27. Sisters and Duties

1786 Words

Greta Lovelace "Acribus Lucem!" A searing ray of light burst from the tip of my wand. I stood up, scrambling away from Vladimir as he tried dismembering me with his claws. My heart made a racket inside my chest as I waited for the spell I had just cast to dissipate. Vladimir groaned as he was pushed back and sent flying through the air by the force of the searing light spell. "What are you doing, Vladimir?!" I screamed, jolting him awake from his trance. His back hit the wall, and the things on top of my dresser cluttered to the floor, rattling. Mel the terrible squealed and thrashed inside her cage, but I could not get to her now. As soon as my eyes adjusted to the sudden change in brightness, I saw Vladimir standing up in front of my bed, eyes wide and glazed. He was trembling and h

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