Chapter 9

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The Lobster Shack never seems to have a day where it isn't busy. I just got here and people are already lining up to be seated and served. The shack doesn't open for another 30 minutes. I walk around to the back and go inside to punch in. "Hey Angie" I say as I walk past her.  "So what's going on with that sexy guy from the other day? Reagan wouldn't give me any details. Nora has had a stick up her ass about the situation. So spill." "He is so perfect. We had a date last night and it was perfection." "Where did you go?" "His house. The house is massive. Like almost a mansion. Roman cooked for me. This is going to sound sexist and awful, but I didn't know guys my age could cook. " "You went to his house. Did you.. ya know?" "Almost. I wanted to, but he stopped it. He wanted to continue." "Why did you stop?" "He wanted to know whether I saw it as a fling or something long-term." "So....." "Hopefully long-term. That is if I don't screw things up." Angie hugged me and said. "I'm happy for you." The shack opens its doors and customers flood in. From the outside looking it, I'm sure it appears we all look like chickens running around without their head. Somehow we always get things done. Come end of the shift I am covered in sweat and food. At least I have enough time to shower before the bonfire at Kendrick's place.  Within 15 minutes of being back home Nora and Reagan come over. I get out of the shower and look for something to wear. They are sitting on my bed doing makeup and talking. "Hey, I will be ready in a few minutes and then we can head out." "Take your time. I hear Sloan hasn't even shown up  with the booze yet." Nora said. "I thought  Kendrick's brother Jake was handling the booze?" I ask "Jake is busy getting laid this weekend. He found some girl on Tinder and told Kendrick to find someone else. Do you still want to go?" My feelings for him are gone. There is no reason I can't go. He was over me long before it ended. Sloan slept with someone because I wasn't going to give him any. I don't think he would try anything. I look at Reagan and say, "What do you think?" "We won't leave your side if that would help." "I don't trust Sloan. Would you guys be okay If I texted Roman and asked his to come? Just as extra support? "Of course." Reagan said. "So you are saying we aren't enough?" Nora remarks.  "Nora, that's not it." "Then what is it." "Sloan would push you at of the way. I don't think he would mess with Roman." I said, "Plus if you bring Roman, Sloan might get jealous. That is something I would pay to see." Reagan said. I text Roman.  Me: Hey there is a bonefire over at Kendrick's place. I can shoot you the address. Do you want to come? Roman: I don't know...  Me: Please..... Nora and Reagan want me to go. My ex is going to be there and I don't want to see him.  Roman: Then don't go. That seems like a simple answer. I have to be up early to teach sailing. Me: We are going regardless. I just wanted you there for me. Roman: Sorry baby, but I need to get some sleep. Have fun and just avoid him.  I look at Reagan and Nora. Tears start to develop as I say, "Roman can't come. I don't think I want to go." "Dump Roman. He doesn't deserve you." Nora said.  "It will be okay. Let's go and have fun. You deserve to have a little fun. We won't leave your side" Reagan said.  "I guess. There will be a ton of alcohol. If he is a d**k I will just enough that maybe I won't remember him." I said. The three of us finish getting ready and then we climb into Nora's truck.  The truck took two tries before it fired up. The Vehicle continues to vibrate and it screams down the road. Even with the music at the highest possible, the vehicle is still louder. As we arrive at Kendrick's, everyone's head turns to see our arrival. Reagan needs to replace her truck. Nora has a car, but she rarely drives.  Someday I will have a new vehicle. Until then I will ride with Reagan.  We climb out of the truck and walk towards the fire.  The fire is roughly 8 feet tall. People are laughing and drinking. Most of the people are underage. Kendrick comes to greet us and says, "Help yourself to any of the coolers. Sloan came through and got us plenty." "Cool, thanks for the invite." Reagan said. Sometimes I wonder if we can look anymore like stereotypical white girls. The three of us grab a white claw and c***k it open. I look at Reagan and Nora and I say, "Tonight should be fun." They nod and then Reagan's eyes widen. She points and says "Look who's here." My heart fills with dread. I knew he would be here. Since the break up I have avoided him as much as I have been able to. This has been the first real encounter that I have had to deal with him. He hasn't approached me. Maybe Sloan will pretend I am not here. He has been into other girls. I have been with other guys. Sloan hasn't had a girlfriend since. This is a small town and word gets around. Has he heard that I've been seeing someone else? Sloan shouldn't care. I look to Reagan and say, "We knew he would be here. I don't want to see him. I think I'm going to call Roman and see if he will pick me up." Reagan snatched my phone before I could make a phone call. She said, "You are going to have fun. Don't let him ruin your fun. If he ruins your fun, he has won. Don't let him win." I take a deep breath and say, "Where's the hard liquor?" "Are you sure?" Nora asked. "I'm either going to have fun or not remember the night. Let's get f****d up." I said as I walk towards a cooler with hard liquor. My eyes are drawn to the fireball. A lot of liquid courage is needed for today. Nora comes over with some plastic shot glasses and says, "Let's do this!." I pour shots for the two of us. We take the shot. It burns as it slides down my throat. My white claw washes the liquor down. Now to wait for it to take affect. I notice Reagan goes off and starts talking with a guy. Nora looks at me and says, " I won't leave you." "Thank you. Mark is here if you want to go see him. I'd be okay."  She  rolls her eyes and says, "I'm not drunk enough to talk to him I only sleep with him when I am drunk or desperate. I'm not either of those yet." "I get that. I want you to have fun." Nora hugs me and says, "I know I've been a b***h. I just don't want to lose you like when you dated Sloan." "What do you mean?"  I ask. "When you were with Sloan, you only seemed about being with him. He was a complete asshole and you made excuses for him. I get it, he is hot, but you should have left him sooner. Sloan was abusive. It wasn't until you caught him in bed with someone else that you would even consider leaving him." "So you are worried it will be a repeat with Roman." "I am very worried. I don't want you to get hurt. Sloan caused a lot of pain for you. He cheated on you multiple times before you caught him." "Why don't I remember this?" "You were to excited to see him and he bought us all booze. Reagan and I weren't as verbal as we should have been. I'm sorry for that." "It's okay. At least when I got with Sloan you were able to get with your f**k buddy." "Very true. Mark is just as much of a d**k as Sloan. At least Mark is good in bed.  That guy can go for hours." "I'm jealous. Once Sloan would c*m, he was done." "So is Roman good in bed?" "I don't know. It hasn't happened yet?" "Wait, what? How has he not tried to get you in bed?" "We were very close. I would have given him anything he wanted. He looks like a God. I want to be under him. In time I hope to be." "What stopped you guys? Did he choose not to have s*x with you?" "We were getting heated and close. Then he stopped. He wanted to see what my intentions were." I said as I opened my second white claw. It felt good as the black cherry seltzer hit my tongue. "That's weird." "It's a little weird, but it was sweet. It only made me want to sleep with him more." She nodded her head and then said, "Interesting. Mark is so good looking. Would you be upset if I got busy with him?" "Go for it." I said as she took off and went to talk to Mark. I was left alone, but I feel okay. Sloan doesn't scare me. I look at my can of hard seltzer and smile. Its a warm day and I have good friends. The bonfire is nice. There is a lot of chatter, but I am still able to listen to the music playing. Someone hooked up there phone to the wireless speaker. It was probably Kendrick. He always has the best bonfire playlists.  A voice interrupts my thoughts, "I didn't know you were going to be here." it said. 
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