Ch.7 Alex

1081 Words
Driving home after dropping off Allison I was panicking. So today didn't go as planned. I woke up with two objectives. One, hold Allison in my arms, and two, get her to go out with me. Wrapping my arm around her shoulders is not what I had in mind of HOLDING her. As for being mine, well for tonight, she is now mine, Sam's, and  Sasha's. I don't know what happened, I get so nervous around her. A girl has never made me nervous. Okay, wait, Sasha makes me nervous. That's only because I never know if I will survive the next time she evens the score with Sam and me. Just thinking about it makes me paranoid. I quickly pull into Sam's driveway and rush into his house. Sam's mother is in the kitchen baking something. As I ran past her I give her a quick kiss on her cheek. "Is Sam upstairs?" I ask already heading towards the stairs. "Of course he is where else would he be, and Alexander you know not to run in my house!" Mrs. Gonzales hollers after me. She became like a second mom to me after I lost mine. Sam and I grew up together. His dad has been my dad's best friend before we were born. We are more like brothers.      Bursting into Sam's room I regretted it. Sam was shirtless, and hanging upside down from his ceiling by a rope. Next to him stood a very proud, very wicked Sasha. She was holding a whip and her satisfactory smile turned onto me. I dashed down the stairs with Sasha close on my tail. I was shooting for the back door when I heard Mrs. Gonzales. "Alexander and Sasha stop right there!" We both came to a halting stop. I looked over my shoulder at Sasha. She looked, how I felt. Like a five year old that's going to get in big trouble. Mrs. Gonzales came into the kitchen. "What is my one rule?"  "No running in the house," we said in unison hanging our heads.     "Um, can someone please come help me!" Sam shouted. That boy has impeccable timing. Mrs. Gonzales looked between Sasha and me silently asking us if she wanted to go upstairs.      "We were doing homework better go and finish," I said flashing Mrs. Gonzales a boyish smile and gave her another kiss on the cheek. Heading up the stairs with Sasha behind me. Suddenly there was a loud crack across my backside. "Ow!" I holard and jumped the rest of the way up the stairs. "That should teach you to leave me out AGAIN!" Sasha said with a satisfactory grin. Re-entering Sam's room Sasha pulled the rope loose from where she tied it off. Luckily Sam landed on his back and not his head. "Dude, what happened?" I asked helping him up. He shot a glare at Sasha. "She set a trap while I was in the shower. When I came out I had stepped into the rope. Then she would swat me with the whip whenever I would move." Sam explained still looking at Sasha. I noticed as he kept staring at her his eyes softened, and Sasha's cheeks took on a pink sing.  “Well it wouldn’t have been so easy if you switched up your routine every now and then.” Sasha said shrugging her shoulders and turning away from us.  Scratching the back of my neck I asked: "so now wouldn't be the time to ask a favor, would it?" Sam finally looked away from Sasha heaving a breath. "What do you need?" He asked moving to his closet to throw on a shirt. "I need both of you to come bowling with me tonight." I blurted. Looking between my friends.   "Haha you know I'm in" Sasha was the first one to agree. I knew she would she loves competition. We both looked at Sam. He didn't seem too pleased with the idea. I knew he wouldn’t be.  "I thought you were going to finally ask Allison out. You have been going on about it all week." Sam stated. "Thank you, Sam, we all know this. I wouldn't be asking you to do this if my plan had gone the way I wanted." I tried not to snap at Sam. I was irritated with myself not him. Taking a breath I went on, "I'm sorry, I've been beating myself up over this all the way here." I sank onto Sam's bed staring down at the floor. My mind went back to the car ride with her. I'm never that timid around girls, and I have never been at a loss for words like that. I felt the bed sink next to me. "What happened?" Sam asked I heard Sasha move in front of me.      "I don't know, we were in my car. I was about to ask her but when I looked at her. The way she was relaxed in my passenger seat. I don't know my mind was blank. Just the sight of her makes me freeze. She's all that I see, think..." I was explaining when Sam interrupted me. "Whoa Alex calm down!" He shouted jumping off the bed and stood in front of me. Shielding Sasha from me, but why. I didn't understand until I felt a dull pain in my palms. Looking down at my hands. They both had blood dripping off of them. My claws had come out without me even noticing. "What the hell man?" Sam asked after I retracted them. "I'm so sorry guys I was." "Thinking about her?" Sasha finished for me. "How can just thinking about her make you act like such a pup?" It was the question we were all asking ourselves. Feeling the empty hole in my gut grow larger. I knew what it was I have become very used to the feeling. It came when I have been away from Allie for too long, and thinking about her too much. Drawing their attention back to the whole reason I am here. "So will you guys please come tonight?" I asked almost pleading. Sam sighed and sat back on the bed next to me. "You really couldn't think of anything else other than bowling?" He asked trying to make me feel sorry for him.     “Sorry man” I apologised clapped him on the back trying my best to hold the laughter that was bubbling inside at bay.
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