Chapter 10

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My eyes practically budge out of my head when I look up to see who is talking to me. He is the last person I want to talk to. What could he possibly want? I look up at him and say, "What do you want?" "That's a little harsh." "We aren't friends." "Oh come on, we could have a little fun." "I'm not interested." "I provided the alcohol. You know what I expect when I let people drink for free. Or at least when you wanted to drink for free." I throw my white claw and alcohol splashes on him as I say, "Take it. I'm leaving. I don't want it." "Come on baby, it's been awhile." "I am not your baby." Hands gripped my shoulders and pushed me up against the tree I had been leaning on. The bark scratched my back and he said, "You want me. I know it. There is no need to play hard to get." "Sloan, get off of me." "Why are you such a tease?" He asked as his grip tightens. "I have a boyfriend. Let me go." "I don't see him anywhere." "He couldn't come. He has to work in the morning." "You don't need to tell him about what we could do." "Get off of me. Your drunk and I don't want you." "I've always known when you were lying. It's okay if you still want me." A fist comes out of no where and knocks Sloan to the ground. My arms hurt where he had me pinned. I look up and I seen Kendrick just standing there. He appeared to be in as much shock as I was.  Kendrick looked at his fist and then at Sloan on the ground. Sloan wasn't moving. He was breathing, but it appeared that the punch knocked him out.  I look at  Kendrick and say, "Thank you."  Before I knew it I was hugging Kendrick and tears were streaming down my face.  He saved me. Sloan intended to sleep with me regardless as to if it was something I wanted or not. He never did care about consent. Sloan was very entitled. Kendrick squeezed me a little tighter and said, "Are you okay?" I take a few minutes to catch my breath and to stop crying. Then I said, "I am now. I thought Sloan was going to..." "He isn't gonna be a pig on my watch. I knew I shouldn't have asked him for alcohol. I shouldn't have invited him. Harper, I'm sorry." "It's okay. He seems to be out cold." "He could have hurt you." "If I wasn't here, he would have picked someone else." "Do you think we should call the cops. The spots on your arm, where he pushed you against the tree are turning purple. That's assault." "We can't call the cops. Most of us are underage and have consumed alcohol. Both you and I included. Also you knocked Sloan on his ass." "Your right. I wish I was sober enough to give you a ride home. Let's go find Reagan and Nora." He said as we looked around.  Nora was no where to be found and neither was Mark. They probably found some quiet place and are going at it like rabbits. I look for Reagan and she is no where to be found as well. I don't blame either of them for leaving me .Reagan's truck is still here. That means she must be around here somewhere.  My eyes scan the surroundings and still don't see them. I just want to go home. I look to Kendrick and say, "Go have fun. I will be okay." "If you leave with someone, just let me know. If not you can stay at my place." "Thank you." I find an empty lawn chair by the fire and sit in it. Times likes these I wish I had a car. Unfortunately I don't. I get ready to text Roman and realize I don't have my phone. Great. I can't even call someone. Can I just go home? Maybe I shouldn't have come. I walk over to Reagan's truck and I noticed she put my phone in there.  As I grab my phone, it buzzes.  unknown number: What the f**k? The hair on my neck stand up. This is creepy. My body is frozen as I stare at the screen.  Another text from the same number comes through  Unknown Number: That was not okay. This is beyond creepy. I look around and no one is near me. As I walk towards the fire I scan my surrounding. Nothing is out of the ordinary.  Once I am at the fire near other people, I text Roman.  Me: Hey, are you up? I still don't see Nora or Reagan. My heart races. Part of me knows they are okay, but another part of me is worried. I'm on edge and need to calm down. I glance down at my phone every 15 seconds and Roman hasn't responded. He is asleep. I look up from my phone and notice Kendrick isn't near by. Most of the people here are people I have grown up knowing. I may not know them personally, but I could tell you their name and who there parents are. One of the perks of being from a small town is, everyone knows everyone. If I don't know you, I know someone who knows you or is related to you. My phone buzzes and my heart skips a beat. I look down.  Unknown: Why are you ignoring me? Who is this number? It's not someone I have in my phone. Part of me wonders if they have the wrong number, but another part of me is terrified that these messages are intended for me. I look around wondering if anyone else is this terrified. Everyone else is buys socializing. They don't notice me almost having a panic attack. Another buzz comes from my phone. Please be Roman. I look down and see.  Unknown: This isn't cool. Whoever is texting me is royally pissed. They want me to respond. I don't know if I should respond. Maybe it is just some teenager playing with his/her phone trying to freak someone out. If I respond, I will feed into the game they are trying to play. I text Roman again.  Me: Hey Roman, I'm scared. If you awake please text me back. I want to cry but here is not the place. Still there is no sight of Nora or Reagan. I don't dare explore anywhere that isn't close to the bonfire.  The darkness makes me nervous. Once again my phone buzzes.  Unknown: I know you are reading these messages.  What the f**k? This is not an okay prank. Even for a prank, this is messed up. I have two options right now. I can continue to ignore the messaged or I can message the number back. Me: Who is this? Unknown: Don't play dumb Harper. Me: Who are you? Unknown: Stop playing stupid. You know exactly who I am. Me: I don't know who you are. Please just tell me who you are.  Unknown: Go walk by the road where everyone has there vehicles parked.  Me: Who the f**k are you? Unknown: Do as I say or I will remain a mystery.  Me: No Unknown: You have always been such a tease. This isn't just some teenager playing a prank. The person messaging me wants something. The last text makes me think I know exactly who it is. If it who I think it is, I don't want anything to do with it. My phone buzzes again. Unknown: I'm waiting... Me: I'm not going. Unknown: I might have something you'd want Me: What do you have? Unknown: Come find out. Unknown: Come alone Who is this person? What would they have that I might want? My legs are shaking. I don't want to go. This mystery person gives me a bad feeling. I try to call Reagan but her phone is either off or it died. Nora's phone goes right to voicemail. This is great. Neither of them are available. I know exactly what Nora is doing. My mind would guess that Reagan is up to a similar activity. This is a long shot, but I text Roman a third time. Me: I have a bad feeling. Please wake up.  A few minutes later I get another text. Unknown: I'm waiting.  Me: I'm not coming Unknown: I take it you need some motivation I don't respond. After about a five minute wait I get another text message from the mystery number. Unknown: If you don't come, Reagan's s**t box truck won't be moving anywhere Fuck. The mystery person is thinking of destroying her truck. I can't let someone do that. My eyes scan the bonfire area and I don't see anyone that I trust enough to tell. My mind debates on what to do. I could stay here and let them tamper with Reagan's truck or I can go and see who is out there. There is no clear answer. I take a deep breath and call  Roman. He doesn't answer. My heart drops. All of a sudden I get a text from him. Roman: What's going on? Me: I'm at Kendrick's bonfire. A random number keeps texting me. I afraid.  Roman: Give me the address. I will come pick you up.  I give him the address and text him back. Me: Thank you. A sigh of relief slips out. My heart rate starts to get back to normal and then I receive another text message. Don't open it. My conscious knows it is only bad news. Unfortunately I need to make sure it isn't Roman. My heart beats faster as I read it.  Unknown: Come now or I'm lighting her truck on fire.
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