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“You know, I’ve always wished I was as beautiful as you Ella,” Perry smiled at her friend who was fully dressed in her wedding attire “ You always had all the attention even from Kindergarten” she chuckled at that “ and I always knew you would make a fine bride" she finished.   “Perry...” Gabriella hugged her best friend.  The make up artist rushed towards them as if to stop them from hugging each other. “You will ruin your make up Mrs Miller,” she said.  “Don’t call me that,” Gabriella snapped at her.  “I’m sorry,” she bowed her head.  “Calm down now,” Perry spoke in a low voice “ after all you will soon be addressed as that, so you better get used to it,”  Gabriella was tired of the make up artist's attitude, she had come with another girl who has barely said a word since stepping into the room, and she was sick of her constantly calling her Mrs Miller, she was yet to be legally married to Barrett Miller and she still believed in a last minute miracle that would stop the whole marriage but the girl’s constant mention of the name annoyed the hell out of her.  "Well I’m not married yet, anything can happen” Gabriella mumbled. She looked at the girls face and almost felt pity for her. They were the best in all of the state according to what Gabriella had heard and even Gabriella knew they had done a good job on her but the girl was really timid, maybe she was scared of the Miller’s, Gabriella thought. That explained it. She was scared of her. Gabriella almost laughed at the thought, can anyone be scared of her really? She doubted that. Even if she officially became Barrett’s wife, she doubted if she would have the charisma of a Miller. Why would anyone be scared of her? Perhaps that explained why the other girl had said little or nothing since stepping into the room, even all through the time the girl was polishing her nails. Ella glanced at her well polished nails, not once had she had her nails so perfectly polished, even at this age, it was the first time she was having a complete makeover too and even she knew she looked sophisticated.  “Nothing is going to happen,” Perry told Ella “You will be peacefully married and also enjoy all the benefits that come with it,” she added.  Ella looked at Perry relieving all their childhood memories, Perry had been the only female friend Ella could relate with while growing up. Perry had again and again shown how loyal she was to their friendship and Ella still felt the guilt of withholding a secret from her, one that would mean a lot. David never apologised about his attitude at Perry’s birthday, he had even walked up to her the next day and told her she didn’t know what she was missing, he had warned her not to mention a word to Perry but that wasn’t even the reason why she kept it from Perry, she simply did not want her friend to be unhappy.  “I’m happy to have you beside me Perry,” Ella said to her friend.  “Of course you are,” Perry joked.  “For real” Ella looked at Perry. Her mum had suggested Alexa to be her maid of honour, just to please the Miller’s but as God will have it, the sisters had not been sure of attending the wedding, She had spoken to Alexa once and she sounded cheerful, she had even wished her well and shared her regrets that she wouldn’t be able to attend due to some reasons Gabriella couldn’t even remember. Ella had felt relieved not to have the sisters around, she had heard of their many mischief’s and how proud they were. Neither of them were married but Gabriella once heard a rumour that Alexa was engaged to Anthony , son of Martin’s who was also extremely rich and a close friend to the Miller’s, some said she was betrothed to him and others said they had met as mutual friends and fallen in love with each other, not like Gabriella cared about the details.  "I don’t say it often but you know I love you Perry,” Ella continued “I love having you around, I have the courage to walk down this road because of you, I’m not giving up on our dreams Perry, we’re still going on those fancy vacations together, we’re buying the fancy cars we always wanted,” Perry smiled “and this has nothing to do with the Miller’s money,”  Perry blinked back tears and hugged her friend. The girl jumped forward again and dabbed Ella’s eyes and face.  The hotel phone rang and Perry picked it up, putting it on loud speaker.  “Hello" She answered.  “That you Perry?” Mrs Long caller from the other end.  “Yes Mrs Long,” Perry answered rolling her eyes and stifling a giggle.  “Put Gabriella on the phone,” Mrs Long was shouting.  "I can hear you mum,” Gabriella shouted back.  "Alexa and April are coming up to meet you,” Mrs Long informed her.  “What? Why?” Gabriella stuttered.  "They just want to see you Ella, stop sounding like it’s a crime,” Mrs Long scolded “ Be in your best behaviour alright? The photographers are already waiting downstairs , your dad and I will be waiting for you to join us in about fifteen minutes. The Miller’s should probably be on their way already, we don’t want to keep them waiting for too long.”  "Ok mum, I’m not sure why the Miller sisters want to see me though. Why can’t they just meet me in the reception?” Ella asked.  “I guess they are eager to see how you look before you come out. You know its important you look flawless. You are about to be their latest addition to the family so I don’t see why not,” Mrs Long explained.  “I just do not want any issues or any one upsetting me right now,” Ella continued.   "Enough with the complaints,” Mrs Long scolded “ The decorators did a pretty amazing Job,” she added in excitement “You would be pleased. You know I’m good at these things,” she laughed.  "I know mum,” Ella said. "Is Max coming too?”  "Is he not there already?” Mrs Long sounded a little bit worried.  “No,” she answered.  Ella guessed he was avoiding Perry but why that should even matter to him at this time baffled her. He was her brother, and not only was he her brother he was also her friend, she needed him to be with her now. Maxwell had avoided Perry since he had poured out his heart to her and she turned him down.  Ella had talked and talked, she felt he was being really childish but Maxwell insisted he wasn’t avoiding her but Ella knew better.  "Well, he’s probably somewhere,” Mrs Long answered “Please be in your best behaviour today. I will remind you as many times as possible. Put a smile on your face, I’m sure the artist did a good job,” She finished and hung up.  Ella turned in time to see the girl smile at her mother’s words. A quick impatient knock followed. Perry was about to get the door when the girl quickly stepped forward.  “I’ll get it,” she said and half ran to open the door. She was obviously delighted to be opening the door for the Miller’s. Hadn’t her mum said the girl was the best make up artist around? Well if that was the case she should be used to attending to important people. Why the Miller’s were so important to her was what Gabriella did not understand.  “Good morning,” The girl greeted the Miller sisters as they entered, with excitement all over her voice. Neither of the sisters responded.  "Gabriella,” Alexa who was older than April by two years looked at her eyeing her from head to toe.  The Miller sisters looked liked everything Gabriella had imagined. Their poise and elegance was easily noticed even from the door step. They were both dressed in the same red off shouldered gown that dropped to the ground, the slit running all the way up to their thigh, their hair combed and styled up in the same manner and their nails perfectly polished. They wore the same pair of white Prada heels and one could easily mistake them for twins, not just because of the way they were dressed but because of their striking resemblance. Gabriella could see now why her mum had repeatedly told her to be at her best.  Gabriella noticed their body guards standing by the hallway and wondered how they lived their lives been followed every time. She wondered if she would have a bodyguard too, that was definitely something she did not want.  “Hello Alexa, April,” Ella greeted the two sisters, not sure how to act around them.  "You look stunning in that dress” April, the last born of the Miller’s said, hugging Gabriella and dropping a kiss on each cheek. Alexa did same.  “This your maid of honour?” Alexa looked scornfully at Perry who was smiling like she had just met the president.  “Yes,” Perry quickly replied, extending her hands to Alexa “ I’m Perry,”   Alexa stared at Perry’s hands and turned away as if Perry had not had them stretched towards her. Perry turned red in embarrassment.  “I don’t like how your hair is parked,” Alexa complained.  “I was going to say the same thing,” April added “Who did it?”  "I did ma'am" the other girl who came with the make up artist spoke up.  “If not cor time, I would have asked for a re-do" Alexa said.  Alexa almost sounded like she owned Gabriella, this was far from the pleasant voice she had spoken to on the phone. The way she snubbed Perry made Gabriella angry. Everybody loved Perry, why the sisters would treat her like that baffled her. Ella knew that even though they were Barrett’s younger sisters, they still gave her a few years in age. Alexa was born five years after Barrett which made her twenty-four by Gabriella’s calculations and April came three years after Alexa, making her twenty-one, that made Alexa five years older than Gabriella and April two years older than her.  Alexa had been engaged to Anthony almost two years now, what was causing the delay was still a mystery to everyone for Alexa was beautiful, and she was just the perfect bride for Anthony.  “What’s wrong with my hair?” Gabriella asked, turning to the mirror.  "You don’t like it?”  "It’s not well parted,” Alexa chipped “And I fear it’s not tight enough, the pins are sticking out,”  Perry looked as if surprised by the revelation. “Sticking out?” she asked “where?” trying to find if any pin was actually sticking out but she found none. These girls obviously just wanted trouble. "I don’t see no pin sticking out,” she said after inspecting it.  " I don’t expect you to,” Alexa looked mockingly at Perry. “You see, you’re getting married to my brother,” April said “Not just that, you’re about to become a Miller. You're supposed to be perfect,” then she frowned “Fortune is about to smile on you and you did not even work for it. You have to be the happiest woman in the world today, so show it,” Gabriella definitely heard jealousy in April’s voice. She glanced at her friend Perry and Perry gave her a look that suggested she heard it too.  She was saved from answering by a knock on the door.  "The door is open,” Perry shouted. Gabriella had never been so pleased to see her brother Maxwell. He looked absolutely stunning in his black tux. It was the first time he would be in one and even Perry could not help but pass him a compliment.  "You look amazing Max,” She said. “Thank you Perry, so do you” Then he turned to the Miller sisters and gave a mock bow. “You look beautiful,” he said to Gabriella, she could see from his face that he wasn’t too happy himself “Its time.” he said. 
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