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“Is anything the matter sweetheart?” Barrett asked her.  Ella shook her head and tried to eat. "Nothing really” she replied avoiding his eyes. She was not exactly a shy person neither was she someone to be easily intimidated but Barrett scared the living daylights out of her.  “Your mum says you both are doing a good job planning the wedding.” He looked at her sceptically.  "Is that what she told you?” Ella was surprised at the obvious lie her mum had dished out to the Miller's.  Her mum had been the one doing all the planning and running around, Ella had no hand in any of it but of course, it was typical of her mum to say anything to please the Miller’s. Mrs Long was a people pleaser, at the same time a loyal wife. She would do anything Steven Long asked. Ella often wondered why she feared her husband so much.  Mrs Long didn’t see it as fear but rather a sign of submission and obedience to her husband, but Gabriella would describe it as nothing but fear.  “That is what she told me" Barrett answered. “or isn’t that how it is? Are you both not handling the preparations well?” he eyed her “that shouldn’t be a big deal now should it? After all, I’m paying all the bills. All you have to do is make sure it goes well. That isn’t too much now is it Ella."  Of course, he had to remind her.  “ My mum is doing the preparations" she nodded “ I’m sure it’s no news to you that I’m not interested in the whole arrangement. So, no, I’m not involved in the preparations.”  Barrett dropped his fork as if surprised by her outburst. Maybe he was, Gabriella was not sure. He looked at her face as if searching for something before suddenly bursting into laughter. He laughed so hard his face was turning red. What was funny about what she just said? She was pretty sure she didn’t tell a joke so why was he laughing like he had just heard the joke of the year.  "What are you saying" he said, taking a long gulp of water “ you don’t have to pretend around your soon to be husband you know.” “Pretend? What makes you think I’m pretending?” she asked him.  “Of course you are excited to be my bride. I mean who wouldn’t be? You are one lucky woman and you know it. Many girls would die to be in your shoes sweetheart, so please save yourself the joke. There’s no need for pretence around me" he finished.  Ella was not sure how to react to the jargons that had just come out from this man’s mouth. She didn’t think she had ever been this embarrassed before. He must think so highly of himself. The more time she spent in the company of this man, the more she felt like she was going to strangle him. If pride had a face, she was staring at it right now.   She had tried her best to be polite with him but he seemed like he was too full of himself and she didn’t know how much more of his arrogance she would have to tolerate.  It was her turn to laugh this time. If he wanted stubbornness, she would show him she had loads of it.  “Don’t flatter yourself Barrett" she said admits laughter. This time she could see him frowning his face “ if there’s anyone excited about this marriage that would be you. You may like to think most ladies would want you because you are rich but please I’m not one of them. That’s all you have to offer, money, what else can you bring to the table? The last thing I want is to be married to your arrogant ass." she shot back.  Soon as she finished, his frown worsened , her words must have hurt him but she really didn’t care. All he had done since he set eyes on her was say all sort of hurtful words to her. The man apparently had no care for her feelings so why should she care for his? She had known meeting him would not be a good idea but her dad had literally forced her to go on this date and there was no way she was going to cross her legs and watch Barrett talk to her like she had no value. “ "Mind your words with me" he said to her coldly.  “No, you mind your words with me.” She shot back at him knowing she had gained an edge over him “all you have done since is just throw insults at me. You must think you are some kind of god.”  “You should really mind what you say to me Ella" he said in a threatening voice. “ I’m the one doing you and your wretched family a favour. I’m the reason your wretched father is still alive. I’m the reason you got any education in the first place. I’m sure your father didn’t tell you that but just so you know, you are my property.” he said glaring at her.  Fear gripped her heart and her eyes filled with tears that threatened to fall. Her first instinct was to stand up and walk out but that fear did not let her. She felt trapped, one thing she knew was getting Barrett angry was the last thing she should do if they eventually got married because she was not so sure of what he would do to her. She had heard about him being a proud man but most people would talk about his good looks and money before his character.  She blinked several times to hide the tears that threatened to fall. Whether she felt weak or not, she was not going to let it show. She would not give him the pleasure of seeing her cry. Less than an hour since they met and she already hated him. She made a mental note to beg her father as soon as she got home, since all other methods she tried did not seem to work. If there was anything she could do, she would but she did not want to be married to this man, she could already see herself crying every day for the rest of her life. Surely, her father loved her, she was his daughter after all, he wouldn’t like to see her suffer, maybe he would change his mind this time.  