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Gabriella checked the time for the umpteenth time. It was her nineteenth birthday and the day she was walking down the aisle, today she would officially be Mrs Miller, today she would leave her family to start another with a man she hated. It was 5 a.m. Her only friend Perry had passed the night with her, with words of encouragement and reminding her to see things in the positive light. The Miller’s had lodged all of them in an exclusive hotel, not very far from the venue Gabriella was to be married.  Perry was Gabriella’s only friend from childhood and she was just five months older than Gabriella. They had grown up with similar dreams; how they would attend the best college, become doctor’s, meet and marry the man of their dreams. Well, if only wishes were horses.   Neither of them even got into college. Perry however had found the love of her life but Gabriella always doubted his feelings for Perry. David was handsome and had all the charms of a gentleman but Gabriella was not fooled, he had tried to hit on her at Perry’s birthday party last year which was something she had kept away from her friend. If Perry was happy, then she would not spoil her friend’s happiness because she deserved it, and she certainly did not want be the cause of any break ups.   “ I can’t believe my bestie is leaving me in singlehood,” Perry said cheerfully. Perry was a happy girl no doubt, one thing anyone would easily notice was her positive approach to situations. Perry had a way of bringing out the best in any situation which was probably why Maxwell had a crush on her, something Perry would not hear of, but who would blame her? Maxwell unlike David, had little or nothing attached to his name. David was financially stable to an extent, at least his parents could afford to send him to college. Perry may be a little bit materialistic but even she wanted a taste of wealth. Gabriella was sure Perry would be delighted if she were to be the one getting married to a billionaire.  “I can’t believe it too,” Gabriella said dryly.  "Look on the bright side Ella,” Perry continued “You would have all the money you want at your disposal, servants and maids doing everything for you, you wouldn’t have to work a day in your life my dear, think of all the things you would be able to afford, all the fancy dresses and meals, not to add how charming your husband is.”  "I have no feelings for him, he’s mean and arrogant. Imagine all the things he said to me on our first meeting Perry,”  “ I know you do not like him. Anybody would be angry to find out they were given off at birth but you need to look on the bright side Ella. I want you to see the good in the situation and you have to try not to get on his nerves, “ Perry advised.  “Guess I would not find my prince charming after all,” Ella said.  Perry was the only one who knew about Ryan, Gabriella had told her again and again how sure she was that she had connected with Ryan that day, how she felt Ryan was the one for her, Ryan was her own Prince Charming and she was never getting married to Barrett. Perry understood Gabriella so well, she followed her once on her quest to find Ryan but even Perry knew it was a waste of time.  “Ella,” she said softly, reaching out for her friend's hands “ I know how this may sound but Ryan doesn’t want to be found. If he wanted to, he would have come to you,”  “I’ve thought about it too Perry and even I have concluded he probably does not want to see me,” Ella swallowed hard “ but a part of me can’t help but wonder if he’s alright. What if something bad has happened to him? What if he had to leave for some reason? I’m not even sure if he’s still alive.” She looked away.  "If it’s meant to be, then it will, who knows, he may even knock on our door right now,” Perry chuckled.  Gabriella laughed “That’s not even possible,”  "Let’s assume he does show up now,” Perry continued amidst laughter “what will you do? Run off with Mr. Ryan and leave Barrett Miller hanging?” she teased.  “I will be glad to,” Ella rolled her eyes  “You wouldn’t dare,” Perry joked, using her hands to clutch her chest.   “ Oh why,” Ella laughed.  Perry always knew how to make Gabriella laugh. Despite how unhappy she was about getting married to Barrett, she felt a little relieved having Perry around, Perry was the only one that made her see the joke in the situation, she made her forget about how miserable she felt to be married to Barrett and how badly he had made her feel on their first date. With Perry she could joke about anything.  "I can’t believe you refused to go out with Maxwell,” Ella added “You both would have made a good match, “ she teased.   Oh please,” Perry waved her hand “Maxwell is all cute and nice, but I don’t see him like that you know, he's more like a big brother to me. I still find it amusing that Max would want to go out with me,” she paused “he’s a nice guy and all but definitely not my type. I’m in love with my own prince charming,” she laughed hard.  Gabriella laughed too, it was obvious Perry looked up to Max as her elder brother. Gabriella quickly recalled one time Perry had referred to Max as ‘Bro' and how bad Maxwell had felt about it. He had kept on repeating “ I can’t believe she called me bro,” and Gabriella had burst into series of laughter. Ella had advised him to tell Perry how he felt and Max still thinks it was probably one of the worse ideas but at least, he tried.   “How are things with David?” Gabriella asked, a part of her always felt she should have told Perry about her ordeal with her so called Prince charming, she always felt guilty about how truthful Perry had been with her and how she couldn’t even tell her friend the simple truth but she really did not want Perry to change how she felt for David, so she would keep the fact that David had tried to kiss her on his own girlfriend’s birthday. She would keep it all to herself.   "He's been nothing short of a darling,” she smiled “even though he has his moments. Sometimes I think he gets overwhelmed and doesn’t reach out to me for days,” she shrugged “but he’s a darling,”  “I see” Gabriella said dryly.  "And we finally did it.” Perry blushed.  "Did what?” Ella looked at her with one brow raised.  "You know,” Perry gestured with her hands “ We had s*x,”  "What!” Gabriella screamed, unaware of how loud her voice was.  Perry totally did not expect such reaction from her friend and she was shocked at Ella’s reaction. “What’s wrong?” she asked.  “I’m sorry,” Ella apologised “It just came as a surprise.” She faked a smile.  "Oh, well I just felt it was about time.” Perry said.  “Or you just wanted to make him happy?” Ella asked.  "Of course not. I wanted to, We have been together for almost two years now, it had to be him, I really can’t picture any other person being my first,” Perry said “ Don’t act all surprised, it was bound to happen anyway, you should be happy for me,"  “I am,” Ella lied “I just-“ She was interrupted by a knock on the door.  “Open up now, why are you girls still sleeping?” Mrs. Long screamed.  Ella checked the time, it was 6:15. Her heart skipped again. The time was getting closer.  Perry jumped up and quickly opened the door for Mrs Long.  Her mum was occupying a suite just below hers and Gabriella had even been surprised that her mum had not disturbed her and Perry all through the night.  "Good morning Mrs Long,” Perry greeted her.  "It’s past 6 a.m. what are you girls doing? The make up artist should be here any minute and you girls haven’t even showered,” Mrs Long continued, entering the room and Perry shut the door behind her.  "Good morning mother,” Gabriella mumbled under her breath.  "Perry,” Mrs Long turned to face Perry “Where are your dresses?”  "It would be here soon, I gave them to the dry cleaner yesterday to have them ironed,” Perry answered.  “That’s good. Please talk to Ella,” she said “ Let her put a smile on her face today. I understand it’s a big step she’s about to take but we all hope it’s for the best,”  "Yes Mrs Long,” Gabriella answered and shared a look with Gabriella.  “You both take turns in the bathroom now, before the make up artist arrives. “ she turned to Gabriella “ Please make sure you clean yourself very well, we want the Miller’s to have the best impression about us. April and Alexa will be in attendance. They flew in yesterday,”  "Oh, really” Gabriella swallowed.  April and Alexa were the Miller daughters, Barrett’s younger sisters. The news going round was the girls were spoiled to the core. Why her mum wanted to please them was what Gabriella didn’t understand. Seemed like her mum would do anything to please anybody today.  "Yes Gabriella. A lot of important people too would be in attendance. The governor and his wife, not to mention, This is why the Miller’s have hired the best in everything to make the ceremony a success. They are excited to have you as one of them Ella, and I hope you too will be happy. You are a pretty girl and I’m happy to have you as my daughter, your life is about to turn around for good,” Mrs Long said in excitement.  Gabriella was not so sure about that but she had resolved to see the best in the situation as Perry advised.  The hotel land line rang and Mrs Long rushed to pick it up.  "Yes?” She questioned and waited for the person on the other end to talk.  Gabriella could see that her mum was really excited about the whole preparations, not minding the fact that her daughter was unhappy. Gabriella silently said a prayer to God that she would not regret walking down this aisle, that somehow God would do a miracle to avert it if it would make her miserable. Maybe Barrett wouldn’t show up, anything to make it not happen. She was a girl with great hopes and she prayed for a last minute miracle.  "Keep her waiting for the next fifteen minutes. We would let you know when to send her here.” Mrs Long said after listening to what the caller had to say and dropped the call.  “Your make up artist is here,” she said “Now hurry Gabriella, go take your bath,” She helped Gabriella get off her clothes. “Perry please see to it that she is very clean will you?”  "Sure thing" Perry answered.  "I will be in my suite, my own artist would arrive soon too" Mrs Long said "And a Happy Birthday to you" she added hurrying out of the room.  Gabriella knew her mum would have no troubles fitting into the status of a wealthy parent after all, she wasn’t born into abject poverty. Her family had been a little above the average family. She had left them to be with the love of her life, yet, she would not let her own daughter find her love.  "Ok common now, I wouldn’t want to offend Mrs Long,” Perry said pushing Ella into the bathroom. " Go wash up, and make sure you are clean" she said mimicking Mrs Long.  “Yes ma'am” Gabriella did a mock salute and entered the bathroom.  She closed the door behind her and entered the shower, this was really happening, it still felt like a dream, she was really getting married. In a few hours, she would be Mrs Miller. Ryan was just a figment of her imagination. She allowed the tears roll down her cheeks as she turned on the shower. 
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