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With a heavy sigh, Gabriella stepped out of her room. She was dressed in all black. Not like she was mourning someone but today she was to meet her greatest nightmare, one she had feared for about a year now. Today she was going to meet with Barrett Miller, her supposed fiancé. She was far from excited, she felt a little mix of fear and anger as she walked out the front door.  Seems like she would be getting married after all.  Seemed like Ryan was just a picture of her imagination. Maybe he didn’t even exist. Maybe she had dreamt about it all.  Her mum had done all she could to convince her to wear bright clothes but she was stubborn. She had argued with her and had won the argument as expected. Going to see Barrett was torture enough for her. She met Maxwell sitting in the living room. He got up as soon as she entered.  “You know you don’t have to go if you don’t want to” he stared at her in pity “you can stand him up. Worse case scenario, it’s just going to be another quarrel with you and dad.” he quickly told her.  “I just want to get it over with Max. I can’t run away forever.” Gabriella answered. “I understand.” He answered.  Her mum joined them at the living room.  "You look beautiful in any colour darling." she eyed her daughter from head to toe, apparently disapproving of her choice of clothes but knowing that nothing she did would change her daughter’s mind.  Gabriella didn’t answer but instead gave her a very cold look. She hugged her brother and pushed the door open with her shoulders.  She met the chauffeur waiting patiently to take her on her date. He greeted her with a nod and a wide smile and opened the back door of the black Bentley for her to enter.  “Miss Long.” he smiled as he opened the door.  “Thank you” she answered as she got in and waited for him to join her.  It was her first time sitting in the comfort of such luxurious vehicle. She shared an old wagon with her brother and most times he let her drive it. They had used their savings and their dad had added a little amount of money about four years ago to get the car for Max. Max had promised to pay her back the next year but they decided it was better for both of them to assume ownership of the vehicle. Till date, the car did not give them much issues. Matter of fact, she loved the old car and was very much comfortable in it. She wasn’t sure about this car she was in.  The driver said absolutely nothing all through the ride but she caught him throwing glances at her through the mirror on several occasions and wondered what was going on in his mind.  He pulled up in front of a huge restaurant and graciously parked the car amidst other expensive ones and even amongst the other cars, the Bentley stood out. He was coming around to open the door for her but she pushed it open herself and got out.  “But you shouldn’t do that ma'am except you want me to loose my job.” he said courteously.  “No one is loosing any job.” She said to him.  He smiled and led her to the entrance of the huge building.  “Do enjoy your date ma'am” he said and nodded as he turned to leave. "My master will meet you atop the stairs.” With that, he left and Gabriella wished he would follow her all the way.  She liked his politeness which was not exactly something she was used to. She was beautiful no doubt, but it wasn’t everyday she was treated like a queen. Seeing the way other people were well dressed and the poise in which they carried themselves, it was obvious this particular place was filled with affluent people. It wasn’t the normal spot for an average man. She looked down at her dress and quickly wished she had worn something better. The black gown hugged her body and pronounced her curves, leaving a little cleavage exposed but one could easily tell it was cheap. Cheap or not, it looked good on her. She certainly had no reason to want to impress Barrett Miller.  She climbed up the stairs a little too fast as if in a haste to get the whole date over with. Her first sight of Barrett Miller was pleasing. He stood tall, and positioned himself patop the stairs, like the chauffeur had said. Barrett stood at about six foot three inches which was a good seven inches taller than her. His skin was radiant, his hair well shaved and combed backwards. He had wealth written all over him. Wealth, and pride. He stood like he owned the building, a little smile stretching his lips as his eyes met hers.   Gabriella had heard about his charming looks but seeing him in person, she could say he looked way better than he was described. The way he smiled made her scared, she wished she hadn’t come but at least now she knew what she was about to face. She knew what her husband looked like and she made a mental note to dress better if ever they got to see again before the wedding.  “I see you finally decided to meet me" he smiled. His smile was one of mockery and for a split second she envisioned slapping the smile off his face. Oh, what pleasure she would derive from that. The thought almost brought a smile to her face but she bit her inner lip to suppress it.  “Mr. Miller" she said formerly.  “Oh please call me Barrett, after all, we are to be man and wife.” He said with a wave of his hand.  What arrogance. Gabriella would do anything now to give him that slap. He was proud and cared less about his choice of words. For him, she was his property.  “Barrett.” she corrected.  “Come, let me lead you to our table.” he took her hands and led her down to a rather secluded room from the main restaurant. It was easy to tell that it was the VVIP section. There were about six rooms and he gently led her into the fourth.  The room had a romantic setting. Each room had two tables which were set far apart from each other. The other table were already occupied with an elderly couple who seemed engrossed in their food not noticing if anyone had walked in. The room had blue and red dim lights with a song playing gently in the background. The table was carved from the finest and most expensive woods and a gold lining across it. It wasn’t the normal restaurant settings she was used to and she had no idea how to behave or what to order.   A wine was already open at the table and she could tell Barrett had been sipping it before she got there. He poured her a glass and handed into her.  “Thank you" she said.  The waiter appeared with a large menu book and handed one to each of them. There was a long list to choose from and Gabriella had no idea what half of the menu was.  “You want me to choose for you?” Barrett asked as he handed his own menu to the waiter after making his own choice.  “I’ll have some chicken and waffles" she said and handed the menu back to the waiter, avoiding eye contact with him.  “Ok ma’am” he answered “any other thing?”  “No please.” Ella answered.  “Are you sure that’s all you want?” Barrett asked in his rich deep voice, a little sarcastic.  "Yes I’m sure" she frowned wondering if she had made a wrong choice.  “Alright, Hurry up now" he turned to the waiter “my wife to be is hungry.” He finished with a smile and the waiter nodded and left.  Gabriella was not sure if that was intended as an insult because she was sure she never said anything about being hungry. Maybe it was the way he stressed the “my wife to be" that annoyed the hell out of her. Did he really think it was funny? Why did he seem amused by the thought of having her as his wife. Something was definitely off about Barrett Miller. Would she bear this annoying man for the rest of her life? She would be miserable no doubt.  She wondered why Barrett Miller would even go through the stress of setting up a date with her in this luxurious restaurant. Why had he been eager to meet her all this while. It was obvious she was just an object of ridicule to him. Why would a man of his status want to even get married to a pauper? Men of his class often got married to women in the same class and social status.  She caught him staring at her. His eyes roamed over her and stopped briefly on her chest. He lingered there for a while as if he could strip her naked with his eyes.  Gabriella turned red at how he made little or no effort to hide the lust in his eyes. His gaze slowly moved up to her lips and lingered there for a while before meeting her eyeball to eyeball. Gabriella was embarrassed. She should have known better than come on a date with such an arrogant man. He had absolutely no regard for her or her body.   “There’s nothing to be ashamed of Ella” he said and placed his hands over hers on the table. She pulled hers back almost immediately and he smiled “We are going to be man and wife sweetheart , you are mine.”  It was like her senses were awakened in that moment. He referred to her like she was just a property, like he was her lord, this was not what she had thought about when she thought of a life partner in her early teens.  Like every other teenager, Gabriella had her fair share of day dreaming. She had day dreamed of meeting a prince charming, falling in love, he would propose to her with one knee on the ground and they would be married with two kids, a boy and a girl. She had that fantasy as a child but apparently that was all it was, a fantasy, one that only existed in her mind and one that would never come to pass just like most dreams she had in her life.  “Why are you even interested in this arrangement.” she finally asked out of frustration.  “Well, let’s say I find you interesting" he smiled “you know I’ve been watching you for a while Gabriella.”  “Watching me how?” that fear clogged her chest again.  He smiled “I fancy you Ella" he said dismissing the topic “ I always trust my dad to make the right decisions you know. I knew he made the right decision with you.”  The waiter brought their meals and set it on the table. “Do enjoy your meal Mr and Mrs Miller" he bowed his head.  Barrett had reserved the table with the name.  “Thank you.” she said politely. The waiter turned and left.  If Gabriella had thought she could convince him into not marrying her, his last statement proved that she couldn’t. Why would a man like Barret Miller want anything to do with her?  “Please, eat.” He motioned to her as he dived into his food. Barrett Miller was definitely a man with a big appetite. She looked at the mountain of food in his plate and shook her head. He may have observed it because he raised a brows at her.  “Surprised?”  “Indeed I am." she answered genuinely.  “well, get used to it. You would be seeing more of it when you move in with me" he grinned widely “now please eat your food.”  Gabriella had lost her appetite. This man was a joke. She had never thought about how life would be living with this arrogant man. Now, the reality was dawning on her.  
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