Ch.6 Allison

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The rest of the week went by to fast. Every day was about the same. I wake up eat breakfast with Misty and Stacy. There is more to the two of them. I just haven't figured out what it is yet. I ride the bus to school with Stacy. I knew Alex, Sam, and Sasha would be waiting for me outside the front of the school. Things between Alex and I have been going good, slow but good. We walked together to every one of my classes. This time I carry my own books. We eat lunch with Sam and Sasha. I think there is something going on between them. Sasha the dark-haired vixen, I've come used to her snarky comments towards everyone. Though when it comes to Sam there is something different in her eyes. Not the usual humor but longing. Sam, tall dark and handsome, is definitely the voice of reason in the group. I noticed when Sasha isn’t around he seems down or up set. When he sees her for the first time it don’t matter if she only went to the bathroom. His eyes light up like a kid on Christmas.  The three of them have been friends since elementary school. The three were immediately friends. Where one would be the others were not far behind. Sitting in my last class I watch as the second-hand gets closer to the end of the day. With every tick, my gloomy mood got worse. I've come to love my daily routine. What if I come back on Monday and Alex won't be waiting for me? Would I have to sit alone watching them pass me by?      The bell finally rang, I gathered my things. Walking towards the door I wasn't surprised to see Alex waiting for me in the hall. "Hey princess how was the class?" He asked wrapping his arm around my shoulders. This time I didn't pull away. With the mood I was in, being in Alex's arm relaxed me a bit. I loved the cologne he wears. It's a mix of cinnamon and honey. Letting the aroma surround me for a moment, "It was okay" I replied, trying to keep the gloom from Alex. Come up to my locker he released me. Leaning up against the locker next to mine.  "So I was wondering if I could give you a ride home?" He asked looking down at the floor nervously. I couldn't help the giggles that escaped my lips.      "would like that." Seeing his face brighten chased away the black cloud inside of me. "I just have to let Stacy know so she won't freak out when I'm not on the bus." He gave me a nod and went to his locker down the hall.  Riding in Alex's car is comfortable. Being around him comes naturally. There isn't any weird aura around us. After a few blocks of just listening to the radio, Alex switched it off. Coming to a stop sign he turns to me. His light brown hair almost looked blonde in the sunlight. His dark sunglasses hid his blue eyes from me. "Are you busy tonight?" he asked. Is he going to ask me out? Do I want to go out with him? Who am I kidding? Of course, I want to go out with him.      "No, I'm free. Why?" I asked shyly. My heart feels like it's going to pop out of my chest, it’s pounding so hard. It's not like I've never dated someone. Alex is different from them. I usually went for the brooding bad boy. Alex is kind and full of light. Being around him made me feel safe and at ease. "Sam, Sasha, and I were going to go bowling later downtown. I was wondering if you would like to come." So it's not a date but I would do anything to spend more time with Alex. Besides I like hanging out with Sam and Sasha. "Yeah, sounds fun what time should I meet you?"  Alex flashed me his charming smile. "I'll be here around five thirty to pick you up." Knowing he would just do it anyway I huffed a breath and got out of the car. Before stepping onto the sidewalk I turned around and leaned in the window. "You know Handsome your looks can only get you so far." I flashed him my own flirty smile and headed for the house. Before I turned away from the car I saw Alex's jaw fall slack.  Closing the front door I ran up to my room. I was so excited first group hang outside of school. It wasn't long before there was a knock on my door.  "Come in" I called over my shoulder from my closet. I heard the door open and someone stepped in.  "Allison, sweetheart is everything alright?" Misty asked.  "Yeah is it alright if I go bowling with some friends tonight?" I asked nervously. What if she said no? I looked over my shoulder at Misty who was sitting on my bed. "These friends, would one of them be Alex Nightshade?" She asked perking one eyebrow. I didn't have to answer she knew it, "Come sit, there's something I want to tell you." Misty said patting the bed next to her. I walked over to the spot she patted, confused on what she was about to say. "Allie I want to warn you. The world is not as it seems. So I want you to remember to be aware, be kind, and always follow your heart. Even if your head doesn't agree."  Her words touched me in a way like I've heard them before. Wanting clarity on the subject at hand.  "So that's a yes?" My question brightened Misty's face.  "Yes, Allison you can go bowling." I couldn't contain my excitement. Throwing my arms around her I let out a scream.  "What's going on?" Stacy asked crashing through my door. I could have sworn for a moment it looked like her fingers tips had blue flames coming from them. When I looked again there was nothing.  "Oh nothing sweetheart, Alison is going out with some friends," Misty explained.      "Oh, the same FRIEND that drove you home today?" Stacy asked drawing out the friend word. Standing there in my doorway she stood with one hand on her hip and her blond hair falling around her. Challenging me to disagree. "Yes, the same friend," I replied a blush creeping onto my checks. "More like boyfriend" She muttered giving me a sly smile. "He's not my boyfriend," I stated. Stacy perked her eyebrow at me.      "Really? Mom what boy offers to give you a ride home. Then asks you to go out somewhere public with them and not expects you to be their girlfriend?" She asked misty moving more into my room. Misty gave me an apologetic look.          "She does have a point, Allie. It sounds like to me that someone may want to be more than your friend." Misty voiced what that little voice in my head has been whispering since I got out of his car. Hearing someone else say it filled me with giddiness. No, he couldn't, especially after he saw me pin a guy bigger than me against a wall.      "It's not a date. Sam and Sasha will be there as well." I said crossing the room to my closet. I couldn't let the hope inside me get too strong. "Okay maybe it's not a DATE but it sounds like it could be a predate." Stacy chimed in. Hearing her call it a predate eased the nerves in my stomach. Turning around I confessed my deepest fear about tonight.  “Guys I have to tell you something.” They watched me with patients eyes as I found a sudden interest in the carpet of my room. “I don't know anything about bowling."
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