I looked at the poor girl shifting and when she had fully transformed she was a beautiful brown wolf.   "Shift back." I commanded and she did as she was told.    "Rose you could have gotten hurt, are you alright?" I asked her, softly as not to scare her and she nodded.    "I'm sorry, I just wanted to help, I didn't realize how much it would hurt to shift my first shift." Rose said, not looking up at me Layla nodded,    "You will be fine, but I'll have to think really hard on whether or not to let you join the fight." I said, she nodded and understood. The moon came up into the night sky and everyone started shifting into werewolves and werebears. The wolves howled into the night sky, as the bears roared and everyone ran into the woods, to hunt down their prey.   
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