She kept mute even as Barrett finished his food without saying any other word. The silence stretched and she pretended to eat, but that was all she was doing, pretending, nothing was going into her stomach. Her mind was filled with thoughts. Thoughts about how differently her life would have been if she had been born into another family, why did God have to put her in the Long's?  "Don’t waste my money Gabriella" he said “ that plate cost more than your entire outfit." this time, he smiled.  Gabriella was angry, she had never been insulted this way all her life. The last time she had felt this insulted was when she had run off shortly after finding out she was betrothed.  “Why are you being so mean to me?” she asked him, tears filling her eyes again.  “Because I want you to understand something” he looked her in the eye “ I didn’t ask to be betrothed to you. Our fathers made that decision and it’s not like I was happy with it but I had to accept it in good fate and from the way I see it, your family is benefitting from this, not mine. I’m sure you know your dad made some bad decisions in the past. All we are trying to do is help you guys so you should mind your words when you talk to me. I set up this date to get to know you better, maybe we could share some kind of bond, but you had to get on my nerves, didn’t you.”  Tears dropped down her cheeks.  "You are just a proud bastard" she jumped to her feet, wiping the tears from her eyes “ I promise you will regret everything you said to me.”  Barrett burst into another wave of laughter.  "Oh please, you would do all the regretting there is." he said coldly “ Simeon will take you home." he finished, dismissing her.  Gabriella didn’t wait for him to finish his statement before storming out of the room. The couple at the other table stared at her scornfully and she gave them one of her own.  She walked down the stairs determined not to enter Barrett’s car but Simeon, the chauffer stopped her on the way.  “Ma'am" he beckoned to her.  “I’m not going with you please.”  "But you must ma'am."  “Or else what?” she snapped at him.  He was silent for a second. "I’m sorry but I can’t allow you go on your own ma'am. My master would not hear of it" he looked at her softly.  “Alright.” Gabriella let him lead her to the vehicle.  Once inside, she heaved a sigh of relief.  “Everything alright ma'am?” he asked.  "Yes.” she answered. “ " Your boss... what’s he like?"  “Oh you mean Mr. Barrett" the chauffeur stared at her through the mirror. “Of course I mean Barrett or you have another boss?”  “Well, I consider his father my boss too. I work for him as well.”  “Oh I see.”  Gabriella wasn’t sure why she raised the topic with him but she needed to know and a part of her believed Simeon would be a talkative. Not like she expected him to say anything negative of his boss but she needed some information about the guy she was going to get married to. No matter how much she denied it, it was crystal clear she had no choice. It was too late. She would beg her father no doubt but she was sure that would not as much as change his mind.  “Well, Mr Barrett has his moments.” He answered as if not sure if to go deeper into the conversation “but he doesn’t joke with his women.” “ "His women?” she asked.  Simeon must have noticed he had spilled a little too much because he tried to cover up for the statement and Gabriella could easily tell.  “What I mean is if he likes you, he would make sure you get all you want, so long as you remain loyal to him ma'am.”  "But you said his women? Does he have other women Simeon?” she questioned.  When he did not answer, she realised she must have been asking too much, but who would blame her? She needed to know what she was getting into. “Please tell me Simeon. I promise whatever we discuss stays between us." she probed.  "Ma'am, what I can tell you is, if Mr. Barrett did not fancy you, he would not go as far as setting up a date to meet you. He has his flaws yes, but it’s nothing you can’t handle.” He concluded as he turned into her street.  Gabriella was not sure what he meant and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to find out either.  "Thank you Simeon. That’s your name right?” “ " Yes ma'am.” He answered and stopped the vehicle in front of her house. “Enjoy your evening ma'am." "And you too" she answered courteously and got out of the vehicle, thinking about everything that had just happened. She had not been on just a few dates but this was definitely the worse she could think of. How would she face her parents now? She was sure her mum would be waiting to hear all the juice details of how her date with Barrett went. Mrs Long believed that Ella would fall for Barrett if they met, she wanted nothing more than that. She had been hopeful because Barrett had such good looks. If only she knew.  She gently pushed the old door and as usual, it made a heavy creaking sound. She had expected to meet her mum waiting with a smile on her face but her mum was seated opposite her dad, wearing a worried face. Her dad looked like he was going to strangle her. Her heart skipped, she wondered if she would ever come back to a happy home. 
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